Sensorimotor integration
Recent papers in Sensorimotor integration
While evidence from clinical and functional neuroimaging domains converges on a notion that auditory-motor networks can be remodeled functionally and structurally in response to experiences, studies that seek to evaluate these hypotheses... more
Catching an object is a complex movement that involves not only programming but also effective motor coordination. Such behavior is related to the activation and recruitment of cortical regions that participates in the sensorimotor... more
This paper discusses the facilitation of actor training as a holistic education effected through somatic-informed processes of embodiment. It will draw on applications of the work of Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), understood as an... more
Dancing, which is integrally related to music, likely has its origins close to the birth of Homo sapiens, and throughout our history, dancing has been universally practiced in all societies. We hypothesized that there are differences... more
Semmler, John G. and Michael A. Nordstrom. Hemispheric et al. 1992) and a lower threshold for a muscle evoked differences in motor cortex excitability during a simple index finger potential (MEP) in passive muscle ; abduction task in... more
Background: Embouchure dystonia (ED) is a task-specific dystonia affecting musicians thought to be related to alteration in sensorimotor processing and loss of cortical inhibition. Case report: Magnetoencephalography-coherence source... more
Background: Embouchure dystonia (ED) is a task-specific dystonia affecting musicians thought to be related to alteration in sensorimotor processing and loss of cortical inhibition. Case Report: Magnetoencephalography-coherence source... more
Background: Pharmacological management of cervical dystonia (CD) is considered to be symptomatic in effect, rather than targeting the underlying pathophysiology of the disease. Magnetoencephalography (MEG), a direct measure of neuronal... more
Introduction. In the modern world, rapid development of IT and large volumes of information make attention a leading cognitive process which ensures a student’s learning success. The study aims to research the impact of sensorimotor... more
production environment. Modern approaches to creation of integrated monitoring systems that allow to control key parameters of production process: from air quality to level of energy consumption are considered. A detailed analysis of... more
The work discusses current trends and challenges that arise in implementation of IoT technologies in various industries. The key aspects of integration of sensor systems for monitoring, management and optimization of processes in... more
Orientation guided by mechanosensory stimuli is a fundamental behavior that has been analyzed most effectively in simple systems, but has been difficult to assess in mammals. This study demonstrates that sparsely distributed sensory... more
Substantial evidence suggests that the phasic activities of dopamine neurons in the midbrain of primates report prediction errors in the delivery of reward. Recent recordings from these neurons in a task involving uncertain reward... more
- by michael duff
Natural movements in the sagittal plane involve pitch tilt relative to gravity combined with translation motion. The Gravito-Inertial Force (GIF) resolution hypothesis states that the resultant force on the body is perceptually resolved... more
The meaning, mechanism, and function of imitation in early infancy have been actively discussed since Meltzoff and Moore's (1977) report of facial and manual imitation by human neonates. Oostenbroek et al. (2016) claim to challenge the... more
Affordances are a useful method to anticipate the effect of an action performed by an agent. In this work, we present a robotic-cleaning task using contextual affordances implemented through a self-organizing neural network to predict the... more
Benzodiazepines are among the most commonly prescribed medications due to their therapeutic efficacy in reducing anxiety and inducing sleep. Consequently, they have been widely employed in the pharmacological treatment of several... more
The EEG has been widely employed in the assessment of electrophysiological changes induced by distinct medications. Its sensibility in detecting alterations produced by a specific substance may be enhanced by methods of quantitative... more
Background: Chronic pain involves communication between neural and immune systems. Recent data suggest localization of glial (brain immune cells) activation to the sensorimotor regions of the brain cortex (S1/M1) in chronic low back pain... more
To investigate cortical auditory and motor coupling in professional musicians, we compared the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity of seven pianists to seven non-musicians utilizing a passive task paradigm established in... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of bromazepam on EEG and the motor learning process when healthy subjects were submitted to a typewriting task. We investigated bromazepam due to its abuse by various populations and... more
This study aimed to elucidate cortical mechanisms and to identify the areas where occur such mechanisms due to interaction between bromazepam and motor learning. The sample was composed of 45 healthy subjects randomly distributed in 3... more
Proprioceptive perception is impaired with aging, but little is known about aging-related deterioration of proprioception at the cortical level. Corticokinematic coherence (CKC) between limb kinematic and magnetoencephalographic (MEG)... more
Interaction among primary afferents, corticofugal fibers, and intrinsic elements allows for sensorimotor integration at the dorsal column nuclei. The interneurons permit the spatial localization, the recurrent collaterals synchronize the... more
The identification of the networks connecting brain areas and the understanding of their role in executing complex tasks is a crucial issue in cognitive neuroscience. In this study, specific visuomotor tasks were devised to reveal the... more
We have explored the synaptic and cellular mechanisms by which a single primary mechanosensory neuron, the anterior gastric receptor (AGR), reconfigures motor output of the gastric mill central pattern generator (CPG) in the... more
In Parkinson's disease, the degeneration of the midbrain dopaminergic neurons is consistently associated with modified metabolic activity in the cerebellum. Here we examined the functional reorganization taking place in the... more
In developmental research, tutoring behavior has been identified as scaffolding infants’ learning processes. Infants seem sensitive to tutoring situations and they detect these by ostensive cues [4]. Some social signals such as eye-gaze,... more
Dorsal spinocerebellar tract (DSCT) neurones adequately activated by primary afferents from the muscle spindles in one muscle in the hindleg of the cat, is regularly inhibited by primary afferents from other muscles. The inhibitory input... more
Interaction among primary afferents, corticofugal fibers, and intrinsic elements allows for sensorimotor integration at the dorsal column nuclei. The interneurons permit the spatial localization, the recurrent collaterals synchronize the... more
Anomalies in oral movement control have been identified in stuttering, which suggest this speech disorder involves a sensorimotor deficit. To test whether adults who stutter (AWS) display aberrant proprioceptive function, masseter tendon... more
Several behavioral experiments suggest that the nervous system uses an internal model of the dynamics of the body to implement a close approximation to a Kalman filter. This filter can be used to perform a variety of tasks nearly... more
Several behavioral experiments suggest that the nervous system uses an internal model of the dynamics of the body to implement a close approximation to a Kalman filter. This filter can be used to perform a variety of tasks nearly... more
Sylvain Hanneton 1 , Charles Lenay 1 , Olivier Gapenne 1 , ... Sébastien Vermandel 2 et Catherine Marque 2 ... 1 COSTECH, Département Technologie et Sciences de l'Homme, 2 BIM, Département Génie Biomédical, Université de Technologie... more
Background: According to DSM-5, sensory processing problems are among diagnostic criteria in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Various studies have shown that games, as the main occupation of children, can be helpful in... more
The prevalence of sleep dysfunction is considerably higher in the autistic population than in the non-autistic. Similarly, the incidence of sensory reactivity differences in autism exceeds that in the neurotypical population. The basis of... more
Background: Writer's cramp is a task-specific dystonia impairing writing and sometimes other fine motor tasks. Neuroimaging studies using manifold designs have shown varying results regarding the nature of changes in the disease.... more
Although much is known about college students as a special sample in terms of their behavioral traits such as intelligence and academic motivation, no studies have examined whether college students represent a ''biased'' sample in terms... more
Beyond normal and non-imitative singing, the imitation of the timbre of another singer's voice, such as in Karaoke singing, involves the demanding reproduction of voice quality features and strongly depends on singing experience and... more
This study aimed to elucidate cortical mechanisms and to identify the areas where occur such mechanisms due to interaction between bromazepam and motor learning. The sample was composed of 45 healthy subjects randomly distributed in 3... more
La chute est la première cause d'accident chez les personnes âgées. Chaque année, elle concerne 1 personne sur 4 chez les plus de 65 ans. Le risque de chute est multifactoriel : ses causes peuvent notamment être motrices, attentionnelles... more
Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is understood as a sensorimotor gating process that attenuates sensory flow to the startle pathway during early stages (20-1000 ms) of information processing. Here, we applied in vivo electrophysiology and... more
We investigated the influence of feedback conditions on the effectiveness of a balance prosthesis. The balance prosthesis used an array of 12 tactile vibrators (tactors) placed on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the torso to... more
Adaptation et généralisation spatiale : Étude d'une perturbation visuomotrice triaxiale dans un environnement virtuel tridimensionnel par Catherine Lefrançois Département de kinésiologie Mémoire présenté au département de kinésiologie en... more
In this paper we present a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) for autonomous navigation, inspired by the chemotaxis network of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. In particular, we focus on the problem of contour tracking, wherein the bot must... more