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Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a severe disease of cattle that causes a broad spectrum of economic losses. The purpose of this study is to shed light on some physiological changes that may occur in the infected Egyptian local cows, including... more
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      CoworkingSkin Lesion DiagnosisRedox BalanceLumpy Skin disease
This paper proposes a content-based image retrieval system for skin lesion images as a diagnostic aid. The aim is to support decision making by retrieving and displaying relevant past cases visually similar to the one under examination.... more
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      Content-Based Image RetrievalSkin Lesion DiagnosisTexture Analysis
This paper presents a seed finding method for region growing segmentation approach using color channel energy in image regions. Instead of using the RGB system separated for each pixel, the proposal uses the energy on each color channel... more
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      Medical Image ProcessingImage segmentationSkin Lesion DiagnosisSeed Region Growing
This paper shows that adding 3D depth information to RGB colour images improves segmentation of pigmented and non-pigmented skin lesion. A region-based active contour segmentation approach using a statistical model based on the level-set... more
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      Image segmentationSkin Lesion Diagnosis
Ovine herpesvirus 2(OvHV-2) was recently isolated from unusual symptomatically infected native sheep in Egypt, 2013. The isolated virus was characterized as herpesvirus with negative staining and positive staining electron microscopy... more
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      Electron MicroscopyHerpes and HerpesvirusesTransmission Electron MicroscopyVirus
We propose a system for describing skin lesions images based on a human perception model. Pigmented skinlesions including melanoma and other types of skin cancer as well as non-malignant lesions are used. Works onclassification of skin... more
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      Skin Lesion DiagnosisFuzzy description logics
40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research (SCUR) 6th Joint Meeting with the Society for Skin Structure Research (SSSR, Japan) 12–14 May 2013 SALZBURG, AUSTRIA* * Editors: H. HINTNER, J.W. BAUER, A.... more
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      Electron MicroscopyDermatologyTransmission Electron MicroscopyMedicine
Skin lesion segmentation and classification are crucial processes due to the visual resemblance among the benign and melanoma lesions. Robust and effective skin lesion classification is a major task to attain proficient skin lesion... more
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      Image ClassificationSegmentationSkin Lesion DiagnosisDermoscopic images
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      Regional AnesthesiaSkin Lesion DiagnosisCheekteethRestorative dentistry
Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a lymphoproliferative multisystemic fatal syndrome of many domestic and wild animals. The present study was conducted on animals of different species (cattle, buffalos and sheep). The clinical... more
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      Veterinary MedicineElectron MicroscopyMolecular BiologyHerpes and Herpesviruses
An 8-year-old boy went in my private dental practice for a control of a deciduous tooth. The child is in good general health and the parents did not report any health problems. The deciduous element in the right jawbone was extremely... more
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      Regional AnesthesiaSkin Lesion DiagnosisCheekteethRestorative dentistry
Dermoscopy technique is widely used for image acquisition in diagnosis of skin cancer. Artefacts such as air bubbles, ruler markings and hair which are covering skin affect the segmentation process. To improve the accuracy of... more
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      Image ProcessingSkin Lesion DiagnosisDermoscopyContrast Enhancement
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      Molecular BiologyHerpes and HerpesvirusesScanning Electron MicroscopyInfectious Diseases
A tropical forest is a hostile environment for humans. The military physician supporting these immersion activities must cope with varied clinical situations with limited resources to reduce operational unavailability. This article... more
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      Sports MedicineTropical MedicineWound HealingEmergency Management
This paper gives an example of evolved features that improve image retrieval performance. A content-based image retrieval system for skin lesion images is presented. The aim is to support decision making by retrieving and displaying... more
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      Evolutionary algorithmsContent-Based Image RetrievalSkin Lesion Diagnosis
A bovine herpes viru-2 (BHV-2) was recently isolated for the first time from a cow with generalized BHV-2 infection which is called pseudo-lumpy skin disease. The isolated virus was identified with negative staining electron microscope... more
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      Veterinary MedicineElectron MicroscopyMolecular BiologyHerpes and Herpesviruses
Skin lesions of Holstein cattle, native breeds of sheep and dromedary camels suspected to be caused by ovine herpesvirus 2(OvHV-2) was investigated by isolation, identification and confirmation. Isolation was performed in Madden Derby... more
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      Veterinary MedicineEpidemiologyElectron MicroscopyHerpes and Herpesviruses
Fifty-six mice were classified into four groups; Group A (control group, n=8), Group B (exposure group, n=16), Group C (n=16) treated with sunscreen 15 minutes before UVB irradiations and group D (n=16) sunscreen treated 60 minutes before... more
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      Veterinary PathologySkin Lesion DiagnosisUVB radiation
Photodamage, induced by femtosecond laser radiation, was studied in thick samples of human skin tissue (healthy skin and neoplastic lesions). Photobleaching, photoionization, and thermomechanical damage effects were characterized... more
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      Multiphoton MicroscopyFemtosecond LaserPhotoionizationBiophotonics