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In this article we argue that smart items and cloud computing can be powerful enablers of servitization as business trend. This is exemplified by an application scenario in healthcare that was developed in the context of the OpSIT-Project... more
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      EngineeringCloud ComputingSensors and transducers
Marine operations in cold climates are subjected to abundant ice accretion, which can lead to heavy ice loads over larger surface area. For safe and adequate operations on marine vessels over a larger area, remote ice detection and ice... more
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      Marine EngineeringIcingSensors and transducers
Transducers have been the key to the engineering of various backgrounds. Here it is the simple way to make a Light Measuring Transducer.
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      Electrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringPower ElectronicsArduino
В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания доплеровских датчиков скорости, использующих в качестве задающего элемента генератор хаоса. Обзор литературных источников, подготовленный авторами, позволил сформулировать преимущества... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsSensors and transducers
В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания радарных датчиков расстояния, применимых в условиях перекрёстных помех. В качестве узла, создающего сигналы излучаемые радаром, авторами предлагается использовать генератор хаотических колебаний.... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsSensors and transducersнелинейная динамика
Abstract: An innovative design of a water level sensor is reported in this paper. The proposed design is suitable for high precision measurements usually required in sensing the water level of dams, tanks & reservoirs. This paper employs... more
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    • Sensors and transducers
Application of rotary tillage has been increased due to less tillage passes required, reduced draft, and greater efficiency through reduction in wheel slippage. Early failure of the bearing of tractor power takeoff (PTO) shaft was... more
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      Tractor and Farm EquipmentsSoil and TillagePower Take OffSensors and transducers
Check out! Website : Youtube : Ghins GO Electrical BAB 1. Pendahuluan A. Pengertian Piezoelektrik BAB 2. Piezoelektrik A. Efek Piezoelektrik B. Bahan Piezoelektrik C. Karakteristik Bahan... more
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      Electrical EngineeringSensorTeknik ElektroSensors and transducers
Prezentarea cursului pentru studenți, an III programul de studii Automatica și Informatică Aplicată
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      Sensors and transducersData Acquisition (DAQ)
Proyek akhir yang berjudul “SENSOR KAMERA HAVIMO2 PADA ROBOT HUMANOID SOCCER” ini telah disetujui pembimbing untuk diajukan.
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      RoboticsHumanoid RoboticsSensors and transducers
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    • Sensors and transducers
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      SensorSensors and transducers
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      Philosophy of MindAristotleIntentionalityPhilosophy of perception
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    • Sensors and transducers
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
A wireless sensor network (WSN) has a huge potential in water ecology monitoring applications. The integration of WSN to a portable sensing device offers the feasibility of sensing distribution capability, on-site data measurements, and... more
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      Computer ScienceSensors and transducers
A new rhodamine-derived Schiff base RH was synthesized and its sensing behavior toward various metal ions was investigated by UV–vis and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. The sensor exhibited highly selective and sensitive... more
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      Sensors and SensingFluorescent Dyes and Reagentsdevelopment of colorimetric SensorsOptical Sensors
The melting profile of solid fat content (SFC) is an important parameter for many fat-based food products, such as solid matrices, emulsions, and dispersions, since it can provide essential information on product stability, physical... more
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      Sensors and SensingElectronicsEmbedded SystemsInstrumentation and Measurement Science
Tiga dekade belakangan ini, telah dikembangkan sebuah teknologi baru yang menawarkan kecepatan data yang lebih besar sepanjang jarak yang lebih jauh dengan harga yang lebih rendah daripada sistem kawat tembaga. Teknologi baru ini adalah... more
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    • Sensors and transducers
SENSOR adalah sesuatu yang dapat mendeteksi perubahan lingkungan baik fisik, kimia dan biologi. Variabel keluaran dari sensor yang diubah menjadi besaran listrik disebut transducer. TRANSDUCER yaitu alat yang dapat mengubah suatu bentuk... more
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      Electronic EngineeringMechatronics EngineeringSensors and transducers
Modeling of level process in various tanks and vessels is one of the most common problems in the process industry. In this paper, system identification process is attempted for Hybrid tank process. The hybrid tank process is a classic... more
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      Sensors and SensingSystem IdentificationFuzzy Logic ControlProcess Control
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      Sensors and transducersElectrical And Electronic Engineering
These databases contain citations from different subsets of available publications and different time periods and thus the citation count from each is usually different. Some works are not in either database and no count is displayed.... more
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      Gas SensorSchottky diodeDynamic ResponseSensors and transducers
This paper presents a method to follow for the calculation and obtaining natural frequencies or resonance frequencies in a vehicle like is a bicycle, more specifically the mountain bike or mtb, for its acronym in English. This procedure... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringVibrationsSignal Transduction
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors are intensively used to control exothermic reactions in chemical industries. It is a very complex multi-variable system with non-linear characteristics. This paper deals with linearization of the... more
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      Fuzzy Logic ControlAdaptive ControlSensors and transducersElectrical And Electronic Engineering
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor on one of the topics listed below. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringScientific VisualizationRobotics (Computer Science)
Статья посвящена бифуркационному анализу Jerk-системы Спротта применительно для использования в качестве измерительного преобразователя. Осуществляется нахождение граничных значений коэффициентов Jerk-системы при которых в ней наблюдается... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsSensors and transducers
Epidemic diseases patients need constant monitoring of their health, whether in the hospital or at home, and this requires great costs. The employment of information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence concepts... more
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      Real-time SystemsIT in healthcareWireless Sensor NetworksHealthcare design
In this paper open-loop MEMS tunneling accelerometer was modeled based on a clamped micro circular plate with a tip tunneling at its centre. Mechanical behavior of the micro plate was studied deriving governing equation based on classic... more
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    • Sensors and transducers
This paper presents a novel inkjet printed rounded corner bowtie antenna with T-matching stubs on paper substrate which is the cheapest and widest available substrate. The antenna exhibits compact size with outstanding read range and... more
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    • Sensors and transducers
Presentation for Transducer Process Instrumentation & Control Generally Transducer is the instrumentation that convert energy to another type of energy. As example, the conversion of mechanical energy to pressure occur in barometer or... more
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      Piezoelectric TransducersInstrumentation and Process ControlSensors and transducers
International Journal of Electrical and communication engineering (IJECE) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes quality articles contributing new results in all areas of Applied Control Systems, Electrical Engineering and... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingAudio Signal ProcessingRadar Signal ProcessingTransducers
The patent summarizes results of investigation of high-sensitivity MEMS pressure sensor based on a circuit containing both active and passive stress-sensitive elements: a differential amplifier utilizing two n-p-n piezotransistors and for... more
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      TechnologySensors and SensingMEMSHigh Pressure
A set of test structures for in situ stress measurement is presented. The test structures were realized by means of surface micromachining, adopting photoresist as sacrificial layer and electroplated gold as structural layer. Initially... more
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      Materials ScienceMicroelectromechanical systemsFabricationResidual Stress
Due to corrosive environment, pipes used for transportation of water and gas at the plants often get damaged. Defects caused by corrosion and cracking may cause serious accidents like leakage, fire and blasts. It also reduces the life of... more
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      Sensors and transducersElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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    • Sensors and transducers
In the last decades the race cars have been a huge tool for aerodynamics acknowledge evolution, been a way for aerodynamic devices development, CFD numerical methodology enhancement or at experimental procedures for validation and... more
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      AerodynamicsLow Speed AerodynamicsWind tunnel testingDrag Reduction
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      RhetoricWritingSensors and transducers
Different wireless application platforms are available for remote monitoring and control of systems. In the present paper a system has been described for online remote recording and monitoring of sensor data using DTMF (Dual Tone Multi... more
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    • Sensors and transducers
Se presenta el diseño, construcción y validación de un teslámetro digital embebido, para uso en experimentos de caracterización magnética de materiales por métodos inductivos y estáticos. El teslámetro se compone de un transductor de... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringInstrumentation Engineering
In this paper, the architecture of a versatile networking and control platform for Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lighting applications is presented, based on embedded wireless and wired networking technologies. All the possible power and... more
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    • Sensors and transducers
It has been demonstrated recently that the fabricated gas sensing device based on hydrocarbons (CHx)/Porous silicon structure can be used for detecting a low concentration of a large variety of gases but does not respond to oxygen. In... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsNanotechnologySensors and transducers
The remotely powered underwater acoustic sensor networks (RPUASN) paradigm is introduced, whereby sensor nodes harvest and store the power supplied by an external acoustic source, indefinitely extending their lifetime. Necessary source... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringUnderwater AcousticsUnderwater CommunicationEnergy Harvesting
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    • Sensors and transducers
We studied the photo-elastic and photo-thermal response of two new nanocomposites base on a polyurea elastomer mixed with inorganic nanotubes (MoS2) or nanowires (Mo6S2I8). The investigation has been performed using time-resolved laser... more
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In recent years the understanding of the behaviour of currently available ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs), in the form of gas-filled microbubbles encapsulated in elastic shells, has significantly improved thanks to "ad hoc"... more
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    • Sensors and transducers
Abstract: The DC and AC electrical conduction of (ZnO) (X) (CdO) (1-X) thin films were investigated in this work. AC conductivity of (ZnO) (X) (CdO) (1-X) (X=0.2, 0.7) thin films was reported in the frequency range 5 Hz to 13 MHz and at... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESSensors and transducers
This paper reports resistive type humidity sensing properties of composite powder of WO3, ZnO and TiO2 taken in the ratio of 8:2:1. Tungsten oxide powder has been obtained by oxidizing Tungsten powder (Lobachemie, 99 % pure) at 600 0C.... more
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      PotassiumComposite MaterialRelative HumidityHumidity Sensor
Due to corrosive environment, pipes used for transportation of water and gas at the plants often get damaged. Defects caused by corrosion and cracking may cause serious accidents like leakage, fire and blasts. It also reduces the life of... more
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      Sensors and transducersElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Un ni iv ve er rs si it tá á d di i B Br re es sc ci ia a, , I It ta aly
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      PotassiumComposite MaterialRelative HumidityHumidity Sensor