Russian Architecture
Recent papers in Russian Architecture
Авторы обращаются к теме строительной истории древних Спасо-Преображенского и Михайло-Архангельского соборов Нижегородского кремля, рассматривая ее через призму археологических исследований XX века и ранних изобразительных источников... more
Rencontre entre Catherine II, pour qui l'architecture n'est pas seulement une affaire de prestige mais une oeuvre personnelle, et de l'architecte parisien, cousin de Blondel, ayant passé par le voyage d'Italie... L'article examine le... more
The Church of the Vernicle was build in 1774 - 1783 in estate Rai-Semenovskoye near Moscow. On of the outstanding temples built by Russian architect Matvey Kazakov. The article is dedicted to its history and architecture. Most of the... more
Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування: Наук.-техн. збірник / Відпов. ред. М.М. Дьомін. -K., КНУБА, 2013. -Вип. 34. -592 с. Українською та російською мовами.
Avant-garde, Art-deco, Eclecticism
The discussing on the content and destiny of concepts "eclecticism", "art deco" and "avant-guard" applied to 20--30s soviet architecture
The discussing on the content and destiny of concepts "eclecticism", "art deco" and "avant-guard" applied to 20--30s soviet architecture
The Collection of Russian Architectural Drawings at the National
Museum of Stockholm and the Journeys of Empress Elizaveta
Petrovna at the Beginning of Her Reign
Museum of Stockholm and the Journeys of Empress Elizaveta
Petrovna at the Beginning of Her Reign
Sunlight in the Search for a New Russian Architecture in the 1920s-1930s, In: J. Medina Warmburg, C. Shmidt (eds.) The Construction of Climate in Modern Architectural Culture, 1920-1980, Madrid: Lampreave, 2015, pp. 94-107.
Приуроченное к 120-летию Новосибирска научно-популярное издание посвящено наиболее яркому периоду его истории — 20–30 годам ХХ века. В тексте дается развернутая характеристика периода становления планировочной структуры и архитектурного... more
The paper is focused on the use of the meander motif in décor of the Old Rus’ church masonry from 11th to early 13th century. Attention is drawn to compositional peculiarities and the diversity of patterns in meander frieze on church... more
Reference site: Synopsis: This chapter reconstructs and reframes latent legacies, delves into the reasons behind the prevalence of... more
Russian-Italian architectural ideas, Neoclassical and Modernists Themes in Italian and Russian Architecture
Настоящее научно-популярное издание, продолжающее тему «Архитектура и градостроительство Новосибирска в ХХ веке», посвящено архитектурному наследию 30–50-х годов прошлого столетия, рассмотренному в контексте мировой и отечественной... more
Kniha vyšla v roce 1982 / The book was published in 1982 / Книга была издана в 1982 году.
Семичевская Т.С. Поиск национального стиля в зодчестве России XIX − начала XX в.
Проаналізовано особливості архітектурної композиції львівської церкви Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці (1591-1692); вивчається можливість зміни проектного рішення у процесі будівництва, вказано імовірний прототип первинного проектного... more
Much has been written on the impact of digital technology and its translation into architectural practice and education. This paper reconsiders this process of integration to question current trends in research and pedagogy. Recent... more
Описание творческого пути академика архитектуры Ивана Владиславовича Жолтовского (1867-1959), которое можно обнаружить в имеющейся литературе, содержит немало «белых пятен». Не освещёнными остаются целые периоды жизни мастера, что создаёт... more
During the First World War, Russia focused its propaganda efforts on the cultivation of anti-Germanic sentiment and the romanticization of the countryside. Wartime fervor gave the provinces bordering enemy territory a new significance as... more
THE POSSIBLE APPLICATION OF MODERN STAGE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIAN AUDITORIAL HALLS WITH SCENIC SECTIONS The present book is the first research in the history of design in the Republic of Armenia, which discusses and... more
The results of the typological study of the Old Kievan bricks of the premongol period are presented. Three main technological traditions of brickmaking, based on the mould types, are revealed, which were in use consequently from the late... more
The article considers the Church of Our Saviour in Berestovo (Kiev) in terms of its place in the early Russian architecture of the premongol period. Several outstanding architectural features point us to the architecture of Polotsk,... more
The article is dedicated to the “orientalizing” tendency of the “Russian style”. For the describing this problem we have based on the constructivist theory of nation-building. In case the producing a nation as a concern of the elites, the... more
Interview in the journal "Kritika" provides a detailed view of Brumfield's path toward a comprehensive project for the documentation and study of Russian architectural heritage.
The astonishing career of a self-styled Venetian architect in Putin's Russia. Mysteries and shadows of an Italian who, from a small architect's office, brought luxury to the villas of the Russian oligarchs. Although his project of the... more
The piece of furniture known in Russian as the Tsar's “Place of Prayer” of the Moscow Kremlin was demolished in the 1960s and had not been studied properly ever since. In this article its form has been reconstructed based on the... more
Spatial Revolution is the first comparative parallel study of Soviet architecture and planning to create a narrative arc across a vast geography. The narrative binds together three critical industrial-residential projects in Baku,... more
The main purpose of this research project will be to connect two of the Soviet Union's major goals in the first fifteen years following the October Revolution; on the one hand, the political aim brought forward by the Bolsheviks, the goal... more
One Yaroslavl monument, the Church of the Decapitation of John the Baptist at Tolchkovo, fascinated not only Prokudin-Gorsky but also the eminent artist Vasily Vereshchagin, who visited the church in 1888 and made sketches and paintings... more
Объект исследования — археологические остатки памятников монументального зодчества к. X в. на Старокиевской горе (церкви Богородицы Десятинной и дворцовых построек). Использованы методы комплексного источниковедения. Проведен подробный... more