Sick building syndrome
Recent papers in Sick building syndrome
Indoor environmental health is now recognized as an important factor in preventing respiratory health problems in the United States. It is also a concern in Canada due to the amount of time that Canadians spend indoors because of cold... more
Current methods for analyzing bioaerosols are based on maintaining organism viability and quantifying culturability; this can result in underestimation of concentrations. A feasibility study investigated a new analytical technique that... more
Green building design is becoming broadly adopted, with one green building standard reporting over 3.5 billion square feet certified to date. By definition, green buildings focus on minimizing impacts to the environment through reductions... more
Additional index words. ferns, foliage plant, phytoremediation, sick building syndrome, volatile organic compounds Abstract. The efficiency of volatile formaldehyde removal was assessed in 86 species of plants representing five general... more
The phenomenon of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), Building Related Illness (BRI) and some other indoor related diseases have been attributed to mould and fungi exposure in the indoor environment. Despite the growing concern over mould and... more
It is generally believed that indoor air pollution, one way or another may cause indoor air complaints. However, any association between volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations and increase of indoor climate complaints, like the... more
The outbreak of a highly communicable disease, SARS, in Asia in 2003 has revealed the health risk of living in a high-density environment. To show the important connection between human health and environmental quality, this study surveys... more
The aim was to develop and validate a standardized questionnaire -the Stockholm Indoor Environment Questionnaire (SIEQ). The validation procedure was based on sociological principles and test procedures for validation. The indicators of... more
This study aimed to determine the association between indoor air quality and the prevalence of sick building syndrome (SBS) among office workers in new and old buildings in Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. A cross-sectional comparative... more
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) was identified and defined some 30 years ago and has been investigated since then, yet recently designed and constructed buildings seem to disregard both the phenomenon and the significant body of work that... more
Health and well-being are vitally important aspects of people centric building design and are the roots of productivity. Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a collection of factors that can negatively affect physical health in several ways.... more
Cleaning is a large enterprise involving a large fraction of the workforce worldwide. A broad spectrum of cleaning agents has been developed to facilitate dust and dirt removal, for disinfection and surface maintenance. The cleaning... more
Objective. Natural elements in the built healthcare environment have shown to hold potential stress-reducing properties. In order to shed light on the underlying mechanism of stress-reducing effects of nature, the present study... more
This study investigated the effect of questionnaire design on reports of sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms and environmental discomfort, in order to make informed decisions on the standardisation of SBS questionnaires. Twenty-five... more
The progress of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) research in school buildings has increased profusely in the last two decades and the interest in this area is still growing worldwide. IEQ in classrooms impacts the comfort, health, and... more
Fungal spores are ubiquitous in the environment. However, exposure levels in workplaces where mouldy materials are handled are much higher than in common indoor and outdoor environments. Spores of all tested species induced inflammation... more
Old PVC flooring materials obtained from three apartment blocks built in 1964, 1971, and 1974, respectively, have been examined in parallel with newly manufactured PVC floorings. The focus of this study was to investigate how the... more
Indoor chemistry impacts indoor air quality. A better understanding of hydroxyl radical chemistry allows us to predict some of the compounds that humans are exposed to under certain situations, even if such species cannot be readily... more
This paper demonstrates that open office noise distraction, even at the realistic level of 55 dBA, increases fatigue and has many negative effects on the performance of office work, as does a moderately warm air temperature. These... more
Fungal spores are ubiquitous in the environment. However, exposure levels in workplaces where mouldy materials are handled are much higher than in common indoor and outdoor environments. Spores of all tested species induced inflammation... more
acility managers in hospitals have a primary responsibility to provide a healthy and comfortable environment for both staff and patients. A primary care outcome for patients would be to send them home in a better health condition than... more
Gelişen teknoloji ve değişen yaşam standartları sebebiyle günümüzde insanlar vakitlerinin çoğunu ev, işyeri, okul, kreş, hastane, huzurevi gibi kapalı alanlarda geçirmektedir. Amerikan Çevre Koruma Ajansı (USEPA) verilerine göre ABD’de... more
Dry and irritated mucous membranes of the eyes and airways are common symptoms reported in office-like environments. Earlier studies suggested that indoor pollutants were responsible. We have re-evaluated, by review of the literature, how... more
In this study, the ability to produce mycotoxins during growth on artificially infested building materials was investigated for Penicillium chrysogenum, Pen. polonicum, Pen. brevicompactum, Chaetomium spp., Aspergillus ustus, Asp. niger,... more
Sick building syndrome (SBS) with an unknown etiology has led researchers to focus on the role of psychosocial factors in the work environment as well as on individual characteristics in SBS. Recent research has suggested that... more
The most crucial factors of the indoor environment performances in the museum are the staffs and visitors perception towards sick building syndrome and indoor environment quality. Besides, one of the methods used to investigate the... more
The concentration and flora of viable fungi in school environments were reviewed. Meta-regression was performed to estimate the average behaviour for each analysis. The climatic condition was a determinant of concentrations of airborne... more
The prevalence of symptoms compatible with the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) was wasured in a questionnaire study among 4 943 ofice workers. An assessment of the relation between SBS symptoms and personal, physical and psychosocial... more
Health symptoms in a random sample of 606 Rotterdam civil ser
Bu kitap hem bir kütüphane tasarlamak isteyen mimarlara, hem de bunu yapacak olan mimarlara konu uzmanı olarak destek verecek kütüphanecilere katkıda bulunması amacıyla yazılmıştır. Bu çalışmada önce bir binanın tasarım ve üretim evreleri... more
Indoor air-borne loads of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are usually significantly higher than those outdoors, and chronic exposures can cause health problems. Our previous laboratory studies have shown that the potted-plant microcosm,... more
managing director of Mycologia & Mould Worx, MSc, B.(Env. Sci.), TAE40110, examines the topic of mould exposure in healthcare facilities, and the associated duty of care for hospital facility managers and engineers. The article, published... more
The effects of mechanical vennrrlation on the sick butlding syndrome (SBS) were studied in an office budding with 2150 empbyees, where the mechanical ventrlahon and indoor air quality were commonly blamed for causing symptoms typical of... more
This paper demonstrates that open office noise distraction, even at the realistic level of 55 dBA, increases fatigue and has many negative effects on the performance of office work, as does a moderately warm air temperature. These... more
We examined the relationship between the carbonizing temperature of bamboo carbide made from Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and the removal effect of harmful gases and odorants, and the use of a bamboo charcoal as a countermeasure... more
Utvrditi proširenost pojavljivanja simptoma sindroma bolesne zgrade (SBZ) među zaposlenicima javnih institucija s područja grada Osijeka te procijeniti postoji li povezanost između učestalosti pojavljivanja pojedinih simptoma SBZ-a među... more
The sick building syndrome (SBS) is well known in Germany, too. Because reliable objective data are missing questionnaires are essential in investigations of SBS. Internationally, different questionnaires are used which often lack... more
In a group of 221 healthy employees of both sexes the relationship between neuroticism, and perceived quality of life (WHOQOL), inadequate work organization (IWO), Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and speed and accuracy of simple reaction... more
Self-reported cacosmia (i.e. feeling ill from the odour of xenobiotic substances) was studied in 151 young, healthy workers, unexposed to unpleasant odours and working in food stores without air-conditioning. Almost half (46%) of the... more