Recent papers in Shakti
A collection of poems in praise of Adya Kali Although some of the poems from this manuscript have been published, also as part of my article "Kālī the Dark Mother", the manuscript as a whole is as yet unpublished. I have made these poems... more
Independent scholar. CHAPTER 2 AND LEVEL II Müller's Science of Religion and Vivekananda's Yoga as a Science Vivekananda's Emphasis on Yoga or Self-transformation Vis à Vis Müller With regard to Müller's... more
In recent years, the growing interest in the relationship between religion and “the Feminine,” whether human or divine, has given rise to diverse academic volumes exploring this connection in different traditions. The academic examination... more
Book review by Sonali Gupta in History Today, Delhi, No. 3, 2002: Francesco Brighenti, Sakti Cult in Orissa, D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, 2001, pp. xx +510, plates (b/w & col.) 66+33. Price: Rs. 2400. “The word Sakti is powerful. It is... more
In this paper I will outline the psychophysical basis of the energy described as Kundalini from a scientifically trained perspective. I will also present various specific techniques for acquisition of Kundalini experiences derived from... more
Семененко А.А. Тантра Веды / А.А. Семененко. — Воронеж: На правах рукописи, 2017. — 282 с. — ISBN 978-5-9907439-3-9.
The two songs translated below tell the story of the goddesses Cāmuṇḍi and her sister Uttanahaḷḷi and their epic battle against demons on the hill outside of Mysore in the modern state of Karnataka in South India. These songs, which are... more
La Terra ha perso la sua giovinezza; che è passata come un sogno felice. Ora ogni giorno ci porta più vicini alla distruzione, all'aridità" (Mahābhārata, I, 119)
This article explores the concept of Shakti - Power in Hindu spiritual thought, with special emphasis on the Ramakrishna phenomenon.
Diario di viaggio, arricchito da note esplicative e da una "Breve storia del Kachchh"
Esta é a Upanishad das Três Cidades, ou a Upanishad da Deusa Tripurasundarī, a ‘Bela (Deusa) das Três Cidades’. Rigveda. Nº 82. Shakta.
The felt sense of whoness is not a me-ness…me is self-fixation and in fact the sense of whoness can free us from objectified self-fixation. The sense of me often replaces the sense of who. When the experiential nonconceptual felt sense of... more
In this article I present Chapter 23 of my doctoral thesis Learning in Depth: A Case Study in Twin 5x5 Matrices of Consciousness. Here Sri Ramakrishna opens up the mystery of maya, a Sanskrit term that has been variously explained as... more
The felt sense of whoness is not a me-ness…me is self-fixation and in fact the sense of whoness can free us from objectified self-fixation. The sense of me often replaces the sense of who. When the experiential nonconceptual felt sense of... more
The Devi Mahatmayam is the battle between good and evil. But on that battlefield, the majesty of the Mother Goddess should not be underestimated. She does not wage wars with grand armies or divine allies. She alone is the source and the... more
By becoming aware of awareness we can experience the innermost sense or the felt sense of spaciousness and self-illumination. Within this state of open awareness, the openness of spacious luminous awareness, we can enter the experience of... more
O Śaktismo é uma corrente religiosa que considera a Grande Deusa indiana (Mahā Devī, ou Śakti) como divindade suprema. Desde a mais remota Antiguidade, encontram-se diversas deusas (devī) na tradição religiosa indiana, mas elas possuem... more
In this paper I consider the way in which divinity is realized through an imaginary locus in the mystical thought of Jewish kabbalah and Hindu tantra. It demonstrates a reflective consciousness by the adept or master in understanding the... more
"L'avvento di grandi Maestri spirituali che sono venuti come luci guidanti per condurre l'umanità dalla miseria alla gioia, (da ashanti a shanti), da ignoranza e schiavitù a illuminazione e liberazione, è il lavoro della Grazia Cosmica.... more
SAT is a protocol that stems from the theory of syntropy and, more specifically, from the combination of the principle of complementarity and the theory of vital needs. This paper provides a first and partial description of the SAT... more
While I have always intuitively seen Mary as more than Theotokos, my training in orthodoxy came to overshadow my orthopraxis of Mary. But today I hold a different stance because I have come to view my Marian practice as indeed worship of... more
Navarātri, letteralmente nove notti. Durante nove notti e dieci giorni sono venerate le nove forme della dea Śakti, simboleggiante l’energia vitale dell'universo. Navarātri , o Navarātripūjā (il culto delle nove notti) è rivolto alla dea... more
She changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes. The world is Her body. The world is in Her and She is in the world. She surrounds us like the air we breathe. She is as close to us as our own breath. She is energy,... more
What does it mean to talk of the power of God in relation to the human self? The discourses generated by the Jewish and Christian tradition about the capacity for divinity have been mainly promulgated by men, and have more often than not... more