Papers by Daria D Shubina
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The article discusses the experience of applying a complex of methods of engineering geophysics (... more The article discusses the experience of applying a complex of methods of engineering geophysics (seismic exploration and electrical prospecting) in assessing landslide hazard and the opportunities of their use for engineering protection measures on the slopes of Nizhny Novgorod. The article substantiates the urgency of the problem for the slopes of Nizhny Novgorod, provides an example of research and calculations on a slope area subject to deformation due to the activation of landslide processes. The main features of the landslide formation process study on the slopes of historical natural and technical systems are presented. The experience of using the engineering geophysics methods is summarized and the prospects for their use on the studied slopes are assessed.
Рассмотрена разница в аспектах оценки сложности инженерно-геологических условий, даны методически... more Рассмотрена разница в аспектах оценки сложности инженерно-геологических условий, даны методические рекомендации по использованию комплексной количественной оценки и мер теории информации для расчета категорий сложности инженерно-геологических условий.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The article is concerned with the study of one of the reasons for the loss of the soils bearing c... more The article is concerned with the study of one of the reasons for the loss of the soils bearing capacity in the Russian architecture monuments foundations (XIV-XVII centuries). It may be caused by the formation of cavities-"bootlegs" as a result of the wooden pile destruction, namely, the soils chemical and mineralogical composition changes on the piles contours. The object of the study is the Church of St. John the Evangelist in the Kamenka village, Moscow Region. The research results can be applied to other architectural monuments of the XIV-XVII centuries. The relevance of the topic is determined by the value of the Russian architecture monuments as the cultural heritage objects.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Three-dimensional analysis is an important and actively developing area in calculating the stabil... more Three-dimensional analysis is an important and actively developing area in calculating the stability of slopes. The work was based on the results of the stability analysis of the landslide slope on the left side of the Kuban river valley above the Krasnogorsk hydropower station. The calculations were performed using the limit equilibrium methods in the three-dimensional formulation of the problem, taking into account the seismic effect. In this paper seismic effects were taken into account using the pseudostatic method. Based on the performed mathematical modelling it was shown, that direction of seismic impact changes not only the safety factor but also the spatial position of the potential landslide massif. This study proves the importance of three-dimensional calculations in the development of engineering protection measures against landslide processes.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The article is presented in the framework of the IPL-238 project. The article is concerned with s... more The article is presented in the framework of the IPL-238 project. The article is concerned with stability assessment problems of historical structures located on steep slopes of the gullies and rivers in Nizhny Novgorod City. Churches, towers, walls, and monasteries that interact with the geological environment are represented as historical natural and technical systems (HNTS). The formation and development features of slope deformations and the results of slopes’ stability calculations are described. The necessity of using modern slope stability assessment methods due to the slow but steady increase in landslide hazard for the historical and cultural heritage objects of Nizhny Novgorod, is proved. Stability calculations for the landslide-prone slopes where the Dudin and the Annunciation monasteries are located are presented.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
Infrastructure development and oil field exploitation are facing great difficulties. This is caus... more Infrastructure development and oil field exploitation are facing great difficulties. This is caused by the engineering geological conditions changing and transformation of the upper part of the section due to the anthropogenic influence. The article contains the results of researching permafrost soils conditions in the bucket-type water intake facility foundation near the Taas-Yurekh River, Yakutia, Russia (the eastern block of Srednebotuobinskoye oil/gas-condensate field). As a result of the research area engineering geological conditions analysis, the geotechnical scheme was constructed, and on the base of it the soils thawing depth mathematical modelling due to the water heating influence was performed. The soils thawing depth calculation due to the heating of the water in the reservoir was performed with the TEMP/W software of GeoStudio, which is based on the finite element method. The forecast for the end of the facility lifetime was based on the temperature measurements in the...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The article is concerned with the use of geophysical methods in engineering geological surveys on... more The article is concerned with the use of geophysical methods in engineering geological surveys on landslide-prone slopes. The article discusses research methods that allow to obtain the necessary parameters for computer simulation and based on this performing slope stability assessment. As examples the slopes within the historical natural-technical systems (HNTS) are considered as the sustainability issues are of particular importance for them.

The skipping of neotectonic studies of territories with an increasing technogenic load can lead t... more The skipping of neotectonic studies of territories with an increasing technogenic load can lead to catastrophic consequences.Research methods based on the relationship between the relief, the tectonic structure and neotectonic movements provide objective material of the relief development in neotectonic time and make it possible to separate active and passive structures to identify dislocation zones.The research was carried out in the area of the Tsimlyansk reservoir, where important engineering objects are located – power plants and the Volga-Don shipping canal. The purpose of this research is to study the latest structural plan of the territory, identify active structures, the latest deformations and determine the degree of their inheritance for planning engineering and economic activities.For the study the structural-geomorphological method (SGM) was used. It supposes the analysis of the relief in horizontal and vertical sections according to different-scale topographic maps. In addition, the method of automated search for linear image elements and the calculation of their statistical characteristics implemented in the LESSA program was involved. The initial information was the GMTED2010 digital elevation model with a resolution of 7.5 arc seconds. To determine the current geodynamic activity of the region, seismic, geodetic and geophysical data have been studied.Fracture structures according to geological and geophysical data are grouped into mutually perpendicular systems of the diagonal and common Donbass directions.As a result of the relief analysis in the study area the neotectonic structures of different levels were identified, coupled with "weak zones" (faults, rocks fracturing). The identified blocks are mosaically located on the area, the main directions of their strike are sublatitudinal, northwestern, in the east – submeridional. Ring structures and their fragments can be seen to the west of the Tsimlyansk reservoir.The lineament analysis clearly establishes the fragmentary manifestation of regional faults. The groups of local lineaments that define the modern relief have been found, most of them have directions from west to north and from north to east. This direction coincides with the general direction of regional faults. Two regional lineaments were revealed, subparallel to the ancient Losev zone and structures of the Dnieper-Donets paleorift.

Landslides in rock masses ("rocky landslides") are the separate class of slidin... more Landslides in rock masses ("rocky landslides") are the separate class of sliding processes. The major influence on such landslides have non-homogeneity (like various types and genesis of dividing surfaces (for example the fracturing)) and computation method, which is the basement for stability modelling. The object under investigation is rock slope of the river Kuban right bank. It is near the Krasnogorsk lowest hydroelectric power station. The bank consists of sandstones and siltstones. There are fractures and dislocations with a break of continuity. However, the main feature is interbedding of rocks with different strength with sub-horizontal bedding of the layers. Quantity slope stability assessment of the rock slope bases on the methods of limit equilibrium in the three-dimensional formulation of the problem using the criterion of linear anisotropic strength. There also was the consideration of the parameters influence on estimations results. These parameters are the part of the criterion of linear anisotropic strength. As a result, the identification of fracture systems is not a trivial task (in case of rocks massive with a complex structure of weakening zones). There may be two ways: 1. Generalization (unification) of crack systems with increasing dispersion of their spatial orientation. 2. Dispersion of spatial orientation of the revealed systems of cracks minimization at the expense of their quantity increase.

Developments in Sustainable Geomaterials and Environmental Geotechnics, 2021
Modeling processes of a very different nature as a rule is concerned with the problem of approxim... more Modeling processes of a very different nature as a rule is concerned with the problem of approximation, inaccuracy and incompleteness of data on the simulated system, with its uncertainty. The concept of uncertainty is closely related to the concepts of heterogeneity and variability. In this study the measure of uncertainty is the correlation distance, which is defined as the length, within which the soil mass is assumed to be homogeneous. The study and analysis of uncertainty is reduced to two tasks: the construction of the uncertainty design model with a quantitative description of various aspects and the subsequent consideration of this model in stochastic calculations. To solve these problems a random limiting equilibrium method (RLEM) was used on the example of the dam stability assessment. An analysis of the results showed that under conditions of uncertainty of geotechnical system safety factor (Fs) is not a reliable parameter characterizing the dam slopes stability. With an increase in the heterogeneity of the soils composing the dam body Fs does not change, however, the probability of destruction increases. Also, the effect of heterogeneity on the slope stability is established in this work. With an increase in heterogeneity the Fs doesn’t change, but the reliability of the dam decreases.
Procedia Engineering, 2017
Abstract The following article is related to different ways of slope stability assessment accepte... more Abstract The following article is related to different ways of slope stability assessment accepted in the Eurocodes and national codes of practice. The landslides studying history is briefly considered. The Eurocode 7 and 8 structure is described and some features of their application are listed. Differences between deterministic and probabilistic methods are shown. Examples of stability design schemes based on limiting equilibrium and also with seismic loads are given. The aspects of the slope reliability estimation using the reliability index are considered. Some disadvantages of reviewed slope stability assessment ways are listed and some recommendations for the new Codes of practice development are given.
This article describes large landslide on the left-bank slope of the Kuban River Valley, Northern... more This article describes large landslide on the left-bank slope of the Kuban River Valley, Northern Caucasus, Russia. Its evolution along with the conditions of its triggering and activation are described. Landslide that took place in 2016 was just is a partial reactivation of a much larger ancient landslide. While modern landslide was triggered by the climatic factors, slope stability assessment allows assumption that formation of the ancient landslide could be induced by seismic activity. Keywords Slope stability, landslide hazard assessment, seismically induced landslides, Northern Caucasus Introduction.

Vestnik MGSU
Introduction. At present, numerical methods enjoy widespread use in construction practice. They e... more Introduction. At present, numerical methods enjoy widespread use in construction practice. They enable performing and analyzing complex non-linear, multi-factor models without excessive analytical procedures. However, as a rule, the most complex tasks, performed in a three-dimensional setting with account taken of physical, geometric and other nonlinearities, are performed in deterministic formulations without the analysis of the stochastic nature of physical processes. This seems particularly strange, given that numerical methods are well-suited for modeling stochastic processes. Numerical probabilistic and statistical approaches (PSA) can be applied to simulate and take into consideration various spatiotemporal aspects of the probabilistic nature of loads and forces, structural system resistances, materials and geological terrains. Even the most advanced numerical models of deterministic physical systems are merely a specific case of probabilistic and statistical modeling: they en...

Developments in Sustainable Geomaterials and Environmental Geotechnics, 2021
Modeling processes of a very different nature as a rule is concerned with the problem of approxim... more Modeling processes of a very different nature as a rule is concerned with the problem of approximation, inaccuracy and incompleteness of data on the simulated system, with its uncertainty. The concept of uncertainty is closely related to the concepts of heterogeneity and variability. In this study the measure of uncertainty is the correlation distance, which is defined as the length, within which the soil mass is assumed to be homogeneous. The study and analysis of uncertainty is reduced to two tasks: the construction of the uncertainty design model with a quantitative description of various aspects and the subsequent consideration of this model in stochastic calculations. To solve these problems a random limiting equilibrium method (RLEM) was used on the example of the dam stability assessment. An analysis of the results showed that under conditions of uncertainty of geotechnical system safety factor (Fs) is not a reliable parameter characterizing the dam slopes stability. With an ...
Путь и путевое хозяйство, 2021
Статья посвящена оценке устойчивости склонов методами предельного равновесия и методом конечных э... more Статья посвящена оценке устойчивости склонов методами предельного равновесия и методом конечных элементов при трехмерной постановке задачи. В качестве объекта исследовании выбран участок Сахалинской железной дороги на перегоне Пугачеве—Макаров, подверженный опасности активизации оползневых процессов. Полученные результаты хорошо корродируются с состоянием, в котором находится склон, однако при сопоставлении трехмерных расчетов методами предельных равновесий и конечных элементов наблюдается неопределенность. связанная с конфигурацией оползневого тела в плане.
Разведка и охрана недр, 2020
В Московском регионе развиты блоковые оползни, значительные по площади и с большой глубиной захв... more В Московском регионе развиты блоковые оползни, значительные по площади и с большой глубиной захвата, смещение которых связано с верхнеюрскими глинами. Оползни характеризуются преимущественно регрессивным (вглубь склона) характером развития и длительными (сотни лет) периодами медленных (1-30 см/год) деформаций, сменяющихся периодами их активизации со смещениями в несколько метров и более. Активизация этих оползней угрожает многим сооружениям, в т.ч. ряду древних храмов, некоторые из которых признаны объектами культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
The article is concerned with the use of geophysical methods in engineering geological surveys on... more The article is concerned with the use of geophysical methods in engineering geological surveys on landslideprone slopes. The article discusses research methods that allow to obtain the necessary parameters for computer simulation and based on this performing slope stability assessment. As examples the slopes within the historical naturaltechnical systems (HNTS) are considered as the sustainability issues are of particular importance for them.
Threedimensional analysis is an important and actively developing area in calculating the stabili... more Threedimensional analysis is an important and actively developing area in calculating the stability of slopes. The work was based on the results of the stability analysis of the landslide slope on the left side of the Kuban river valley above the Krasnogorsk hydropower station. The calculations were performed using the limit equilibrium methods in the threedimensional formulation of the problem, taking into account the seismic effect. In this paper seismic effects were taken into account using the pseudostatic method. Based on the performed mathematical modelling it was shown, that direction of seismic impact changes not only the safety factor but also the spatial position of the potential landslide massif. This study proves the importance of threedimensional calculations in the development of engineering protection measures against landslide processes.
The article summarizes the experience of processing and interpreting the data of engineering seis... more The article summarizes the experience of processing and interpreting the data of engineering seismic survey performed for the state of the soil railway embankment studying in permafrost. The engineering-geological prerequisites for the use of seismic survey are considered, factors affecting the roadbed deformation are indicated. According to seismic data, the embankment was divided into layers, the seismic properties of the soils (the velocities of P- and S- waves) were determined.
Papers by Daria D Shubina