Recent papers in Schadenfreude
Dawna białoruska pieśń ludowa zaczyna się w te słowa: „Oj Wasylu, Wasylu, cóż tak się weselisz? Czy ci żona poczęła? Czy się krowa ocieliła? – Krowa mi się nie cieli, a żona nie poczęła. To wójta dobrodzieja choroba wzięła!”. Czytelnik,... more
Two studies examined intergroup schadenfreude-malicious pleasure at an out-group's misfortune. Study 1 showed that schadenfreude regarding a German loss in soccer was increased by interest in soccer and threats of Dutch inferiority. The... more
The films embraced by the viewers due to their formal and/or aesthetic incompetence (e.g. technical flaws, lousy acting, cheap special effects, baffling storylines) are called "so bad, it's good," "goodbad film" or simply "badfilm".... more
Emotion impacts fans' information processing and evaluation of sport sponsors. This paper examines the emotion of schadenfreude (joy at others' misfortune) within rivalry contests under a cognition-emotion theoretical framework. Study 1... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
In the present essay I would like to explore the different meanings of the emotion named Schadenfreude from a perspective integrating Plato’s and Aristotle’s moral philosophy with the analyses of phenomenological anthropologists such as... more
In questo contributo ci si sofferma sul nesso che intercorre fra il riso e l’emozione conosciuta come Schadenfreude, ossia piacere per le sventure altrui. Al centro dell'indagine c'è l’ambiguo caso di Schadenfreude messo in scena nella... more
This paper concerns the conflict between loving and envious feelings in the Philebus and the Phaedrus. The Greek word phthonos, used by Plato in different contexts, characterizes emotions that contemporary theories classify as envy,... more
Emotion ceased to be a marginal concept to occupy much of the recent literature in Social Communication. Within journalism, it generates revulsion, attraction, and, especially, uncertainties about its real function. What seems... more
Professoren sind besser als ihr Ruf. Nicht immer eilen sie in Gedanken vertieft, ohne auf Straße, Verkehr oder Passanten zu achten in ihr Büro. Wenn ich frühmorgens auf dem Weg zum Campus de Gualtar an dem seit Jahrzehnten leerstehenden... more
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, zararına sevinme (schadenfreude) ve yardım davranışının, ka-ranlık üçlü, benlik saygısı, empati ve bakış açısı alma bakımından incelenmesidir. Ça-lışmaya 245 kadın, 49 erkek üniversite öğrencisi katılmıştır... more
Chapter 17 in Schadenfreude: Understanding Pleasure at the Misfortune of Others.
Edited by Wilco W. van Dijk and Jaap W. Ouwerkerk
Edited by Wilco W. van Dijk and Jaap W. Ouwerkerk
In the literature, Schadenfreude is not a pervasive subject to be studied. However in the previous studies effects of hostility, vengefulness, jealousy and group identity were demonstrated on Schadenfreude. In present study the effect of... more
While emotion has often been regarded as a negative force for human decision making, there are times when emotion is essential in order for human beings to make sensible choices. The basis for the phenomenon appears to be the ‘hunches’... more
Emotional processes are of key importance for the understanding of narcissism, in both its grandiose and its vulnerable forms. The current chapter provides an overview on the links between narcissism and emotionality. The two forms of... more
This paper proposes a new methodology for practice-as-research: “Anticipation, Action, and Analysis”. Critical evaluation of my performance artwork Lost for Words functions as the vehicle to describe Anticipation, Action, and Analysis and... more
Purpose-This study aims to investigate how luxury brand attachment (LBA) and perceived envy may influence schadenfreude. In addition, the moderating influence of consumers' need for uniqueness (CNFU) and private vs public consumption is... more
In the present essay I would like to explore the different meanings of the emotion named Schadenfreude from a perspective integrating Plato's and Aristotle's moral philosophy with the analyses of phenomenological anthropologists such as... more When the notion enters your head that 'Nothing matters and you can do what you want to satiatingly live life to the fullest, because 1. It's... more
Chapter 17 in Schadenfreude: Understanding Pleasure at the Misfortune of Others. Edited by Wilco W. van Dijk and Jaap W. Ouwerkerk
This piece studies post-9/11 male characters and their roles in YAL, using Alexie's Part-Time Indian, Schadenfreude, and reality-TV as resources and texts.
This paper aims to discuss ridicule (geloion) in Plato. Often neglected in modern accounts of emotions, ridicule is in fact considered an affect (pathos) by Plato and largely deployed in his dialogues. I will analyze his understanding of... more
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
Schadenfreude, the arousal of positive emotions in view of negative experiences of another, is considered one of the most inappropriate emotions in social life. Its international manifestation is puzzling, as it arouses the question of... more
The authors tested the hypothesis that the more individuals are responsible for their own misfortune, the more schadenfreude (i.e., pleasure derived from another's misfortune) and less sympathy the misfortune evokes in others. The results... more
A challenge to some leading thinking and an introduction of some new ideas.
In two studies we demonstrated that self-esteem has a negative relationship with schadenfreude toward a high achiever and that this relationship was mediated by the self-threat evoked by this high achiever. Moreover, we showed that this... more
Schadenfreude is a perplexing emotion: on the one hand, it is pleasurable, some even argue one of the most pleasurable emotions, and on the other hand it seems disgusting and inhumane, even sadistic, since we know we ought to be sad,... more
El objetivo de este trabajo fue proponer un modelo de ecuaciones latentes que estructure la relación entre engagement académico, schadenfreude y comportamiento prosocial sobre el clima escolar. Se trabajó con una metodología cuantitativa... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the links between schadenfreude, sympathy and self-esteem in terms of helping behavior. Sample consists of 179 female and 56 male undergraduates (M age=20.21). Self-comparison and the actor’s... more
This article discusses the late eighteenth-century Dutch periodical 'Lanterne Magique of Toverlantaern'. This political journal is analyzed from the perspective of its sense of humor and its rhetoric. 'Lanterne Magique', it is shown, is... more
Emotional processes are of key importance for the understanding of narcissism, in both its grandiose and its vulnerable forms. The current chapter provides an overview on the links between narcissism and emotionality. The two forms of... more
The authors tested the hypothesis that the more individuals are responsible for their own misfortune, the more schadenfreude (i.e., pleasure derived from another's misfortune) and less sympathy the misfortune evokes in others. The results... more
Los Andes, Mendoza, 3 jun 2016.
Abstract Emotion impacts fans' information processing and evaluation of sport sponsors. This paper examines the emotion of schadenfreude (joy at others' misfortune) within rivalry contests under a cognition-emotion theoretical... more
The physical pain insinuated in slapstick situations is inherently tied to humiliation, which is less apprehended as a once-of social phenomenon than a universal, an abstract with deep existential dimensions for those involved: slapstick... more