Scientific method & Education
Recent papers in Scientific method & Education
The paper examines ontological presuppositions and epistemological branches of Peace and Conflict Studies. It describes the narrower use of the concepts ‗ontology‘ and ‗epistemology‘ as sub-branch and branch of philosophy respectively and... more
Before psychedelics, some higher-level scientific concepts were mainly restricted by arm-chair musing, but the multistate paradigm encourages us to reconsider them — even to design experiments on them.
The metaphor of scaling up is the wrong one to use for describing and prescribing educational change. Many of the strategies being employed to achieve scaling up are counter-productive: they conceive of practitioners as delivery agents or... more
It will be shown that at least four foundational concepts of Cultural Historical Activity Theory were previously formulated by Hegel, viz., (1) the unit of analysis as a key concept for analytic-synthetic cognition, (2) the centrality of... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
This paper deals with a topic that has received little discussion: the ethical, social and scientific requirements grammar books should fulfill. The linguistic norm must be based on reasoning and research, never on dogma and... more
The goal of this paper is to report on the SERVQUAL gap which causes unsuccessful service delivery at a University of Technology in South Africa. Using a quantitative research design, the study adopts a SERVQUAL model adapted to a... more
The paper raises the following question: What are the fields of Tesla’s self-education and how can we ascertain these? In search of an answer, the paper offers consideration of Tesla’s major contributions, of the fields he studied... more
This is an FRQ essay relating the impact of the scientific method on the scientific community during the scientific revolution.
A basic discussion identifying the nature of scientific inquiry through a structured method.
Rad postavlja pitanje: koje su oblasti samoobrazovanja Nikole Tesle i kako da ih utvrdimo? Imajući u vidu najznačajnije doprinose Nikole Tesle i formalno obrazovanje koje je stekao, tragajući za odgovorom na to pitanje, rad razmatra... more
What are the correspondences and disparities between Theravada Buddhism and Scientism? Is there a compatibility between the the epistemological methods of Buddhism and Scientism? Is the Theravada Buddhist ontological schemata similar to... more
Introduction: Toothbrushing is an important activity to prevent teeth and mouth diseases, but children behaviour towards it is still low. One of methods to improve the children toothbrushing behaviour is by giving a health education. The... more
Al fine di raggiungere le finalità e gli obiettivi il modello partirà dal riconoscimento e la classificazione dei minerali e attraverso il rapporto solidi-legami arriverà alla struttura delle particelle atomiche. Il tema-chiave proposto -... more
The teaching of biology and in particular of representations around phenomena on a microscopic scale represents a challenge for teachers, both because of the level of abstraction required, and because of the need for specific instruments... more
This paper addresses ways of researching the pedagogy involved in building research methods competencies in the social sciences. The lack of explicit and shared pedagogy in this area make it particularly important that research is... more
This is the published version of Haack's Agnes Cuming Lectures at University College, Dublin, downloadable free. The first lecture ("Science, Yes; Scientism, No") shows why, while the achievements of the sciences deserve our respect and... more
The goal of this paper is to report on the SERVQUAL gap which causes unsuccessful service delivery at a University of Technology in South Africa. Using a quantitative research design, the study adopts a SERVQUAL model adapted to a... more
This paper primarily highlighted the variations of conceptions held by science learners about scientific experimentations. Although there are numerous ways of how experiments are carried out, students tend to think that there is only one... more
Slides to accompany the paper of the same title.
O livro “(Com)Textos III: Diálogos de ensino para a Educação Científica e Tecnológica" dá continuidade à série de mesmo nome e tem o propósito de possibilitar maior circulação e visibilidade para os trabalhos elaborados nas disciplinas... more
Education is not necessarily associated with inclusive research and the label of inclusive research is little used in our discipline. It is an umbrella term encompassing participatory, emancipatory and community/peer-led research. This is... more
The paper compares the claims of marginalist theory and the labour theory of value to be scientifically founded.
Охрана окружающей среды кажется главным образом предметом практическим. СМИ, популяризаторы науки да и сами исследователи, обсуждая экологические проблемы, подают их как неотложные нужды, чьë решение важно, но развитие собственно науки... more
The motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ) is widely used as a self-report instrument to assess students' motivation and self-regulation. This study utilized the MSLQ Junior High to examine the motivational beliefs and... more
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (1817-1898), Founder of the Aligarh Muslim University, was a great social activist and reformer. He worked hard for Muslim uplift and intellectual development through modern education and Islamic thought so that they... more
يتضمن اختبار مهارات الفروض العلمية ثلاث مهارات رئيسة هى: تكوين الفروض العلمية، وتقويم الفروض العلمية، واختبار الفروض العلمية.
Calls to list polar bears as a threatened species under the United States Endangered Species Act are based on forecasts of substantial long-term declines in their population. Nine government reports were written to help US Fish and... more
RESUMEN El artículo trata de la enseñanza de la arqueología prehistórica en la escuela y en el museo; plantea cómo la historia, la física o la química tienen sistemas de razonamiento diferentes, llamados " razonamiento informal... more
Education is not necessarily associated with inclusive research and the label of inclusive research is little used in our discipline. It is an umbrella term encompassing participatory, emancipatory and community/peer-led research. This is... more
Education is seen as an important vehicle to foster relationships with countries in the Asia-Pacific regionparticularly with Australia's most important economic partner, China. There are many prior studies that have explored the impact of... more
Gerald Dillenbeck, M.Div., MPA, PDC Old misunderstandings of how Earth and Her species evolve, regeneratively and degeneratively change, sometimes in revolutionary expansive/implosive quick and great transitions, but more traditionally... more
Power Point Presentation
Tanto en nuestra imágenes pre-teóricas de la ciencia, como en buena parte de la literatura especializada, el sentido crítico aparece como un elemento fundamental en la construcción del conocimiento científico, y eventualmente como uno de... more
ABSTRACT Drawing on the experience of carrying out a literature review commissioned to support the Review of Teacher Education in Scotland, this paper discusses the role of literature reviews within the movement for ‘evidence-based... more
This study explores the opportunities and dilemmas that have been encountered by researchers seeking the views of young people with autism. Twelve researchers were interviewed about their experiences in this field. Through exploration of... more