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In recent years, there is a growing interest about assisted living environments especially for the elderly who live alone, due to the increasing number of aged people. In order for them to live safe and healthy, we need to detect abnormal... more
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      Human behaviorClassificationROC CurveWireless Sensor Network
Efficient processing of top- k queries is a crucial requirement in many interactive environments that involve massive amounts of data. In particular, efficient top- k processing in domains such as the Web, multimedia search, and... more
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      AlgorithmsRelational DatabaseInformation RetrievalDesign
A strategy for grafting protein-protein binding sites is described. Firstly, key interaction residues at the interface of ligand protein to be grafted are identified and suitable positions In scaffold protein for grafting these key... more
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      Statistical AnalysisMultidisciplinaryProtein EngineeringProtein Binding
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Mémoire proposes a general framework for reasoning from cases in biology and medicine. Part of this project is to propose a memory organization capable of handling large cases and case bases as occur in biomedical domains. This article... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInformation RetrievalArtificial IntelligenceComputational Intelligence
Neuraminidase is an important target for design of antiviral agents in the prophylaxis and treatment of avian influenza virus infections. We have shown the applicability of computer-assisted combinatorial techniques in the design,... more
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      DesignMedical MicrobiologyEnzyme InhibitorsScreening
Two main languages have been defined to allow users to express their preference criteria: Top-k and Skyline. Top-k ranks the top k tuples in terms of a user-defined score function while Skyline identifies non-dominated tuples, ie such... more
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase QueryDexaScore Function
This paper investigates the influence of different page features on the ranking of search engine results. We use Google (via its API) as our testbed and analyze the result rankings for several queries of different categories using... more
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      Search EngineBinary ClassificationScore Function
We have developed a new scoring function, the template modeling score (TM-score), to assess the quality of protein structure templates and predicted full-length models by extending the approaches used in Global Distance Test (GDT) 1 and... more
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      Protein FoldingComputational BiologyProtein Structure PredictionMembrane proteins: Structure and Function
In this paper, we review recent advances in blind source separation (BSS) and independent component analysis (ICA) for nonlinear mixing models. After a general introduction to BSS and ICA, we discuss in more detail uniqueness and... more
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      Cognitive SciencePrincipal Component AnalysisNonlinear dynamicsIndependent Component Analysis
This paper proposes a regression model where the response is beta distributed using a parameterization of the beta law that is indexed by mean and dispersion parameters. The proposed model is useful for situations where the variable of... more
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsMaximum LikelihoodLeverage
CAPRI is a communitywide experiment to assess the capacity of protein-docking methods to predict protein-protein interactions. Nineteen groups participated in rounds 1 and 2 of CAPRI and submitted blind structure predictions for seven... more
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      AlgorithmsGenomicsProtein Structure PredictionForecasting
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      Cognitive ScienceAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderQuality of lifeFunctional impairment
We construct a zero net-worth uninformed ''naive investor'' who uses a random portfolio allocation strategy. We then compare the returns of the momentum strategist to the return distribution of naive investors. For this purpose we reward... more
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      Applied MathematicsProfitabilityRisk factorsMomentum
A novel and robust automated docking method that predicts the bound conformations of flexible ligands to macromolecular targets has been developed and tested, in combination with a new scoring function that estimates the free energy... more
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      GeneticsComputational ChemistryMonte Carlo SimulationSimulated Annealing
This paper considers adaptive estimation in nonstationary autoregressive moving average models with the noise sequence satisfying a generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic process. The locally asymptotic quadratic form of... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsNonlinear Time SeriesMoving average
Eduard Dinu, Ştefania-Cristina Curea / 20
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      Environmental policySustainable DevelopmentEuropean UnionCourse Development
Eduard Dinu, Ştefania-Cristina Curea / 20
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      Environmental policySustainable DevelopmentEuropean UnionCourse Development
ABSTRACT Textual information in the form of digital documents quickly accumulates to create huge amounts of data. The majority of these documents are unstructured: it is unrestricted text and has not been organized into traditional... more
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      Computer ScienceGenetic AlgorithmScore Function
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      GeneticsCognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceCombinatorial Optimization
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      Music Information RetrievalSequence alignmentComputer ModelResearch Method
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      MultidisciplinaryAppliedText CategorizationApplied Sciences
This paper considers adaptive estimation in nonstationary autoregressive moving average models with the noise sequence satisfying a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic process. The locally asymptotic quadratic form of... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsNonlinear Time SeriesMoving average
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      DatabasesData EngineeringRelational AlgebraQuality of Service
Efficient processing of top-k queries is a crucial requirement in many interactive environments that involve massive amounts of data. In particular, efficient top-k processing in domains such as the Web, multimedia search and distributed... more
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      AlgorithmsRelational DatabaseInformation RetrievalDesign
We have developed an evolutionary approach for flexible ligand docking. This approval, GEMDOCK, uses a Generic Evolutionary Method for molecular DOCKing and an empirical scoring function. The former combines both discrete and continuous... more
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      AlgorithmsThermodynamicsComputational BiologyMolecular Evolution
Human purine nucleoside phosphorylase (HsPNP) is a target for inhibitor development aiming at T-cell immune response modulation. In this work, we report the development of a new set of empirical scoring functions and its application to... more
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      EnzymologyImmune responseKineticsSynchrotron Radiation
Erythropoietin plus granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is better than erythropoietin alone to treat anemia in low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes: results from a randomized single-centre study Abstract Haemopoietic growth factors (HGF),... more
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      Quality of lifeErythropoietinAcute Myeloid LeukemiaMyelodysplastic Syndrome
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We investigate the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator for the spatial autoregressive model. A stochastic expansion of the score function is used to develop the secondorder bias and mean squared error of the... more
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      EconometricsMean square errorMaximum LikelihoodSecond Order
Efficient processing of top-k queries is a crucial requirement in many interactive environments that involve massive amounts of data. In particular, efficient top-k processing in domains such as the Web, multimedia search and distributed... more
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      AlgorithmsRelational DatabaseInformation RetrievalDesign
To analyse cross-cultural validity of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM 2) in patients with stroke using the Rasch model. Settings: Thirty-one rehabilitation facilities within 6 different countries in Europe. Participants: A total... more
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      Rehabilitation MedicineCognitionRasch AnalysisActivities of Daily Living
This paper presents an algorithm which is able to extract discriminant rules from oligopeptides for protease proteolytic cleavage activity prediction. The algorithm is developed using genetic programming. Three important components in the... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceCatalysis
Models of macromolecular assemblies are essential for a mechanistic description of cellular processes. Such models are increasingly obtained by fitting atomic-resolution structures of components into a density map of the whole assembly.... more
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      AlgorithmsElectron MicroscopyMolecular BiologyOptimization
In this paper, we propose a generic text summarization method that generates summaries of Turkish texts by ranking sentences according to their scores calculated using their surface level features and extracting the highest ranked ones... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningPerformance EvaluationText Summarization
R. Koenker a G. Basset (1978) proposed the regression quantiles as any generalization of usual quantiles to linear regression model. They characterized the regression quantile as the solution of the linear program. called the componenents... more
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      Time SeriesLinear ModelKolmogorov-Smirnov testDR-AR Model
Bayesian networks are a useful tool in the representation of uncertain knowledge. This paper proposes a new algorithm called ACO-E, to learn the structure of a Bayesian network. It does this by conducting a search through the space of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceApplied MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceAnt Colony Optimization
Virtual screening is becoming an important tool for drug discovery. However, the application of virtual screening has been limited by the lack of accurate scoring functions. Here, we present a novel scoring function, MedusaScore, for... more
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      Statistical AnalysisDrug DiscoveryChemicalSoftware Design
We propose and evaluate several new scoring rules based on likelihood ratios, for comparing forecast densities in the context of VaR modelling and expected loss estimation. Our approach is motivated by the observation that existing... more
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      MathematicsRisk ManagementIRT-likelihood RatioScore Function
The purpose of the paper is to explore the connection between multivariate homogeneity tests and AUC optimization. The latter problem has recently received much attention in the statistical learning literature. From the elementary... more
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      Statistical LearningROC CurveScore Function
Background: Molecular-docking-based virtual screening is an important tool in drug discovery that is used to significantly reduce the number of possible chemical compounds to be investigated. In addition to the selection of a sound... more
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      Drug DiscoveryParallel ProcessingBiological SciencesSoftware
We formulate the local ranking problem in the framework of bipartite ranking where the goal is to focus on the best instances. We propose a methodology based on the construction of real-valued scoring functions. We study empirical risk... more
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      Machine LearningROC CurveRankingScore Function
The state of the art of various computational aspects of docking-based virtual screening of database of small molecules is presented. The review encompasses the different search algorithms and the scoring functions used in docking methods... more
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      AlgorithmsComputer Aided DesignPharmaceutical TechnologyMembrane Proteins
A wide selection of classical and recent tests for exponentiality are discussed and compared. The classical procedures include the statistics of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Crame´r-von Mises, a statistic based on spacings, and a method... more
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      StatisticsEntropyLaplace TransformKolmogorov-Smirnov test
Email Retrieval task has recently taken much attention to help the user retrieve the email(s) related to the submitted query. Up to our knowledge, existing email retrieval ranking approaches sort the retrieved emails based on some... more
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      Information RetrievalExperimental EvaluationComputer Science Information TechnologyScore Function
Relevance ranking consists in sorting a set of objects with respect to a given criterion. However, in personalized retrieval systems, the relevance criteria may usually vary among different users and may not be predefined. In this case,... more
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      AlgorithmsMachine LearningActive LearningChoice and preference (Learning)
Management of large giant cell tumors of the proximal humerus is controversial because wide resection with reconstruction results in a poor functional outcome for most patients. We retrospectively reviewed the cases of six patients with... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment OutcomeAdolescentOsteoarthritis
Protein-protein docking is a challenging computational problem in functional genomics, particularly when one or both proteins undergo conformational change(s) upon binding. The major challenge is to define scoring function soft enough to... more
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      Protein FoldingLinear ProgrammingMembrane proteins: Structure and FunctionFunctional Genomics
Phenomenological analysis of existing hydrogen bond (HB) donor and acceptor scales and apparent physical considerations have enabled the establishment of new quantitative scales of hydrogen bond basicity and acidity. Chemical structures... more
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      WaterChemicalPhase equilibriaDrug Design
It is well-known that financial data sets exhibit conditional heteroskedasticity. GARCH type models are often used to model this phenomenon. Since the distribution of the rescaled innovations is generally far from a normal distribution, a... more
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      EconometricsEconomic TheoryARCH modelConditional Heteroskedasticity