Slope stability (Soil & Rock)
Recent papers in Slope stability (Soil & Rock)
Questa guida è indirizzata a tutti gli utenti del codice SSAP che desiderano avere una panoramica completa delle possibilità di impiego offerte dal programma. In particolare essa è rivolta ai professionisti e tecnici che possiedono già un... more
The Slope Stability Analysis Program (SSAP version 4.9.9 - 2019), is the first full freeware application for LEM implementing a series of characteristics usually available today only in commercial software. SSAP has been developed during... more
To exactly implement the non-linear Hoek–Brown shear strength reduction in slope stability calculations, three aspects of the problem are considered. Firstly, the normal and shear stress relationship of the generalized Hoek–Brown... more
On the 9 th October 1963 a catastrophic landslide suddenly occurred on the southern slope of the Vajont dam reservoir. A mass of approximately 270 million m 3 collapsed into the reservoir generating a wave which overtopped the dam and hit... more
Remote monitoring of slope movement using electronic instrumentation can be an effective approach for many unstable or potentially unstable slopes. Water levels can be observed using vibrating wire piezometers. Movements and deformation... more
SSAP2010 is a complete freeware software for checking the stability of natural and artificial slopes or with reinforcing elements. SSAP2010 provides users with a set of original tools able to perform in-depth stability checks using only... more
ABSTRACT Homeowners who live near or on steep slopes of the Traverse Mountains along the Wasatch front in southern Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) are at risk where development of “master-planned communities” has been permitted on known... more
SSAP2010 is a complete freeware software for checking the stability of natural and artificial slopes or with reinforcing elements. SSAP2010 provides users with a set of original tools able to perform in-depth stability checks using only... more
A 1225 m long, 35 m high zone earth filled embankment was being constructed from 1981 to 1984 from a British Regional Water Authority to regulate flows in the River Derwent in England. The Carsington Dam was planned to be one of the... more
Use of numerical modelling for back analysis of slope failure can provide a valuable insight into the underlying failure mechanisms and improve our understanding of factors controlling instability and geomorphology of slopes. This paper... more
APLIKASI GEOCOMPOSITE SEBAGAI DINDING PENAHAN TANAH PADA LERENG JALAN LABUAN-MALIGANO DI PULAU BUTON Darwis Panguriseng (Dosen Teknik Sipil Unismuh Makassar) 1. Konsep Perkuatan Tanah Perkuatan tanah merupakan salah satu metode atau... more
In this study, it was aimed at evaluating the slope stability conditions in a residential area exposed to two landslides in the past by using two-and three-dimensional limit equilibrium analyses. Two separate, but interdependent,... more
Measures the amount of friction that keeps a block from moving when a shear force is applied.
The present paper investigates the stability condition of excavated slopes along new 3 rd line on Barkhera-Budni track on Bhopal-Itarsi rail route of West-Central Railway. The entire length of track alignment falls in the Deccan Plateau... more
application form First Name Koko Last Name Hermawan Academic Title M.Eng Gender Male Key Words rock slope stability, weak plane, finite element method LRER 2014 Beijing China 2
Στην εργασία ουτή διερευνάται η ευστάθεια των πρανών της κοιλάδας Κarοκαλίοu-Αλμυρής(Ν. Κορινθίας). Εντοπίστηκανυπάρxovτα προβλήματααστοχιών κοι προτείνονται μέτρα πρόληψης ή αναχοίτησης φαινομένων κατολισθήσεωνκαι γε νικότερων οστοχιών... more
This study combines novel and previously published data to create a new method of estimating anisotropic rock-mass strength in three dimensions that considers both the orientation and the non-persistence of multiple joint sets. Equations... more
In-situ soil slopes are often reinforced with nails to improve their static and seismic performance. To evaluate the stability of slope, usually two-dimensional analysis on limit equilibrium methods (LEMs) are implement in the field of... more
This paper deal with analysis of slopes using fuzzy theory for determining slope stability. Assessment of probability of failure of slope by finding equilibrium by fuzzy set theory.
SSAP2010 is a complete freeware software for checking the stability of natural and artificial slopes or with reinforcing elements. SSAP2010 provides users with a set of original tools able to perform in-depth stability checks using only... more