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The aim of this study was to determine a relationship between vaccine potency (amount of PD 50 per dose) and fraction of clinically protected cattle following homologous challenge with infectious foot-andmouth disease (FMD) virus, and to... more
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      VeterinaryBiological SciencesTextMethod
A quantitative real-time TaqMan PCR assay for detection of human adenoviruses (HAdV) was developed using broadly reactive consensus primers and a TaqMan probe targeting a conserved region of the hexon gene. The TaqMan assay correctly... more
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      MultidisciplinaryFluorescence Resonance Energy TransferQuantitative analysisreal time PCR
A PCR assay was developed for the detection of Streptococcus suis serotypes 2 and 1/2. This multiplex PCR is based on the amplification of the gene coding for 16S rRNA of S. suis and on the amplification of the cps2J gene coding for the... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinaryClinical MicrobiologyBiological Sciences
We did a systematic search and synthesis of evidence on the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease, symptomatic disease, and circulating Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes in western Europe. Using data from studies published between... more
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      EpidemiologyWestern EuropeMedical MicrobiologyStreptococcus pneumoniae
Please cite this article in press as: Le, V.P., et al., Development of one-step multiplex RT-PCR method for simultaneous detection and differentiation of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotypes O, A, and Asia 1 circulating in Vietnam.
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyVietnamVeterinary
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      SaponinsBiological SciencesVirusMice
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for morbidity and mortality in humans, animals, and plants. This bacterium has been regarded to be widely present in terrestrial and freshwater environments, but not in open... more
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      MicrobiologyEpidemiologyMicrobial EcologyEcology
To obtain basic data for future resistance monitoring programs, 386 Yersinia enterocolitica strains from human patients, raw retail pork and pig feces were tested for their susceptibilities to 16 antimicrobial agents and two antimicrobial... more
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      MicrobiologyEpidemiologyBiologyIndustrial Biotechnology
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is the most common cause of vesicular disease outbreaks in livestock throughout the Western Hemisphere.
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      Immune responseVeterinaryBiological SciencesVirus
The polysaccharide capsule is a major virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae; it affects complement resistance and shields the bacterium from phagocytes. Certain capsular serotypes appear to be better able to cause invasive disease... more
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      Complement activationInnate immunityStreptococcus pneumoniaeBiological Sciences
Toscana virus (Bunyaviridae family, Phlebovirus genus) is a sandfly fever virus responsible for human neurological infections. Sandfly viruses are transmitted by insect vectors (Phlebotomus species) and the infection is present in... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyP-glycoproteinLife CycleClinical Sciences
Background. Purpura fulminans is an acute illness commonly associated with meningococcemia or invasive streptococcal disease, and it is typically characterized by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and purpuric skin lesions. In... more
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      Biological SciencesBacterial ToxinsSeptic ShockEnterotoxins
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      GeneticsMolecular EvolutionHorizontal Gene TransferMolecular Epidemiology
The present study was conducted to investigate, for the first time in Tunisia, the current trends in Salmonella enterica serotypes in Tunisia (human, food, animal, and environment) which would help to improve the control and prevention of... more
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      EpidemiologyEnvironmental microbiologyFood MicrobiologyTunisia
Martinique experienced a dengue outbreak with co-circulation of DENV-2 and DENV-4. In an emergency department-based study, we analyzed whether the clinical presentation and outcome of adult patients were related to serotype, immune... more
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      EpidemiologyImmune responseTropical MedicineEvolution
A quantitative one-step SYBR Green I-based reverse transcription (RT)-PCR system was developed for the detection and differentiation of four different dengue virus serotypes in acute-phase serum samples. A set of group-and... more
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      Fluorescent Dyes and ReagentsCell CultureDengue VirusClinical Microbiology
This study was undertaken to estimate the antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella isolated from raw chicken. From November 2003 to April 2004 a total of 120 chicken carcasses were collected from 36 randomly selected sale points... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMicrobiologyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary Microbiology
The seven-valent pneumococcal conjugated polysaccharide vaccine PC7V was licensed for use among children in 2000. Since 90 serotypes of pneumococci exist, an increase in nonvaccine serotypes could occur through immune selection for... more
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsStreptococcus pneumoniaeGlobal Analysis
The aim was to study the role played by SmvA pump in the efflux of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salmonella Typhimurium).
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyEscherichia coliMultidrug Resistance
Background and Aim: Pigeon rearing has been gaining popularity for recent years. They are reared remarkably very close to the house of the owner. This activity, therefore, may pose potential threats for humans as well as other animals as... more
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      MicrobiologyBiologyMedicinePoultry Disease
We studied the epidemiology of the recently described serotype 6C of Streptococcus pneumoniae among a collection of carriage isolates recovered between 1996 and 2007 in Portugal. Of 4,064 isolates, 106 (2.6%) were of serotype 6C, 17.9% of... more
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      MicrobiologyStreptococcus pneumoniaeMolecular EpidemiologyClinical Microbiology
The prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella serotypes on beef carcasses from four small abattoirs in Jalisco State, Mexico, were investigated during a 10-month period. Following U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and... more
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      Veterinary MedicineBiologyMedicineMultidisciplinary
Avian paramyxoviruses (APMV) are divided into nine serotypes. Newcastle disease virus (APMV-1) is the most extensively characterized, while relatively little information is available for the other APMV serotypes. In the present study, we... more
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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an endogenous peptide with powerful anticonvulsant properties. Its overexpression in the rat hippocampus, mediated by the local application of recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors carrying the human... more
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      Gene TherapyGene expressionLearningMemory
The genus Enterovirus (family Picornaviridae) contains five species with strains isolated from humans: Human enterovirus A (HEV-A), HEV-B, HEV-C, HEV-D and Poliovirus. In this study, a proposed new serotype of HEV-D was characterized.... more
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This review covers the O antigens of the 46 serotypes of Shigella, but those of most Shigella flexneri are variants of one basic structure, leaving 34 Shigella distinct O antigens to review, together with their gene clusters. Several of... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyStructureMedical Microbiology
High sheep population density, congenial climatic conditions for Culicoides propagation, and susceptible sheep breeds may be contributing to the higher incidence of Bluetongue (BT) in Southern states of India. Sheep farming in this part... more
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      EpidemiologyTYPINGSerotypeBluetongue virus
Acute diarrheal disease is still one of the major public health problems worldwide. Rotaviruses (RV) are the most important viral etiologic agents and children under fi ve years of age are the target population. Objective: To investigate... more
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      Research MethodologyElectron MicroscopyChromatographyTropical Medicine
Aim: To examine the diversity of Escherichia coli serotypes found in the intestinal contents of infants who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) compared with that in comparison infants. Methods and Results: Over the 3-year period,... more
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      Applied microbiologyMultidisciplinaryEscherichia coliApplied
Recently, 2 serologically and biochemically distinct subtypes-11Aa and 11Ab-were discovered among serotype 11A isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Sequence comparison of the capsular polysaccharide synthesis (cps) loci of the 2 subtypes... more
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      Streptococcus pneumoniaeBiological SciencesMutationBacteria
A total of 88 Aeromonas isolates from distinct locations and sources (39 from extraintestinal infections, 31 from diarrhoeic, ten from non-diarrhoeic faeces, all human, and eight from fresh water) were subjected to phenospecies... more
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      MicrobiologyImmunologyMedical MicrobiologyMolecular Epidemiology
Therapeutic failure of monotherapy with either a third-generation cephalosporin or a fluoroquinolone against nontyphoid salmonellae has been observed in clinical practice. Combination therapy with both agents is recommended in the... more
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Efforts to develop adenovirus vectors suitable for genetic interventions in humans have identified three major limitations of the most frequently used vector prototype, human adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5). These limitations-widespread... more
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      VirologyCytokinesBiological SciencesLiver
Differences in the course of invasive meningococcal disease, in prevalence, case-to-carrier ratio, geographical pattern, age distribution and antibiotic resistance have been related to major serogroups and their serotypes. The... more
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      Survival AnalysisAdolescentPreventionIsrael
Sequence analysis of segment 2 (seg-2) of three Indian bluetongue virus (BTV) isolates, Dehradun, Rahuri and Bangalore revealed 99% nucleotide identity amongst them and 96% with the reference BTV 23. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the... more
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      ArchivesBiologyMedicineSequence Analysis
Background. Adenoviruses are associated with sporadic infection and community and institutional outbreaks; they can cause especially severe disease in infants, young children, immunocompromised persons, and transplant recipients.... more
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      MicrobiologyBiological SciencesVirusInfant
This study was carried out to elucidate the epidemiological trends and antimicrobial susceptibilities against Salmonella serovars among Thai patients and asymptomatic carriers during 2001-2006 in central Thailand. A total of 1,401 human... more
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      AsianTropical MedicineThailandAdolescent
We evaluated a biochemical assay based on the ability to metabolise L-phenylpropionic acid (PPA) as a diagnostic aid in the identification of typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains. A total of 1061 E. coli strains of... more
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      MetabolismEvaluationBiological SciencesDNA
A total of 182 strains of Escherichia coli (133 reference strains, 22 clinical strains, nine nonmotile strains and 18 strains derived from K-12) were characterized by HhaI restriction of the amplified flagellin gene (fliC). The amplified... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyMolecular EpidemiologyPCR
Disease Active Surveillance Network surveillance areas. During the 12-month study, 396 cases of SE infection were ascertained. Among the 182 case patients and 345 controls, SE infection was univariately associated with international... more
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      ControlPublic HealthPreventionFood Microbiology
Salmonella represents an important zoonotic pathogen worldwide, but the transmission dynamics between humans and animals as well as within animal populations are incompletely understood. We characterized Salmonella isolates from cattle... more
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      GeographyMultidisciplinaryMultidrug ResistanceUnited States
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      MicrobiologyVeterinaryRuminantsQuantitative analysis
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      MicrobiologyEpidemiologyMedical MicrobiologyTropical Medicine
In this study, we developed a simple, reliable, serotype-specific PCR method to differentiate Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 6A, 6B, and 6C. It was more efficient and practical than the assays currently being used to identify... more
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      MicrobiologyAdolescentStreptococcus pneumoniaeClinical Microbiology
Bluetongue is a serious hemorrhagic disease of sheep, cattle and other ruminants causing economic losses worldwide. Recent invasion of multiple bluetongue virus serotypes (BTV) in various countries warrants immediate development of... more
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      BiologyMedicineIndiaBiological Sciences
This study focused on changes in selected parameters of humoral and cellular immunity following vaccination of mice with unique Vibrio cholerae LPS-protein-complexed conjugates. The V. cholerae detoxified LPS (dLPS)-derived antigenic... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesMiceVibrio cholerae
This study focused on changes in selected parameters of humoral and cellular immunity following vaccination of mice with unique Vibrio cholerae LPS-protein-complexed conjugates. The V. cholerae detoxified LPS (dLPS)-derived antigenic... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesMiceVibrio cholerae
High antigenic compatibility and low toxicity is associated with xenograft transplantation of porcine tissues in immunodeficient human recipients. We hypothesized that adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) of porcine origin could be highly... more
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      Gene TherapyBiological SciencesSequence alignmentMuscle
Pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide (PPS) vaccines are less immunogenic in immunocompromised than immunocompetent individuals. However, neither the efficacy of PPS vaccines in immunocompromised individuals nor the host cellular subsets... more
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      MicrobiologyStreptococcus pneumoniaeBiological SciencesInfection and immunity
The results of type-specific RT-PCR diagnostic assays on foot-andmouth disease (FMD) viruses in clinical samples were mapped onto serotypespecific dendrograms representing the degree of nucleotide sequence variation between the FMD virus... more
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      RNABiological SciencesPhylogenyVirus