Shell Model
Recent papers in Shell Model
The SU(3) irreducible representations (irreps) are characterised by the (lambda, mu) Elliott quantum numbers, which are necessary for the extraction of the nuclear deformation, the energy spectrum and the transition probabilities. These... more
Polarized Raman spectra of nonsuperconducting SrFe 2 As 2 and superconducting K 0.4 Sr 0.6 Fe 2 As 2 ͑T c =37 K͒ microcrystals are reported. All four-phonon modes ͑A 1g + B 1g +2E g ͒ allowed by symmetry are found and identified. Shell... more
The Global Positioning System, which was commonly known by the North American implementation called GPS; the GPS fails to provide an accurate Position, Navigation, and Time (PNT) signal over the Indian region. The positional accuracy of... more
Shell model studies have been done for very neutron -rich nuclei in the range 50≤Z≤55 and 82≤N≤87. Good agreement of the theoretical level spectra with the experimental one for N=82, 83 I and Te nuclei is shown. Then the results for three... more
We present a systematic study of the electronic properties and the geometric structure of noble metal clusters X n (X = Cu, Ag, Au; =-1,0, +1; n ഛ 13 and n =20), obtained from first-principles generalized gradient approximation density... more
The 49 Ti nucleus, with two protons and one neutron hole outside the doubly magic 48 Ca, constitutes a very good test for shell-model calculations. The studies of gamma decay of 49 Ti have been previously published in many works based on... more
The majority of navigation satellite receivers operate on a single frequency. They compensate for the ionospheric delay using either an ionospheric model which typically only corrects for 50% of the delay or a thin-shell map of the... more
The core polarization charge of the E2 transition from the first excited 3/2-state to the 7/2-ground state of 41 Ca is calculated in the first-order perturbation theory by using the wave functions of a Woods-Saxon potential and compared... more
The core polarization charge of the E2 transition from the first excited 3/2-state to the 7/2-ground state of 41 Ca is calculated in the first-order perturbation theory by using the wave functions of a Woods-Saxon potential and compared... more
The knowledge of the level density as a function of excitation energy and nuclear spin is necessary for the description of nuclear reactions and in many applied areas. We discuss the level density problem as a part of the general... more
Probkmes mathbmatiques de la mCcanique/Mafhemafica/ Problems in Mechanics Note pdsenthe par hariste SANCHEZ-PALENCLA. 0764~4442/99/03290741 0 1999 AcadCmie des science&ditions scientiliques et mtdicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits r&en&.
We prove the existence of a minimizer for a nonlinearly elastic shell model which coincides to within the first order with respect to small thickness and change of metric and curvature energies with the Koiter nonlinear shell model.
We prove the existence of a minimizer for a nonlinearly elastic shell model which coincides to within the first order with respect to small thickness and change of metric and curvature energies with the Koiter nonlinear shell model.
Probkmes mathbmatiques de la mCcanique/Mafhemafica/ Problems in Mechanics Note pdsenthe par hariste SANCHEZ-PALENCLA. 0764~4442/99/03290741 0 1999 AcadCmie des science&ditions scientiliques et mtdicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits r&en&.
Feasibility study to search for the rare γ-decay mode in 12 C MIHO TSUMURA, TAKAHIRO KAWABATA, SATOSHI ADACHI, TATSUO BABA, TATSUYA FURUNO
We performed the β decay spectroscopy on 24 Si in order to study the behavior of a weakly-bound s-wave proton. The behavior of a weaklybound proton in a proton-rich nucleus is one of the interesting topics to explore exotic nuclear... more
Electron captures are amongst the most important weak interaction rates related to the dynamics of stellar core collapse. They play a key role in the gravitational collapse of the core of a massive star triggering the supernova explosion.... more
We study the classical statistical mechanics of a shell-model chain with a quartic electron-ion in- teraction in one ionic species. In order to avoid long-range interactions generated by the adiabatic treatment of the shells, we assign... more
This work presents a fully nonlinear Kirchhoff-Love shell model. In contrast with shear flexible models, our approach is based on the Kirchhoff-Love theory for thin shells, so that transversal shear deformation is not accounted for. We... more
The take into account of the three-body monopole effects can solve the spectroscopic problems involved in certain nuclear properties, for which the two body realistic interactions failed. In order to study and to understand the role of... more
In order to understand the monopole interaction effect on the single particle energies and the shell evolution, we have studied Z=51 isotopes with odd mass number in the vicinity of 132Sn mass region. We have performed some spectroscopic... more
The take into account of the three-body monopole effects can solve the spectroscopic problems involved in certain nuclear properties, for which the two body realistic interactions failed. In order to study and to understand the role of... more
The spectra of nuclides involving few valence particles or holes far from β -stability are important tools to develop our knowledge about nuclear forces and N-N interaction. In order to understand the monopole interaction effect on the... more
We report the first no-core shell model results for 48 Ca, 48 Sc and 48 T i with derived and modified two-body Hamiltonians. We use an oscillator basis with a limited hΩ range around 45/A 1/3 -25/A 2/3 = 10.5M eV and a limited model space... more
Recent results from neutrino oscillation experiments have convincingly demonstrated that neutrinos have mass and they can mix. The neutrinoless double beta ($0\ nu\ beta\ beta $) decay is the most sensitive process to determine the... more
The Gammasphere spectrometer, in conjunction with the Microball charged-particle array, was used to investigate high-spin states in 112 Te via 58 Ni( 58 Ni, 4pγ ) reactions at 240 and 250 MeV. Several smooth terminating bands were... more
Bu calismada,128,130 Te izotoplarinin iki-notrinolu cift bozunumu (2νββ) icin nukleer matris elemanlari,yuk alisverisli etkilesmeyi parcacik-desik kanalinda dikkate alarak, Tamm-Dancoff Yaklasimi’nin (TDA) eziduler teoremiyle birlikte... more
He received his Dr. Eng. in 2000 from Waseda University and is currently analyzing and developing ionospheric algorithms for Japanese MSAS program. He is a member of the MSAS Technical Review Board of JCAB. Keisuke Matsunaga is a... more
Single-frequency based Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS), the augmentation of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), broadcast estimates of vertical ionospheric delays and confidence bounds on the delay errors at... more
The presence of not yet detected intruder states in 8 Be e.g. a J = 2 + intruder at 9 M eV excitation would affect the shape of the β ∓ -delayed alpha spectra of 8 Li and 8 B. In order to test the plausibility of this assumption, shell... more
In this work we examine two recent effective shell model interactions, JUN45 and JJ4B, that have been proposed for use in the f 5/2 , p 3/2 , p 1/2 , g 9/2 model space for both protons and neutrons. We calculate a number of quantities... more
We study the cross-correlation between the spin and orbital parts of magnetic dipole transitions M 1 in both isoscalar and isovector channels. In particular, we closely examine certain cases where B(M 1) is very close to B(M 1) σ + B(M 1)... more
In calculations of isoscalar magnetic moments of odd-odd N=Z nuclei it was found that for medium to heavy mass nuclei large-scale shell model calculations yielded results which were very close to those obtained with the much simpler... more
Radioactive beam g-factor measurement of the 2 + 1 state of 132 Te. 1
Measuring the Nuclear Magnetic Octupole Moment of a Single Trapped Barium-137 Ion 1 ADAM KLECZEWSKI, NORVAL FORTSON, BORIS BLINOV, University of Washington -Recent measurements of hyperfine structure in the cesium-133 atom resolved a... more
Measuring the Nuclear Magnetic Octupole Moment of a Single Trapped Barium-137 Ion 1 ADAM KLECZEWSKI, NORVAL FORTSON, BORIS BLINOV, University of Washington -Recent measurements of hyperfine structure in the cesium-133 atom resolved a... more
Recent measurements of hyperfine structure in the cesium-133 atom resolved a nuclear magnetic octupole moment phi much larger than expected from the nuclear shell model[1]. To explore this issue further, we are undertaking an experiment... more
We report the results of an experiment in which we studied the near-yrast states in selenium isotopes approaching N = 50 following their population in multinucleon transfer reactions between a 82 Se beam and a 192 Os target. The level... more
The association behavior, critical micellization concentration (CMC), and enthalpy of demicellization (∆H demic ) of bovine β-casein were studied, for the first time by isothermal titration calorimetry, in a pH 7.0 phosphate buffer with... more
Theoretical investigation of positive parity yrast band of odd-odd 130 Pr nucleus is performed by applying the projected shell model. The present study is undertaken to investigate and verify the very recently observed side band in 130 Pr... more
My area of research is Nuclear Theoretical Physics. I have joined research in this field as M.Phil scholar in the year 2011 and now, I am Pursuing my Ph.D in the same field from University of Jammu. I have published seven research paper... more
The Hartree-Bogoliubov (HB) framework of calculations has been applied for calculating various nuclear structure quantities for 154-166 Dy mass chains. In this framework, the intrinsic quadrupole moments, the low-lying yrast states (E + 2... more
Neutronrich nuclei in the A≈100 mass region have been the subject of many experimental studies because these nuclei exhibit a competition between spherical and deformed shapes. Light neutron-rich odd neutron N=63 isotones with A≈100 can... more
Variation-after-projection (VAP) calculations in conjunction with Hartree-Bogoliubov (HB) ansatz have been carried out for A = 98-106 strontium isotopes. In this framework, the yrast spectra with J Π ≥ 10 + , B(E2) transition... more
A coherent state technique is used to generate an Interacting Boson Model (IBM) Hamiltonian energy surface which is adjusted to match a mean field energy surface. This technique allows for calculation of IBM Hamiltonian parameters,... more
The frequencies of the oscillator potential are suggested to be dependent on the state quantum numbo~rs. They may play a role of variational parameters. This procedure is applied in the shell mod~l calculation for light nuclei.
Relativistic Mean Field calculations predict that the 02 + bands of Er and Yb isotopes around N=90 and 92 have a deformation of 2 ~ 0.45 and ~ 10. This is a rather fascinating prospect since 02 + bands, which are nominally... more
In β-decay experiments on 9 C at CERN/ISOLDE the β-strength was determined to the ground state, the 12.2 MeV excited state and the Isobaric Analog State (IAS) at 14.655 MeV in 9 B. A large β-strength asymmetry is deduced for the mirror... more
In this report preliminary Geant4 simulations for the focal plane detection system of S 3 using standard, off-the-shelf, germanium and silicon detectors are described and results for various proposed schemes are given.
The γ decay of the nuclei 124,125 Ba has been investigated by means of the EUROBALL spectrometer, coupled to the DIAMANT array of charged-particle detectors, using the reaction 64 Ni + 64 Ni at E beam = 255 and 261 MeV. In the nucleus 125... more