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The Frege-Geach problem is one of the most famous and important issues in ethics of the last century. There were several significant attempts to solve the Frege-Geach problem. One of the most influential attempts was made by Simon... more
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      NoncognitivismFrege-Geach problemMark SchroederMoral Non-Cognitivism
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
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      EthicsKantPhilosophical ScepticismAristotle
No es sólo en nuestras horas más bajas cuando sentimos que la ética está amenazada por el escepticismo, el relativismo, la hipocresía y el nihilismo. Acciones tales como dar caridad, cumplir con nuestro deber o reivindicar nuestros... more
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      MoralFilosofíaÉticaSimon Blackburn
In S.Kirchin, ed., Thick and Thin Concepts, OUP 2013, pp.182-196.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaethicsMoral Philosophy
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
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      EthicsKantMeta-EthicsPhilosophical Scepticism
Uma definição sustentável de libertismo é a seguinte: doutrina metaética que sustenta que o ser humano dispõe de livre-arbítrio num mundo natural que é, em si mesmo, libertista ou indeterminista, isto é, não se rege por leis necessárias... more
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      Compatibilism and incompatibilismLibertinismFilosofia AnaliticaSimon Blackburn
It is necessary to underline the errors of Blackburn: he confuses determinism with fatalism or with determinism in a world without free will. Determinism does not excludes necessarily free will. An action can be the end of a causal chain,... more
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      Free WillFree will and determinism debateSimon Blackburn
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyMoral Psychology
Was Nietzsche a nihilist? Yes, because, like J. L. Mackie, he was an error-theorist about morality, including the elitist morality to which he himself subscribed. But he was variously a diagnostician, an opponent and a survivor of certain... more
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      Meta-EthicsFriedrich NietzscheNihilismBertrand Russell
Hume appeals to a mysterious mental process to explain how to world appears to possess features that are not present in sense perceptions, namely causal, moral, and aesthetic properties. He famously writes that the mind spreads itself... more
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      PerceptionDavid HumeObjectivism (Philosophy)Noncognitivism
sur Simon Blackburn
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    • Simon Blackburn
Deus e a questão do mal
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      TheodicyDoctrine of GodProblem of EvilRichard Swinburne
Expressivism is a metaethical thesis about the function and structure of moral language. Whereas descriptive claims like ‘grass is green’ express truth-apt propositions, expressivism supposes that moral claims express non-cognitive mental... more
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      MetaethicsExpressivismFrege-Geach problemMark Schroeder
Let me start with two claims: 1) I am a moral nihilist, 2) so was Nietzsche. The first claim is not particularly controversial. Absent brain injury or massive self-deception, I am the best authority on what I believe, and I can assure you... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceFriedrich NietzscheNihilism
However, not all attitudes are so easily classifiable. In many cases we might find ourselves unable to tell whether someone's attitude is approvable or condemnable from the moral standpoint. Does this imply that, in such situations, our... more
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      SocratesRelativismMetaethicsDonald Davidson
What is eliminativism? It is the group of theories and the philosophical attitude that suppress any part of reality or any knowledge structure. Simon Blackburn dissociates wrongly scepticism from eliminativism.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical ScepticismEliminativismSimon Blackburn
Critics argue that non-cognitivism cannot adequately account for the existence and nature of some thick moral concepts. They use the existence of thick concepts as a lever in an argument against non-cognitivism, here called the Thick... more
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      Value TheoryMetaethicsJohn McDowellNon-cognitivism
Simon Blackburn has not shied away from the use of vivid imagery in developing, over a long and prolific career, a large-scale philosophical vision. Here one might think, for instance, of 'Practical Tortoise Raising' or 'Ramsey's Ladder'... more
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      EthicsPragmatismEthical TheoryMetaethics
This brief note critically assesses the central arguments in Morato’s (2014) recent contribution to the growing literature on contingent necessity-makers. In particular, I demonstrate that (i) neither of Morato’s two novel arguments... more
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      Metaphysics of ModalityContingencyMetaphysical NecessitySimon Blackburn
The paper discusses supervenience theses, particular in relation to their use in metaethics. The paper argues that most formulations of moral supervenience are false, because they illicitly assume that moral properties cannot vary... more
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      MetaethicsMoral RealismSupervenienceSimon Blackburn
What is at stake in the dispute between moral objectivism and subjectivism is how we are to give a rational grounding to ethical first principles or basic commitments. The search is for an explanation of what if anything makes any... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsMoral PsychologyJustice
There has been a great deal of discussion in the recent philosophical literature of the relationship between the minimalist theory of truth and the expressivist metaethical theory. One group of philosophers contends that minimalism and... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageReferenceTheories Of ReferenceBertrand Russell
There is a mistake, a missing of dialectics in Simon Blackburn: the contrary of objectivism is not relativism. It is subjectivism, the singular and intimate view of each person. Relativism means the theory which sustains that the truth... more
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      DialecticEthical relativismRELATIVISMOSimon Blackburn
Simon Blackburn, tenta, de modo infrutífero, distinguir eliminativismo de cepticismo no seu «Dicionário Oxford de Filosofia». E não se apercebe que há dois modos de eliminativismo: céptico e dogmático.
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      EliminativismGnoseologíaSimon Blackburncepticismo
This paper aims to investigate Allan Gibbard’s norm-expressivist account of normativity. In particular, the aim is to see whether Gibbard’s theory is able to account for the normativity of reason-claims. For this purpose, I first describe... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsNormative EthicsMeta-Ethics
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      PhysicalismSelf-KnowledgeLater WittgensteinDonald Davidson
The book will discuss and criticize the objections from Blackburn, Searle and Glock to Quine's arguments for the indeterminacy of translation, i.e., that these arguments result in a denial of first-person authority, as well as Hylton’s... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageDonald DavidsonWillard Van Orman QuineJohn R. Searle
Simon Blackburn confuses different levels, mixing genus with species of other genus, separating genus which mutually intersect. For example, quietism is not contrary to realism - in his last philosophical phase, Wittgenstein was realist... more
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      DialectologyConstructivismEliminativismAnalitical Philosophy
Many theorists of ethics sustain a division of utilitarianism in two branches: utilitarianism of Bentham and Mill and preference-utilitarianism.  It is a mistake.
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      PhilosophyDialectologyUtilitarianismJohn Stuart Mill
It is time to stop invoking narcissism in the diagnosis of so many modern ills. Self love has its virtues Mar 22nd 2014 | From the print edition Mirror, Mirror: The Uses and Abuses of SelfLove. By Simon Blackburn. Princeton University... more
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      Narcissism (Psychology)Sigmund FreudOvidDavid Hume