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As all the traffic between the public Internet and the customer's desktop must be interconnected through ISP's access network, this work thus makes use of the transpor- tation traffic log gathered from backbone router to develop... more
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      Computer ScienceSPAMComputer SecurityComputer Network
e-mail has become an important means of electronic communication but the viability of its usage is marred by Unsolicited Bulk e-mail (UBE) messages. UBE consists of many types like pornographic, virus infected and 'cry-for-help'... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyText Mining
Email has become an important means of electronic communication but the viability of its usage is marred by Un-solicited Bulk Email (UBE) messages. UBE poses technical and socioeconomic challenges to usage of emails. Besides, the... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)
Unsolicited bulk email (aka. spam) is a major problem onthe Internet. To counter spam, several techniques, ranging from spam filters to mail protocol extensions Iike hashcash, have been proposed. In this paper we investigate the... more
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      Computer ScienceSecuritySPAMNetworking
Globalização, circulação de pessoas e bens e
privacidade - efeitos na proteção de dados pessoais
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      SPAMSurveillance, personal data, social sorting, privacy, camera surveillance, identification systems, internet surveillance, biometricsPrivacy and data protectionprivacidade e proteção de dados
Towards Symbiotic Spam E-mail Filtering Clotilde Lopes1 and Paulo Cortez1 and Pedro Sousa2 Abstract. This position paper discusses the use of symbiotic filtering, a novel distributed data mining approach that combines contentbased and... more
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      Computer ScienceSPAMSymbiotic
Cybercrime has grown voluminous pleats with veneration to the development of first-hand technology. The flout towards cybercrime has become todays prime centric with developing countries frugality as well. Nonetheless hefty figure of... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingInformation SecurityCybercrimes
Buried in the source code for papers uploaded to Academia is an assessment of work quality, "high," "low," or "spam" (although at first this may be "null," or sometimes no quality may be assigned at all, perhaps because the upload is a... more
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      CensorshipSPAMSpam DetectionCardinal George Pell
La deteccion de intrusos en redes de computadoras a partir del enfoque de aprendizaje automatico presenta algunas deficiencias dadas por la propia naturaleza de la aplicacion. La principal viene dada por el modesto despliegue de sistemas... more
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Many successful query expansion techniques ignore information about the term dependencies that exist within natural language. However, researchers have recently demonstrated that consistent and significant improvements in retrieval... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingQuery ExpansionStructured Query Language
SUMMARYIP prefix hijacking is a major threat to the security of the Internet routing system owing to the lack of authoritative prefix ownership information. Despite many efforts to design IP prefix hijack detection schemes, no existing... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer SecurityInternet Routing Protocol
A social behavioral profile accurately reflects a user’s OSN activity patterns. People access OSNs using both traditional desktop PCs and new emerging mobile devices. With more than one billion users worldwide, OSNs are a new venue of... more
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      Computer ScienceClickstream AnalysisWorld Wide WebInternet privacy
Instant messaging is popular and relatively new form of social interaction. Instant Messengers (IMs) and Social Networking Sites (SNS) may contain harmful and suspicious messages, which are untraced, leading to hindrance for network... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceComputer SecurityInstant Messaging
This article presents an extensive characterization of a spam-infected e-mail workload. The study aims at identifying and quantifying the characteristics that significantly distinguish spam from non-spam (i.e., legitimate) traffic,... more
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      Computer ScienceTechnologyPerformanceSPAM
With millions of users tweeting around the world, real time search systems and different types of mining tools are emerging to allow people tracking the repercussion of events and news on Twitter. However, although appealing as mechanisms... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceMachine LearningSocial Media
The EASY-GOING deconvolution (EGdeconv) program is extended to enable fast and automated fitting of multiple quantum magic angle spinning (MQMAS) spectra guided by evolutionary algorithms. We implemented an analytical crystallite... more
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      EngineeringChemistryEvolutionary algorithmsSolid State NMR
The amount of information that people share on social networks is constantly increasing. People also comment, annotate, and tag their own content (videos, photos, notes, etc.), as well as the content of others. In many cases, the content... more
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A soft error redirection is a URL redirection to a page that returns the HTTP status code 200 (OK) but has actually no relevant content to the client request. Since such redirections degrade the performance of web search engines in many... more
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      Computer ScienceSPAMSearch EngineGeneral Terms
Short Message Service (SMS) has become one of the most important media of communications due to the rapid increase of mobile users and it's easy to use operating mechanism. This flood of SMS goes with the problem of spam SMS that are... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSPAM
This study examined the influence of workload and dual-task performance decrements associated with the SPAM technique. Participants performed the Air Traffic Scenarios Test (ATST), which is a low fidelity air traffic control simulator... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSituation awarenessHuman Factors
Cómo han sufrido bullying los menores en los últimos doce
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      GeographySPAMSoftwareRedes sociales
The Semantic Web Services Initiative Architecture (SWSA) committee has created a set of architectural and protocol abstractions as a foundation for Semantic Web service technologies.This article summarizes the committee’s findings,... more
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Internet based communication systems appear in many forms from email to Instant Messenger and chat services to Voice over IP (VoIP). Common weaknesses of these current communication systems include inherent security vulnerabilities to... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceRoutingVoice over IP
Kebutuhan air merupakan salah satu kebutuhan utama yang sangat berpengaruh bagi makhluk hidup di dunia. Khusus untuk manusia, air bersih sangat penting untuk menunjang kehidupan sehari-hari seperti kebutuhan rumah tangga, kebutuhan... more
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Este trabajo se propone revisar el tema del archivo y la construcción de la memoria como instancias claves del proceso de desubjetivación en Spam de Rafael Spregelburd. Los intentos de (re)construir una voz a partir de (sus) desechos... more
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The problem of optimization has always existed in all scientific and industrial fields. This issue has been raised in mathematics and computer science as finding the best answer among different answers. This problem has become an... more
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1. Genetic stock identification (GSI) frequently is used to assess spawning/breeding population contributions to mixtures of individuals. Although multiple estimation routines are available for conducting GSI, their performance may vary... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyComputer ScienceEcologySPAM
In this paper, I develop an economic argument for regulating the sending of junk emails, and examine the efficiency of various approaches to regulate junk emails. The first part of the paper develops an externality model of spam to show... more
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      BusinessCyberlawProperty RightsSPAM
In earlier days we were asking our friends or relatives for their opinions regarding products which we want to purchase from the merchants. But now a day's E-commerce is gaining more and more popularity. Whatever query we are having, we... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingSPAMOpinion Mining
Internet of Things (IoT) is a promising technology enabling physical devices like cameras, home appliances, and other devices to communicate and interoperate with each other. The next wave transforms our homes, society, enterprises, and... more
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      Human GeographyComputer ScienceInternet of ThingsInteroperability
At present, spam is an actual and increasing problem that compromises email communications across the world. Thus, several solutions have been proposed to stop or reduce the amount of this threat. However, methods based on negative... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputational IntelligenceCluster Analysis
O grande número de mensagens indesejadas recebidas pelos usuários em suas caixas de correio eletrônico faz com que se busquem formas de combater ou amenizar os problemas ocasionados pelo recebimento de spams. O presente trabalho... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceComputer SecurityOpen Source
Spam has long been identified as a problem that web search engines are required to deal with. Large collection sizes are also an increasing issue for institutions that do not have the necessary resources to process them in their entirety.... more
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      EconomicsSovereigntyCredit RatingBond
In this paper we aim to detect the compromised machines in a network that are involved in the spamming activities, widely known as spam zombies. Given that spamming provides a key economic incentive for attackers to recruit the large... more
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      Computer ScienceZombieSpamming
This article is discusses about the implementation of legal certainty at Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan in the company's management authority within practices and to explain various deviations of legal certainty that occur in Perumda... more
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      CertaintyLegal Certainty
With increase in amount of information being stored in remote locations, there is a need to have an efficient method that facilitates information retrieval. Most information retrieval operations use client server architecture which ends... more
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E-mail communication still has to cope with certain security problems. The most visible result is the mass of unsolicited messages outnumbering the regular e-mails in magnitudes. The technical reasons for this unfavorable situation are... more
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      Game TheorySPAMFiltering
Commette il reato di diffamazione aggravata colui il quale, inoltrando messaggi nella rete internet attraverso un gruppo di discussione, insulti il proprio antagonista definendolo “spammer” e diffondendo la notizia di sue precedenti... more
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      SPAMAnti spamDanni patrimoniali e non patrimoniali da diffamazioneDiffamazione on Line
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      Constitutional LawPERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
In this article, we aim at relating emotions and gender stereotypes through the analysis of the narratives containedinspame-mails.Wewillpresentfourdifferenttypesofspame-mailsfromacorpus... more
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      Discourse AnalysisComputer ScienceGender StudiesPortuguese
This research entitled "Analysis local financial performance Its Influence To Capital Expenditure Of Regency Of Batang Hari ". The purpose of the study is 1). To know and DOF, RKD And RKKD of the districts of Batang Hari region;... more
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      Local GovernmentFinancial IndependenceCapital Expenditureeksis
This thesis is dedicated to my parents and my loving husband ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who enabled my research. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my advisor,... more
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      BusinessAmerican StudiesComputer ScienceNetworks
from Pink Sheets, LLC, for providing crucial pricing and market data.
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      BusinessCyberlawCommunications lawSPAM
In the current scenario, the data on the web is growing exponentially. Social media is generating a large amount of data such as reviews, comments, and customer's opinions on a daily basis. This huge amount of user generated data is... more
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      Computer ScienceSPAMOpinion MiningMonitoring System
Nous essayons, dans ces quelques lignes, présenter le phénomène du spamming qui pose de sérieux problèmes au bon fonctionnement de la messagerie électronique en particulier, et du commerce électronique en générale. En effet, l'ampleur des... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceSpamming
Voice over internet protocol is an artistic technology in Internet today. And it's very powerful over the PSTN. As VoIP is more flexible and low cost compare to PSTN, many marketing agencies uses it for marketing call or for message... more
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      Computer ScienceVoice over IPComputer NetworkSession Initiation Protocol
We propose a new spam detection algorithm that uses structural relationships between senders and recipients of email as the basis for spam detection. A unifying representation of users and receivers in the vectorial space of their... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningBotnetData Collection
In this paper, I develop an economic argument for regulating the sending of junk emails, and examine the efficiency of various approaches to regulate junk emails. The first part of the paper develops an externality model of spam to show... more
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      BusinessCyberlawProperty RightsSPAM
As the email is becoming a prominent mode of communication so are the attempts to misuse it to take undue advantage of its low cost and high reachability. However, as email communication is very cheap, spammers are taking advantage of it... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArchitectureSPAM
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      Computer SecurityCloud ComputingSpringer Ebooks