Roman Geography
Most downloaded papers in Roman Geography
"The present study describes the history and the archaeological evidence of the passes and mountain roads in the eastern Alps from the beginning of Roman influence in the 1st half of the 2nd century BC to late antiquity. Based on ancient... more
Appian's Illyrian book (Illyrike) was originally intended to be just an appendix to his Macedonian book and today remains the only extant ancient work dealing with the early history of Illyricum which is preserved in its entirety. In this... more
Caius Iulius Solinus, Latin grammarian and compiler from the third century AD, wrote a curious sentence in his work Collectanea rerum memorabilium or Pol-yhistor. Solinus in 2.51 called the Liburni, indigenous group that inhabited part of... more
Geus, Klaus: 'Alexander' and 'Caesar' in a Middle Persian text: interpreting some names in the Šahrestānīha ī Ērānšahr. In: Külzer, Andreas and Popović, Mihailo (eds.): Space, landscapes and settlements in Byzantium: studies in... more
Geus, Klaus: Greek and Greco-Roman Geography. In: Jones, Alexander; Taub, Liba (eds.): The Cambridge history of science. Volume 1: Ancient science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 402-412. [ISBN: 978-0-521-57162-3].
It is widely accepted that the Liburni, at some point in the Iron Age, ruled over much of the Adriatic. Professor Slobodan Čače was the first scholar to truly challenge these narratives through a critique of the written sources. The... more
Grande qualité et ancienneté d'une source d'habitude très décriée, le Géographe de Ravenne pour la Maurétanie césarienne (césarienne +sitifienne). Mode de construction, à partir d'itinéraires; source quasi unique pour une part non... more
A partir de la descripción de la península ibérica incluida en la Naturalis Historia de Plinio el Viejo (I d.C.) es posible recrear una serie de mapas (derroteros de costa y mapas hidrográficos) con los que pudo contar el naturalista... more
Around 500 BC, the Pythagoreans and Eleates put forward the idea that the earth is not a disc but a globe. At least at the time of Plato and Aristotle, philosophers and scientists accepted this new theory. Nevertheless, the age-old... more
Geus, Klaus; Tupikova, Irina Tupikova: Astronomy and geography: some unexplored connections in Ptolemy. In: Pontani, Filippomaria (ed.): Certissima signa: a Venice conference on Greek and Latin astronomical texts. Venezia: Ca´ Foscari,... more
This paper offers comparison of the data about the Roman roads along the coastline between Iader, Salona and Narona, the ones preserved in the itinerary sources (the Peutinger’s map, the Antonine’s Itinerary) and the Elder Pliny’s... more
Le bornage des confins en haute et moyenne montagne dans les Alpes romaines : espaces de marges, espaces marginalisés, espaces finalisés ? Un exemple : la Haute Vallée de l' Arve et du Val d' Arly en Haute-Savoie Delphine Acolat -Franges... more
Geus, Klaus: Wer ist Marinos von Tyros? Zur Hauptquelle des Ptolemaios in seiner "Geographie". In: Geographia antiqua 26 (2017), 13-22. Abstract – As Ptolemy himself acknowledged, Marinos of Tyros was the main source for his Geographike... more
Geus, Klaus: „Er hat die Oikumene der römischen Herrschaft unterworfen“: Bemerkungen zu den Raumvorstellungen in der Zeit des Augustus. In: Baltrusch, Ernst; Wendt, Christian (eds.): Der Erste: Augustus und der Beginn einer neuen Epoche.... more
La montagne, quelle que soit la réalité de sa forme ou de son altitude, apparaît comme un des modèles de locus horridus chez les Romains. Il s'agit de voir sur quels critères se fonde le modèle très péjoratif, essentiellement littéraire,... more
Irina Tupikova & Klaus Geus: The location of Novaesium: a new interpretation of Ptolemy´s coordinates. In: Orbis Terrarum 12 (2014, published 2016), 293–309. [ISBN: 978-3-515-11205-5].
Geus, Klaus: Die "Weltkarte" und das Verbrechen des Mettius Pompusianus: ein Vorschlag. In: Suárez de la Torre, Emilio; Canzobre Martínez, Isabel; Sánchez-Mañas, Carmen (eds.): Ablanathanalba: magia, cultura y sociedad en el Mundo... more
An attempt to translate Pliny's circuli (= klimata; paralleloi ; geographical locations through which the main parallels pass) into cartographic drawings
Concepts of historical geography and regional cartography of the Roman Empire
Original map project of Western Hispania (AD 1-5)
Original map project of Western Hispania (AD 1-5)
Throughout his academic career, spanning more than four decades, Professor Richard Talbert has studied the ancient world from various viewpoints and has analysed numerous aspects of the Greek and Roman world. The online database of the... more
[CAT] Aquest article pretén donar compte de l’origen dels nesònims Columba i Nura per a Mallorca i Menorca, respectivament, documentats únicament per l’Itinerarium Maritimum (Wess. 511, 3 - 512, 1). Després d’examinar-los per separat i... more
Geus, Klaus: Le misurazioni delle Alpi nell’antichità: l’esempio di Plinio. In: Geographia antiqua 27 (2018, publ. 2019), 87–93. [ISSN 1121-8940].
TMA 4 november 1989, 2de jaargang nr.2 prijs los nummer ft. 12,95 j bfr. 240 TMA is een onafhankelijke tijdschrift dat aandacht besteedt aan het actuele archeologische onderzoek in de Mediter rane wereld, in het bijzonder verricht vanuit... more