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New insights in gill/buccal rhythm spiking activity and CO2sensitivityin pre- and postmetamorphic tadpoles (Pelophylax ridibundus)
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In amphibians, there is some evidence that (1) anatomically separate brainstem respiratory oscillators are involved in rhythm generation, one for the buccal rhythm and another for the lung rhythm and (2) they become functionally coupled... more
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Lev-Tov, A., I. Delvolvé, and E. Kremer. Sacrocaudal afferents induce rhythmic efferent bursting in isolated spinal cords of neonatal rats.
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How mammalian neural circuits generate rhythmic activity in motor behaviors, such as breathing, walking, and chewing, remains elusive. For breathing, rhythm generation is localized to a brainstem nucleus, the preBötzinger Complex... more
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verse slice and en bloc preparations. Inspiratory burst timing should be dominated by I neurons in transverse University of California, Los Angeles P.O. Box 951763 slices, whereas burst timing should depend on the interaction of I and... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceRhythmBiology
How mammalian neural circuits generate rhythmic activity in motor behaviors, such as breathing, walking, and chewing, remains elusive. For breathing, rhythm generation is localized to a brainstem nucleus, the preBötzinger Complex... more
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This paper explores musical, psychological and philosophical ideas about how humans and machines interact in creative processes. It argues that creativity is a function of both generator and receiver, and that these roles can be amorphous... more
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      PsychologyMusicCreativityAlgorithmic Composition
Our goal was to determine whether time-dependent changes in respiratory motor output in vitro could be minimized by altering bath solution composition. Adult turtle brainstems were bathed in standard solution, nutrient-rich Dulbecco's... more
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      BiologyMedicineTurtlesMedical Physiology
SYNOPSIS. The episodic, or intermittent, breathing of frogs and many ectothermic vertebrates results in important fluctuations of arterial blood gases. This pattern of breathing differs from the rhythmic and continuous alternation of... more
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  Este artículo analiza ciertos aspectos evolutivos en el intercambio gaseoso, el desa- rrollo pulmonar, la bomba respiratoria, el estado ácido-base y el control de la ventila- ción en relación con un evento trascendente: el pasaje de la... more
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    • Humanities
In central respiratory circuitry, synaptic excitation is responsible for synchronizing neuronal activity in the different respiratory rhythm phases, whereas chloride-mediated inhibition is important for shaping the respiratory pattern... more
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In amphibians, there is some evidence that (1) anatomically separate brainstem respiratory oscillators are involved in rhythm generation, one for the buccal rhythm and another for the lung rhythm and (2) they become functionally coupled... more
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      BiologyMedicineMedical PhysiologyLithobates
; 10.1152/japplphysiol.00558. 2002.-Central CO2 chemoreception and the role of carbonic anhydrase were assessed in brain stems from Rana catesbeiana tadpoles and frogs. Buccal and lung rhythms were recorded from cranial nerve VII and... more
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The occurrence of hiccoughs (hiccups) is very widespread and yet their neuronal origin and physiological significance are still unresolved. Several hypotheses have been proposed. Here we consider a phylogenetic perspective, starting from... more
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      BiologyMedicineBiological SciencesPhylogeny
SUMMARY This study was designed to determine whether lung inflation stimulates or inhibits breathing in frogs by examining the effect of tonic lung inflation on the ‘fictive’ breathing pattern of decerebrate, unidirectionally ventilated... more
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      MedicineBiological SciencesHigh FrequencyMechanoreceptors
The nucleus isthmi (NI) is a mesencephalic structure of the amphibian brain. It has been reported that NI plays an important role in integration of CO 2 chemoreceptor information and glutamate is probably involved in this function.... more
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      Carbon DioxideBiologyEnzyme InhibitorsMedicine
The isolated neonatal rat medulla generates respiratory-related rhythms recorded from cervical spinal cord ventral roots. When lungs and their vagal innervation are retained, respiratory activity is modulated by lung mechanoreceptor... more
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      NeurophysiologyMedicineSpinal CordLung
The chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus, avoids predation by wedging itself in a rock crevice and inflating its lungs beyond their normal inspiratory volume. Buccal and pulmonary pressures were recorded in S. obesus during defensive inflation... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyHerpetology
There is an urgent need to develop novel compounds that prevent the deleterious effects of opioids such as fentanyl on minute ventilation while, if possible, preserving the analgesic actions of the opioids. We report that L-glutathione... more
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The emergence of air breathing during amphibian metamorphosis requires significant changes to the brainstem circuits that generate and regulate breathing. However, the mechanisms controlling this developmental process are unknown. Because... more
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      AgingBiological SciencesAirCorticosterone
Chronic ethanol exposure early in development is deleterious to neural development and may impair responses to ventilatory stimuli (ventilatory drive) that maintain homeostasis. Central hypercapnic ventilatory drive (CHVD) increases... more
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      AlcoholEthanolMedical PhysiologyRespiration
Opioids are perhaps the most effective analgesics in medicine. However, between 1999 and 2018, over 400,000 people in the United States died from opioid overdose. Excessive opioids make breathing lethally slow and shallow, a side-effect... more
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    • Elife
We investigated whether dorsal (DR) and ventral root (VR) stimulus trains engage common postsynaptic components to activate the central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion in the neonatal mouse spinal cord. VR stimulation did not... more
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      Motor neuronCentral Pattern GeneratorsNeural Circuits and BehaviorRhythm Generation
Most vertebrate rhythmic motor networks require synaptic inhibition to regulate timing and pattern. For example, network models of respiratory rhythm generation generally include groups of neurons that are reciprocally coupled via... more
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      Carbon DioxideBiological SciencesSpinal CordTurtles
Spatiotemporal activity patterns during respiratory rhythmogenesis in the rat ventrolateral medulla. . One of the most important brain rhythms is that which generates involuntary breathing movements. The lower brain stem contains neural... more
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      Fluorescence MicroscopyNeurophysiologyBrain MappingPeriodicity
Inspiratory and expiratory rhythms in mammals are thought to be generated by pacemaker-like neurons in 2 discrete brainstem regions: pre-Bö tzinger complex (preBö tC) and parafacial respiratory group (pFRG). How these putative pacemakers... more
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      RhythmMultidisciplinaryMammalsComputer Simulation
Intermittent lung ventilation is a respiratory pattern wherein breaths occur in clusters. Intermittent lung ventilation is common in amphibians and can occur in mammals. Isolated brainstems from postmetamorphic tadpoles exhibiting... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceRana catesbeianaBaclofen
The pre-Bötzinger Complex (preBötC) inspiratory centre remains active in isolated brainstem-spinal cords and brainstem slices. The extent to which findings in these models depend on their dimensions or superfusate [K + ] and [Ca 2+ ]... more
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      CalciumBiological SciencesPotassiumPeriodicity
1. The isolated brainstem of larval Rana catesbeiana maintained in vitro generates neural bursts that correspond to the lung and gill ventilatory activity generated in the intact specimen. To investigate the role of chloride... more
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    • Biological Sciences
The following letters are in response to the Point:Counterpoint series "The parafacial respiratory group (pFRG)/pre-Botzinger complex (preBotC) is the primary site of respiratory rhythm generation in the mammal" that appears in this... more
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The occurrence of hiccoughs (hiccups) is very widespread and yet their neuronal origin and physiological significance are still unresolved. Several hypotheses have been proposed. Here we consider a phylogenetic perspective, starting from... more
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      Biological SciencesPhylogenyAnuraHiccup
The frog, with two distinct ventilatory acts, provides a useful model to investigate the prospective interaction of two oscillators in generating the respiratory rhythm. Building on evidence supporting the existence of separate... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyPhysiologicalMedical Physiology
Evolution of central respiratory chemosensitivity has been linked traditionally to the need for carbon dioxide regulation that accompanied the evolution of air breathing in terresterial animals. We examined the validity of this linkage by... more
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      Carbon DioxidePhylogenyBrainFishes
Though the mechanics of breathing differ fundamentally between amniotes and "lower" vertebrates, homologous rhythm generators may drive air breathing in all lunged vertebrates. In both frogs and rats, two coupled oscillators, one active... more
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      FrogRespirationRana catesbeianaRhythm Generation