Analytic Philosophy of Religion
Recent papers in Analytic Philosophy of Religion
Focusing on God's essential attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, being eternal and omnipresent , being a creator and sustainer, and being a person, I examine how far recent discussion has been able to provide for each of these divine... more
Slade, Darren M. “The Logic of Intersubjectivity: Brian McLaren’s Philosophy of Christian Religion.” PhD diss., Liberty University, 2019. To survey... more
Obecně panuje názor, že (profesionální) filosofové se existencí ani povahou Boha už vlastně nezabývají. Zkušenost o rozšířenosti tohoto názoru jsem si odnesl ze svých rozmluv nejen s odborníky na zjevenou teologii, ale i s mnohými kolegy... more
Modern secular-thought has detached modern religion from both human intellect and nature. Secular evolution, they tell us, has transcended religion in a world driven by blind fate in which we are the derivative of animals. The religion... more
A few decades ago, there was a heated debate among Anglo-Saxon philosophers of religion and philosophical theologians over the quesRon whether, simply put, religion is supposed to represent an "independent transcendent reality" in one way... more
To begin to examine the relation of orthodox Catholic Christian faith to evolutionary theory and the question of human origins, consider words of the fourth pope, St. Clement:
A number of Christian theologians and philosophers have been critical of overly moralizing approaches to the doctrine of sin, but nearly all Christian thinkers maintain that moral fault is necessary or sufficient for sin to obtain. Call... more
The ontological argument for the existence of God has enjoyed a recent renaissance among philosophers of religion. Alvin Plantinga's modal version is perhaps the most notable example. This essay critically examines Plantinga's rendition,... more
What is this thing called Philosophy of Religion? grapples with the core topics studied on philosophy of religion undergraduate courses including: The meaning of religious language, including 20th century developments The nature of the... more
A popular argument for the divinity of Jesus goes like this. Jesus claimed to be divine, but if his claim was false, then either he was insane (mad) or lying (bad), both of which are very unlikely; so, he was divine. I present two... more
Go to for my recent work. I argue that the problem of evil can be a moral objection to theistic belief. The thesis has three broad sections, each establishing an element in this argument. Section one establishes the... more
Design arguments are empirical arguments for God’s existence. These arguments typically, though not always, proceed by identifying various empirical features of the world that constitute evidence of intelligent design and inferring God’s... more
A dead man is popularly believed to be capable of experiencing both good and ill fortune-honor and dishonor, and prosperity and the loss of it among his children and descendants generally-in exactly the same way if he were alive but... more
This essay evaluates some of the stronger evidence for miracle claims outside the New Testament, focusing on Lourdes miracle claims.
Belief in demons can be justified only if demonic activity is the best explanation for the stories about, or one's own experience of, demonic activity. In this paper I employ the method of abduction (inference to the best explanation) to... more
I present and discuss recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on apophaticism and divine ineffability. I focus on three questions: how can we call God ineffable without contradicting ourselves? How can we refer to an ineffable God?... more
In Alvin Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism, the probability thesis claims that the probability of cognitive reliability is low given naturalism and evolution. Using a general mathematical model for a naturalistic... more
اغراق نیست اگر بگوییم که در الهیّات معاصر اسلامی مسألهی شرّ چندان بحثبرانگیز نبوده است. به ندرت میتوان آثار معاصر اسلامیای یافت که به تفصیل و نوآورانه به مسألهی شرّ پرداخته باشند.
In this paper, I aim to show that Hume’s argument against miracles may contain problematic flaws which lessen the plausibility of his argument. The debate about miracles is as hotly contested and controversial today as it was back in the... more
The problem of evil is typically thought to be a problem for theism, the view that there is an omnipotent, omniscient, and essentially good God. The existence of horrendous evils stands out as particularly problematic for the theist:... more
Within a literary ontology, YHWH in the Hebrew Bible is technically also a fictional entity or object. In Hebrew Bible scholarship, a variety of philosophical issues surrounding fiction have received sustained and in-depth attention.... more
In this paper, I shall look at Aristotle's four causes and Maimonides' adaptation of it to show how this links in with and influenced Spinoza's own thinking about teleology. Aristotle's four causes account offers a logical explanation of... more
The philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famously asked: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” His answer was that God Himself is a necessary being that could not have failed to exist. Every physical object exists because of some... more
Lee Strobel, Hani Tanrı Ölmüştü? adlı eserinde inanmayan bir insanın ahlâk anlayışını tasvir ederken şöyle söylemektedir: “Tanrısız yaşam, bana göre, ‘sadece kendin için yaşa’ demekti. Bir gün yaptıklarımdan hesaba çekileceğimi... more
The Author proposes to describe the possible foundations of a Trinitarian theism that may be a philosophically adequate translation of the Johannine declaration: " God is love " , introduced by some contemporary thinkers as a key to... more
Modern philosophical ethics has often tried to show how ethics can be independent of theology-with limited success. John Hare is a Christian philosopher, currently holding the Noah Porter chair of Philosophical Theology at Yale, who has... more
This is a 5000 word entry on the philosophy of religion of William P. Alston
This article presents and explains Alvin Plantinga’s objections against the traditional doctrine of divine simplicity, with a special focus on the objection based on the incompatibility between divine simplicity and the free character of... more
The “argument from love” challenges the “traditional Christian doctrine on which there are some people in hell who are suffering and others in heaven who are not suffering” (Hassoun, “Eternally Separated Lovers,” p. 1) on the grounds that... more
Two theses are defended: First, that realism is a semantic thesis; second, that religious language ought to be interpreted realistically. The first part from chapter 1 to 4 is concerned with the first thesis, the second part from chapter... more
The paper argues that given the defining features of the God of "perfect being" theology, God would not create any contingently existing things. To do so would introduce a kind of gratuitous metaphysical imperfection in an otherwise... more
Les arguments cosmologiques visent à prouver l'existence de Dieu à partir de l'existence de l'univers. C'est ce point de départ qui permet de distinguer les arguments cosmologiques des autres types d'arguments classiques. Les arguments... more
The doctrine of God as “Subsistent Being itself” (Ipsum Esse Subsistens) was for many years considered the heart of Aquinas’ thought. In this paper (i) I set out Aquinas’s arguments in favour of the thesis of God as Subsistent Being... more
️ ️ Can Muslimness be defended in the modern world? If the answer is positive, which I think it is, how? This question has long occupied my mind. I have recently tried to propose a model for the philosophical defense of Muslimness that is... more
Survey paper on the issue of religious language in analytic philosophy of religion.
UPDATE: Link to the official published version:
UPDATE: Link to the official published version:
Whether Trinitarianism is coherent depends not only on whether some account of the Trinity is coherent, but on which accounts of the Trinity count as "Trinitarian." After all, Arianism and Modalism are both accounts of the Trinity, but... more
The Tilde fallacy is the mistaken inference that, because an argument contains a Tilde it can be called the Null hypothesis, and therefore does not need to be positively defended. I show how this argument is used to defend Logical... more
We argue that there exists a necessary causally potent being. We then argue that that being is God.
This paper tackles the question “Is God Being itself?”, which is back at the center of the stage of philosophical investigation. Aquinas offered an argument to the effect that God is Being itself. Aquinas’ argument relies partly on the... more