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Some instability problems of cutting slopes were found along the main road alignment between Bandung and Majalengka, which is mostly lying on high slaking claystones. The main objective of this paper is to establish the findings of the... more
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityEngineering GeologyRock Slope Engineering
Rock mass characterization requires a deep geometric understanding of the discontinuity sets affecting rock exposures. Recent advances in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) instrumentation currently allow quick and accurate 3D data... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesRock MechanicsLiDAR
The shear stresses generated in an excavated rock slope are usually very low in comparison with the shear strength of the intact rock material. However, existing discontinuities such as bedding and cleavage planes and joints, in rock... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringSlope StabilityLandslides
Dalam analisis stabilitas lereng terdapat banyak metode yang dapat digunakan, salah satu metode yang sangat popular hingga saat ini yaitu metode kesetimbangan batas. Metode kesetimbangan batas yang sering digunakan adalah metode Bishop,... more
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      Mining EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringGeomechanicsSlope Stability
Metode Bishop mengabaikan gaya gesek antar irisan dan kemudian mengasumsikan bahwa gaya normal cukup untuk mendefinisikan gaya- gaya antar irisan. (Bishop, 1955). Gaya normal di dasar dan tiap irisan ditentukan dengan menjumlahkan gaya-... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSlope StabilityRock Slope Engineering
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringSlope StabilitySlope stability (Soil & Rock)
(attenzione questa e' una versione obsoleta del Manuale - scaricare la versione piu' recente su researchgate o diretamente dal sito web ufficiale ) SSAP2010 è il risultato di lungo lavoro di sviluppo iniziato... more
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      Slope StabilityEngineering GeologyReinforced soil walls and slopesRock Slope Engineering
Nearly 30 m high rock slope construction was necessary in soft rock condition during the construction of main road No. 21 in Hungary. Using rock mechanical laboratory test results, two different empirical rock classes (Slope Mass... more
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      Rock MechanicsRock EngineeringRock Slope Engineering
Limestone hill are natural beauty due to their unique landscape and features of karst terrain. However, the hill may also pose danger to properties and human due to the instability of slope. Thus, the main objective of this study was to... more
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      Slope StabilityEngineering GeologyLimestoneRock Slope Engineering
A number of guidelines for the field estimate of intact rock strength are available. Although all vary slightly in terms of the boundaries of the strength classes, they generally rely on reaction to a number of simple index tests. The... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringSlope StabilityEngineering Geology
SSAP2010 is a complete freeware software for checking the stability of natural and artificial slopes or with reinforcing elements. SSAP2010 provides users with a set of original tools able to perform in-depth stability checks using only... more
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      Reinforced soil slopeVegetation Effects on Slope Hydrology and StabilitySlope stability (Soil & Rock)Rock Slope Engineering
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      Rock MechanicsRock Slope EngineeringGeoteknikTeknik Pertambangan
During the past centuries, more methods with many involved imperfections and limitations in various conditions suggested for slopes stability analysis specially based on different rock mass classification systems. However, RMi (rock mass... more
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      Slope StabilityRock Slope Engineering
SSAP2010 is a complete freeware software for checking the stability of natural and artificial slopes or with reinforcing elements. SSAP2010 provides users with a set of original tools able to perform in-depth stability checks using only... more
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityReinforced soil walls and slopesSlope stability (Soil & Rock)
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringRock MechanicsGeomechanics
This study proposes a method to determine zones gentler or steeper than the equilibrium slope angle based on rock mass strength (RMS) and to regionalize the parameters. The method was developed using GIS and applied to rock masses of the... more
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      Geomorphological approach for earthquake-induced landslidesRock Slope EngineeringSlope Stability and LandslidesLandslide hazard and risk assessment
Slope Mass Rating (SMR) is a widely used rock mass classification intended to characterize and classify rocky slopes. It is based on basic Rock Mass Rating (RMRb), and is obtained by subtracting a factorial correction factor depending on... more
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityTunnel EngineeringRock Slope Engineering
In this study, it was aimed at evaluating the slope stability conditions in a residential area exposed to two landslides in the past by using two-and three-dimensional limit equilibrium analyses. Two separate, but interdependent,... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSlope StabilityApplied GeologyLandslides
Debris avalanches produced from the collapse of volcanic edifices are destructive events that involve volumes up to two orders of magnitude larger (cubic kilometer) than most non-volcanic rock and debris avalanches. We replicate the... more
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      Slope StabilityLandslidesDebris FlowsRock Slope Engineering
Various classification systems for slope stability are discussed.
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityLandslidesRock Engineering
Measures the amount of friction that keeps a block from moving when a shear force is applied.
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      Reinforced soil slopeSlope StabilitySlope stability (Soil & Rock)Slope
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      Civil EngineeringRock MechanicsGeomechanicsGeological Engineering
el cual está conformado por rocas antiguas, algunas sometidas a un alto grado de metamorfismo, por las intrusiones de varios plutones graníticos del Mesozoico. Ellas son, el "Neis de Bucaramanga (PDb)", el "Plutón de La Corcova (Rcl)", y... more
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      Reinforced soil walls and slopesRock Slope EngineeringLateral Earth Pressure
The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) in geosciences is often aimed at the acquisition of an image sequence to produce digital models and orthopho-tographs of the topographic surface. The technology can be applied for... more
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      Remote SensingNumerical ModelingNatural HazardsSlope Stability
In this paper, a framework of generating a rockfall hazard map based on the existing rockfall database and GIS is described. Various factors have been incorporated into the logistic regression analysis, including geology, slope angle,... more
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      Rock Slope EngineeringRockfall AnalysisRockfall Hazard AssessmentGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
، ‫ﻋﺒﺪاﻟﻤﺎﻟﻜﻲ‬ ‫آروﻳﻦ‬ 2 ، ‫ﻣﺴﻌﻮد‬ ‫اﺣﻤﺪوﻧﺪ‬ 3 ، ‫ﻗﺪﻣﻲ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﻣﺪ‬ 4 ‫زﻳﺴﺖ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻴﻂ‬ ‫و‬ ‫ﻋﻤﺮان‬ ‫ﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳﻲ‬ ‫داﻧﺸﻜﺪه‬ ‫اﺳﺘﺎد‬ ، ‫داﻧﺸﮕﺎه‬ ‫اﻣﻴﺮﻛﺒﻴﺮ‬ ‫ﺻﻨﻌﺘﻲ‬ 1 ‫ﻋﻤﺮان‬ ‫ﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳﻲ‬ ‫داﻧﺸﻜﺪه‬ ‫ﭘﻲ‬ ‫و‬ ‫ﺧﺎك‬ ‫ﻣﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ‬ ‫ارﺷﺪ‬ ‫ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ‬ ‫داﻧﺸﺠﻮي‬ ، ‫ﺗﻔﺮش‬... more
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    • Rock Slope Engineering
Expansive soils have a high tendency of swelling and shrinking behavior depending on the seasonal variations; its volume increases during a rainy season and decreases during a dry season. Due to swelling and shrinking characteristics, it... more
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      Rock Slope EngineeringSlope Stability and LandslidesGeotechnical Problems in Limestone Terrain with Emphasis on Cavities SinkholesSustainability in construction industry
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      Rock MechanicsEngineering GeologyLimestoneRock Slope Engineering
Slope failures may cause production interruption and equipment loss in addition to the potential danger for personnel. A potential instability in parts of the slopes near residential areas may result in damage on the surface utility... more
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityEngineering GeologyEngineering Geology and Geotechnical Problems
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityLandslidesGreece
Questa guida è indirizzata a tutti gli utenti del codice SSAP che desiderano avere una panoramica completa delle possibilità di impiego offerte dal programma. In particolare essa è rivolta ai professionisti e tecnici che possiedono già un... more
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      Slope StabilityVegetation Effects on Slope Hydrology and StabilityHydrogeology as related to slope stability and geomorphologyReinforced soil walls and slopes
The geological strength index (GSI) system is dependent on the rock block volumes and the joint surface conditions. The weathering degree of rock slopes and their strength properties also depend on these characteristics. This study thus... more
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      Civil EngineeringRock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringEngineering Geology
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      Earth SciencesSlope StabilityLandslidesInSAR
An overview is given of the influence of weathering on engineering structures in and on natural materials. Some recently developed new ideas to incorporate weathering in design are discussed. All natural materials near and sometimes also... more
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityRock weatheringChemical Weathering
In the reliability analysis of slope, the performance functions derived from the most available stability analysis procedures of slopes are usually implicit and cannot be solved by first-order second-moment approach. A new reliability... more
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      Civil EngineeringReinforced soil slopeSlope StabilityNumerical Analysis
The instability of lava deltas is a recurrent phenomenon affecting volcanic islands, which can potentially cause secondary events such as littoral explosions (due to interactions between hot lava and seawater) and tsunamis. It has been... more
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      Earth SciencesSlope StabilityLandslidesInSAR
The EGU General Assembly 2019 will take place in Vienna (Austria) on 7–12 April 2019. Session NH3.12: Landslide investigation and modelling in less developed countries ( more
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      GeophysicsRock MechanicsLow Cost TechnologyModeling and Simulation
The EGU General Assembly will take place on 8-13 April 2018 in Vienna (Austria). We would like to invite you to contribute to the following 2018 EGU SESSION: NH3.15/GI3.20/SSS13.52 Landslides in developing country: advantage and limits... more
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      GeophysicsRock MechanicsDeveloping CountriesModeling and Simulation
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      GeologyRock MechanicsGeomechanicsSlope Stability
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSlope StabilityMiningNumerical modelling in Geotechnical Engineering
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      GeologyRock Slope EngineeringSlope Stability and Landslides
Rock mass characterization requires a deep geometric understanding of the discontinuity sets affecting rock exposures. Recent advances in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) instrumentation currently allow quick and accurate 3D data... more
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      Rock MechanicsLiDARTLS, LidarMatlab Programming
At the initial stage of tunnel design, the tunnel stability can be assessed by different design techniques which are broadly classified into three categories i.e. Mathematical Analysis, Empirical Methods and Numerical Analysis.... more
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      GeologyRock Slope Engineering
SSAP2010 is a complete freeware software for checking the stability of natural and artificial slopes or with reinforcing elements. SSAP2010 provides users with a set of original tools able to perform in-depth stability checks using only... more
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      Reinforced soil slopeLandslidesReinforced soil walls and slopesSlope stability (Soil & Rock)
41 500 simulated trajectories may potentially reach or cross this tract of the road. Based on these data, limited protection measures were suggested. The combined use of RPAS data, fused with ground GPS points, an accurate... more
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      GeologyRemote SensingNumerical ModelingNatural Hazards
This data set gives more than 11 years of temperature and displacements recorded on and in a limestone cliff. An ex- tensive presentation of the monitoring devices and interpre- tation of data is proposed in Gasc-Barbier et al. (2021) [1]... more
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    • Rock Slope Engineering
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      Slope StabilityRock Slope Engineering
Various studies indicate that most of the slope instabilities affecting heterogeneous rock masses are related to differential weathering and erosion of the lithologies that outcrop in the slope. However, not all these rocks behave... more
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      Rock MechanicsRock weatheringRock Slope Engineering
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      Slope stability (Soil & Rock)Rock Slope Engineering