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The transversely bianisotropic uniaxial medium considered in the present article can be obtained, e.g., by mixing metal helices with an isotropic base medium in such a way that the axes of the helices are randomly oriented but... more
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      HandednessStereochemistryDielectricsAnisotropic media
Shales are a major component of sedimentary basins, and they play a decisive role in fluid flow and seismic-wave propagation because of their low permeability and anisotropic microstructure. Shale anisotropy needs to be quantified to... more
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      GeophysicsMicrostructurePredictionSedimentary Basins
Ingenieurwerkstoffe neigen bei erh€ o ohten Temperaturen zus€ a atzlich zum elastischen Verhalten zum Kriechen oder, mit anderen Worten, man kann neben einer spontanen Werkstoffreaktion auch eine zeitabh€ a angige beobachten. Unter Ber€ u... more
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Seminarski rad - Inženjerska termodinamika, 2021
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      ThermodynamicsFluidsRocket nozzlesFluid flow
A technique allowing inversion of the shale stiffness tensor from standard logging data: sonic velocities, density, porosity and clay content is developed. The inversion is based on the effective medium theory. The testing of the... more
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An extended version of the classical Generalized Backward Euler (GBE) algorithm is proposed for the numerical integration of a three-invariant isotropic-hardening elastoplastic model for cemented soils or weak rocks undergoing mechanical... more
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      Civil EngineeringPlasticityConvergenceChemical Weathering
The Fresnel reflection coefficients R1, R2 for the planar interface between isotropic and generally bi-isotropic half spaces are studied in this communication. The functions (R1 + R2)/(1 + R1R2) and (R1-R2)/(1-R1R2) are seen to be simple... more
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      Optical physicsReflectanceElectrical And Electronic EngineeringReflection Coefficient
This paper investigates a seven-bar three-fixed-pivoted compound-joint mechanism and presents a systematic classification based on the rotatability criterion of its various types evolved from the change of link parameters. By decomposing... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringModelingMobilitySingularity
Many natural porous geological rock formations, as well as engineered porous structures, have fractal properties, i.e., they are self-similar over several length scales. While there have been many experimental and theoretical studies on... more
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      Numerical MethodAnisotropyPorosityPorous Media
The main aim of this study is to analyze fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bridge decks according to their material, cross-section, and shape geometry. Infill cell configurations of the decks (rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal, and... more
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      Materials ScienceStructural EngineeringFinite element methodArch
In most existing pavement design methods, pavements are analyzed using linear elastic multilayer theory, with the assumption that isotropic conditions are present in the structural layers of the pavement section. There are however... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceAnisotropyService Life
The amplitudes and frequency content of seismic waves propagating through anisotropic formations may be strongly distorted by directionally dependent attenuation. Here, we analyze physical-modeling measurements of the P-wave attenuation... more
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This paper investigates the effect of different conditions on the development of concrete expansions due to alkali-silica reaction (ASR), delayed ettringite formation (DEF) and their combination. The presence of products of the two... more
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      Civil EngineeringBuildingCement Concrete CompositesExpansion
Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) provides a statistical estimate of a symmetric, second-order diffusion tensor of water, , in each voxel within an imaging volume. We propose a new normal distribution, () exp(1 2 : :),... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsBiomechanicsDiffusion Tensor Imaging
The dose incurred in an anisotropic environment depends on the orientation of the astronaut's body relative to the direction of the radiation field. The fluctuations in exposure of specific organs due to astronaut orientation are... more
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      Radiation ProtectionAerospace MedicineCase StudyExposure
This article proposes the concept of anisotropy tailoring in multi-material lattices based on a mechanics-based bottom-up framework. It is widely known that isotropy in a mono-material lattice can be obtained when the microstructure has... more
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      Metamaterials3D printingAnisotropyIsotropy
For a class of bounded reference configurations that are of partially rectangular type, the linear system of magneto-elasticity in two space dimensions is considered and a polynomial decay rate of the energy as time tends to infinity is... more
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      Applied MathematicsStabilityLyapunov functionBoundary Condition
1] We present a multiple step procedure for joint modeling of surface wave group velocity dispersion curves and teleseismic receiver functions for lithospheric velocity structure. The method relies on an initial grid search for a simple... more
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The present paper concerns the formulation and the evolution of the non symmetrical growth of an avascular cancerous cell colony in an analytical mathematical fashion. Although most of the existing research considers spherical tumours,... more
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      GeometryBoundary Value ProblemIsotropy
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      GeophysicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsMigration
This paper presents some fundamental concepts of seismic anisotropy specifically those which have hexagonal symmetry (ordinarily called transversely isotropic in geophysics jargon). There were made calculations of phase and group angles... more
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      PhysicsAnisotropySeismic WavesElasticity
1Technology Cooperation Agreement: Ecopetrol SA - Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, AA 4185 Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia; Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) -Petroseismic Group, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia 2Geophysical... more
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      AnisotropySeismic WavesElasticitySymmetry
We characterize the angular polyspectra, of arbitrary order, associated with isotropic fields defined on the sphere S 2 = (x, y, z) : x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 . Our techniques rely heavily on group representation theory, and specifically on... more
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      Group RepresentationStatisticsStatistical AnalysisData Compression
In this paper, two complementary methods are introduced to analyze the sensitivity of a three-degree-of-freedom (3-DOF) translational parallel kinematic machine (PKM) with orthogonal linear joints: the Orthoglide. Although these methods... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringDesignEngineering DesignSensitivity Analysis
We review recent progresses on anomalous scaling and universality in anisotropic and homogeneous hydrodynamic turbulent flows. As a central matter, we discuss the validity and the limits of classical ideas of statistical isotropy... more
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      Applied MathematicsPhysicsTurbulenceAnisotropy
1Technology Cooperation Agreement: Ecopetrol SA - Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, AA 4185 Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia; Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) -Petroseismic Group, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia 2Geophysical... more
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      AnisotropySeismic WavesElasticitySymmetry
The fabric of polar ice exhibiting orthotropic symmetry (i.e., three orthogonal planes of refiexional symmetry) is described by a continuous orientation distribution function (ODF) which represents the density of grains whose c axes have... more
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T his paper presents some fundamental concepts of seismic anisotropy specifically those which have hexagonal symmetry (ordinarily called transversely isotropic in geophysics jargon). There were made calculations of phase and group angles... more
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      AnisotropySeismic WavesElasticitySymmetry
We prove that the innermost wavefront-slowness sheet of a Hookean solid is convex, whether or not it is detached from the other sheets. This theorem is valid for the generally anisotropic case, and it is an extenstion of theorems whose... more
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A nonholonomic system subjected to external noise from the environment, or internal noise in its own actuators, will evolve in a stochastic manner described by an ensemble of trajectories. This ensemble of trajectories is equivalent to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLie AlgebraMotion PlanningPath planning
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      EngineeringColloid and Interface ChemistryPhysical sciencesSteady state
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      Materials ScienceStructural EngineeringPlasticitySocial Science Research Network
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceFundamental SolutionThree Dimensional
The variogram provides an important method for measuring the dependence of attribute values between spatial locations. Suppose that the nature of the sampling process leads to the presence of clustered data; it would be advisable to use a... more
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      StatisticsMultivariate AnalysisSamplingDiscriminant Analysis
Solutions to the two, coupled, ordinary nonlinear differential equations for a semi-infinite circular elastic tube subjected to edge loads and undergoing small axisymmetric strains, but arbitrarily large axisymmetric rotations-the... more
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      Applied MathematicsElasticityDifferential equationIsotropy
High-pressure isotropic compression tests were carried out on samples of a uniform fine sand at different initial specific volumes, reinforced with randomly distributed polypropylene fibers ͑0.5% by weight, 24 mm in length and 0.023 mm... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringHigh PressureAnisotropy
In this work, a new concrete model that strongly couples continuum-damage-mechanics to elastoplasticity is presented. The model incorporates a plasticity yield criterion written in terms of the nominal/damaged, rather than effective,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringEngineering MechanicsFinite element method
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      Mechanical EngineeringDesignModelingSymbolic Computation
Diffusion Tensor MRI (DT-MRI) provides a statistical estimate of a symmetric 2 nd -order diffusion tensor, D, for each voxel within an imaging volume. We propose a new normal distribution, p(D) ~ exp(-1/2 D:A:D), for a tensor random... more
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Anisotropic attenuation can provide sensitive attributes for fracture detection and lithology discrimination. This paper analyzes measurements of the P-wave attenuation coefficient in a transversely isotropic sample made of phenolic... more
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Now a days there are few areas on the surface of earth having a relatively constant BSC and can serving as radar calibration targets. Few Examples include the Amazon rain forest, the Greenland ice sheet etc. In this paper we analyse a... more
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hree-dimensional laser Doppler anemometry measurements have been performed in a vessel stirred by a Rushton turbine. The mean flow field, Reynolds stresses and triple velocity correlations have been determined throughout the entire... more
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      Chemical EngineeringPhysicsTurbulenceDiffusion
We revisit the singular eigensolution to the steady state one-speed transport equation for an isotropically scattering and multiplying heterogeneous slab. It is proved that this solution is a sum of Stieltjes integrals over the resolvent... more
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      EngineeringScattering TheoryMathematical SciencesTransport Equation
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringDirect Numerical SimulationAutomotive Engineering
The strengths of geomaterials and their variation under different factors are investigated in this paper. First, a general isotropic variation of a strength criterion is proposed for describing the critical state and peak strengths of... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeomechanicsAnisotropyShear Strength
We report measurements of long-period P wave polarization (P pol) in Australia and Tahiti made by combining modeling of the polarization deviation and harmonic analysis. The analysis of the deviation of the horizontal polarization of the... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisModelingBiasInstrumentation
The broadband recording site at Warramunga (WRA) in the Northern Territory of Australia provides good coverage of seismic wave propagation through the upper mantle for sources in the earthquake belt through Indonesia and New Guinea. $... more
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      SeismologyMultidisciplinaryAnisotropySeismic Waves
T hree-dimensional laser Doppler anemometry measurements have been performed in a vessel stirred by a Rushton turbine. The mean flow field, Reynolds stresses and triple velocity correlations have been determined throughout the entire... more
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      Chemical EngineeringTurbulenceDiffusionChemical Engineering Design
1] We report measurements of long-period P wave polarization (P pol ) in Australia and Tahiti made by combining modeling of the polarization deviation and harmonic analysis. The analysis of the deviation of the horizontal polarization of... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisModelingBiasInstrumentation
Results of molecular-mechanics simulations of axial and torsional deformations of a single wall carbon nanotube are used to find Young's modulus, the shear modulus, and the wall thickness of an equivalent continuum tube made of a linear... more
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      Linear ElasticityCarbon NanotubesCarbon NanotubeMolecular Mechanics