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We propose a system for describing skin lesions images based on a human perception model. Pigmented skinlesions including melanoma and other types of skin cancer as well as non-malignant lesions are used. Works onclassification of skin lesions already exist but they mainly concentrate on melanoma. The novelty of our work isthat our system gives to skin lesion images a semantic label in a manner similar to humans. This work consists of two parts: first we capture they way users perceive each lesion, second we train a machine learning system thatsimulates how people describe images. For the first part, we choose 5 attributes: colour (light to dark), colouruniformity (uniform to non-uniform), symmetry (symmetric to non-symmetric), border (regular to irregular),texture (smooth to rough). Using a web based form we asked people to pick a value of each attribute for eachlesion. In the second part, we extract 93 features from each lesions and we trained a machine learning algorithmusing such features as input and the values of the human attributes as output. Results are quite promising,especially for the colour related attributes, where our system classifies over 80% of the lesions into the samesemantic classes as humans.
kin cancer is considered one of the most common type of cancer in several countries. Due to the difficulty and subjectivity in the clinical diagnosis of skin lesions, Computer-Aided Diagnosis systems are being developed for assist experts to perform more reliable diagnosis. The clinical analysis and diagnosis of skin lesions relies not only on the visual information but also on the context information provided by the patient. This work addresses the problem of pigmented skin lesions detection from smartphones captured images. In addition to the features extracted from images, patient context information was collected to provide a more accurate diagnosis. The experiments showed that the combination of visual features with context information improved final results. Experimental results are very promising and comparable to experts.
Melanoma is the maximal destructive type of skin disease. Occurrence ratios of melanoma seemed expanding, particularly with non-Hispanic white guys and females, however durability values are more whenever identified early. Requirement of cost as well as time for the imates to go for dermatologist for melanoma are restrictively exorbitant. Test in actualizing such a framework is finding the derma sore in the computerized picture. An arrangement of agent surface appropriations are found out from an enlightenment remedied photo and surface peculiarity metric is ascertained for every circulation. Melanoma represents around 75% of passings related with skin tumor. The fundamental objective of our work is to build up a structure that naturally right and section the skin injury from an information photo. This philosophy utilizes surface peculiarity injury division fluffy calculation to distinguish the injuries in the skin. The upside of this undertaking is early recognition of the sore to ...
Skin Research and Technology, 2007
Background/purpose-Clinically, it is difficult to differentiate the early stage of malignant melanoma and certain benign skin lesions due to similarity in appearance. Our research uses image analysis of clinical skin images and relative color-based pattern recognition techniques to enhance the images and improve differentiation of these lesions. Methods-First, the relative color images were created from digitized photographic images. Then, they were segmented into objects and morphologically filtered. Next, the relative color features were extracted from the objects to form two different feature spaces; a lesion feature space and an object feature space. The two feature spaces serve as two data models to be analyzed to determine the best features. Finally, we used a statistical analysis model of relative color features, which better classifies the various types of skin lesions. Results/conclusions-The best features found for differentiation of melanoma and benign skin lesions from this study are area, mean in the red and blue bands, standard deviation in the red and green bands, skewness in the green band, and entropy in the red band. With the relative color feature algorithm developed, the best results were obtained with a multi-layer perceptron neural network model. This showed an overall classification success of 79%, with 70% of the benign lesions successfully classified, and 86% of malignant melanoma successfully classified. Keywords skin lesion; melanoma; relative color features; image classification; pattern recognition; CVIPtools MALIGNANT MELANOMA, with 59,940 new cases and 7110 deaths in the US estimated in 2007 (1), is easily cured if detected at an early stage. To the total of 59,940 new cases of melanoma, we can add an estimated 48,290 cases of melanoma in situ, a number growing at 15% per year in some countries (2). Unfortunately, the accuracy of physicians in diagnosing melanoma in the clinic is not high. In a recent study, general practitioners had a sensitivity and specificity for detection of melanoma of 62% and 63%, while dermatologists had a corresponding sensitivity and specificity of 80% and 60% (3). Dermoscopy examination can improve melanoma diagnostic accuracy (4). Although digital analysis of dermoscopic images gives more accurate results than digital analysis of clinical images (5), there may be a role for analysis of clinical lesions, as combining clinical and dermoscopic examinations has improved melanoma diagnostic accuracy (4). In this project, automatic classification of
Skin diseases cases are increasing on a daily basis and are difficult to handle due to the global imbalance between skin disease patients and dermatologists. Skin diseases are among the top 5 leading cause of the worldwide disease burden. To reduce this burden, computer-aided diagnosis systems (CAD) are highly demanded. Single disease classification is the major shortcoming in the existing work. Due to the similar characteristics of skin diseases, classification of multiple skin lesions is very challenging. This research work is an extension of our existing work where a novel classification scheme is proposed for multi-class classification. The proposed classification framework can classify an input skin image into one of the six non-overlapping classes i.e., healthy, acne, eczema, psoriasis, benign and malignant melanoma. The proposed classification framework constitutes four steps, i.e., pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. Different image processin...
Journal of Bioengineering and Biomedical Science, 2014
During the last years, computer vision-based diagnosis systems have been widely used in several hospitals and dermatology clinics, aiming mostly at the early detection of malignant melanoma tumor, which is among the most frequent types of skin cancer, versus other types of non-malignant cutaneous diseases. The mortality rate can be decreased by earlier detection of suspicious lesions and better prevention. The aim of this paper is to propose an interpretable classification method for skin tumors in dermoscopic images based on shape descriptors. This work presents a fuzzy rule based classifier to discriminate a melanoma. An adaptive Neuro Fuzzy inference System (ANFIS) is applied in order to discover the fuzzy rules leading to the correct classification. In the first step of the proposed work, we apply the Dullrazor technique to reduce the influence of small structures, hairs, bubbles, light reflexion. In the second step, an unsupervised approach for lesion segmentation is proposed. Iterative thresholding is applied to initialize level set automatically. In this paper, we have also treated the necessity to extract all the specific attributes used to develop a characterization methodology that enables specialists to take the best possible diagnosis. For this purpose, our proposal relies largely on visual observation of the tumor while dealing with some characteristics such as color, texture or form. The method used in this paper is called ABCD. It requires calculating 4 factors: Asymmetry (A), Border (B), Color (C) and Diversity (D). These parameters are used to construct a classification module based on ANFIS for the recognition of malignant melanoma. Finally, we compare the results of classification obtained by ANFIS with SVM (support vector machine) and artificial neural network, and discuss how these results may influence in the following steps: the feature extraction and the final lesion classification. This framework has been tested on a dermoscopic database of 320 images. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective in improving the interpretability of the fuzzy classifier while preserving the model performances at a satisfactory level.
The main purpose of Intelligent systems is to reason, calculate and perceive relationships and analogies. These Intelligent systems learn from experience and retrieve information from memory and provide the same to the users based onss their requirement. Currently, there is a trend for the use of intelligent systems in health informatics. The main objective of this is to improve quality, efficiency and availability of health services to people round the clock at a lower cost. Intelligent systems aim to predict and diagnose the skin cancer and abrasions based on their images. It understands the cause and thereby analyses the image based on some of the image processing techniques like patterns, anisotropic diffusion, image editing, independent component analysis and image restoration. We make use of image processing software which captures the image and then converts it to digital form and perform the required manipulations.
… 2003. Book of Abstracts. ACS/IEEE …, 2003
This paper deals with developing methods for an objective and cost-efficient tool for diagnosing skin lesions based on digitized dermatoscopic color images. We define a segmentation approach by fuzzy region growing applied to the Karhunen-Loève transform of the RGB color vectors to separate pigmented lesion from the surrounding healthy skin. Then, a set of 14 characteristics of the lesion, represented by a set of numbers called feature scores, is extracted from the binary mask of the lesion deduced by the segmentation step. The quality of the features is evaluated by applying several feature selection methods in order to eliminate redundant information and accelerate the further classification step. Results show that most of selection methods allow to reduce the feature set to dimension five, what permits to reduce considerably calculation time, without significant loss of information. Feeding the selected features to a multi-layer perceptron classifier allows to generate a computerized diagnosis, suggesting whether the lesion is benign or malignant. With this approach, for reasonably balanced training/testing sets, we obtain above 77% correct classification of the malignant and benign tumors on real skin images.
In this paper we discuss computer-aided diagnosing and classification of melanoid skin lesions. The main goal of our research was to elaborate and to promote via Internet a new skin lesion diagnostic computer system. Its functionality and structure is described briefly in this report. In the current version of the system, five learning models are implemented to simultaneously supply five independent, partial results.
Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia, 2023
RIEV, Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos / International Journal on Basque Studies, 2018
הרמנוייטיקה של סוד, שתיקה דתית ושכחת-הדיאלוג בפולמוס בין מרטין בובר לבין פראנץ רוזנצווייג על ההלכה, 2020
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Fertility and Sterility, 2011
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2004
Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry, 2014
Contemporary Practices Art Journal, volume XV, 2014
Genome Announcements, 2015
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