Religious Studies /Indology
Recent papers in Religious Studies /Indology
The writing of this paper was prompted by the discovery of several manuscripts of mediaeval yoga texts which contain lists of more than eighty-four āsana-s, a canonical number mentioned in several yoga texts. Until now, lists of... more
A rare bronze of dancing Ardhanari(svara), the Androgyne or Hermaphrodite, is in the Colombo museum. It was originally excavated in Anurådhapura, Sri Lanka, in 1982. Professor S. PADMANABHAN of the Peredenia University, who visited my... more
This Chapter (Part III, 6) addresses the flexible nature of oral performance texts, like those found in the solo dance form Bharata Natyam. An alternative hermeneutics unsettles the Western approaches to text analysis, interpretation and... more
A number of experts have opined that the Vedic people did not know of the Sea (or ocean). However, in many hymns, one can find references to "ocean going rivers." As I show below, they were definitely a seafaring people.
Historical and sociological overview about the caste in India today
The seminary was established in 1964 by the Division of Foreign Missions of the (US) Assemblies of God under the name of Far East Advanced School of Theology (FEAST). The founding president was Harold Kohl. In 1989 the name was changed to... more
We have seen that several vedic seals are standards containing,vedic metrology,vedic geneology and proclamations by vedic kings.In this article we are identifying the Vedic King Divodasa and his relation to Varanasi/Kaasi and the Kumbha... more
Now that the indigenous principle of church planting has operated in missions for about a century,2 it seems timely to consider leadership transitions. As churches become indigenous, it is vital that there be smooth transition from... more
This series of essays will explore two main trends in the Gaudiya Vedanta tradition in relation to bhakti´s connection to the soul, as inherent or inherited. For this, I will analyze the main statements found in the bhakti-sastras on the... more
Ajīva is an umbrella term for a group of eternal non-living substances, namely, matter, medium of motion, medium of rest, space, and, as maintained by some proponents of Jain thought, time. Not possessing an attribute of consciousness,... more
""Abraxas is a bi-annual journal of contemporary esoteric art and culture printed in a high quality format. The first special issue, titled ‘Charming Intentions: Occultism, Magic and the History of Art’, will be launched on 25 May, 2013.... more
Studente: 282199 -MUSSO SABINA Anno accademico: 2014-15 Iscritto alla Facoltà di: CULTURE, POLITICA E SOCIETA' Corso di studi: COMUNICAZIONE INTERCULTURALE Area disciplinare: SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ, FILOLOGICO-LETTERARIE E... more
Una rassegna articolata delle scuole più importanti (sacerdotali, buddhiste e jainiste) della filosofia indiana, nelle lingue pricipali (indoarie e dravidiche), dai primordi ai giorni nostri, con profilo storico-critico delle fonti,... more
Before reciting a canonical work, discussing it or engaging in any other equally solemn activity, the Śrīvaiṣṇavas recite what they refer to as taṉiyaṉs, "solitary" invocatory verses, which are not part of the composition that they... more
This series of essays will explore two main trends in the Gaudiya Vedanta tradition in relation to bhakti´s connection to the soul, as inherent or inherited. For this, I will analyze the main statements found in the bhakti-sastras on the... more
The Harappan seals contain several linguistic symbols which have not been properly understood so far.Through my works especially- Indus script decipherment breakthrough, PaNameTa-the troy tower weight and measure system of Harappa, The... more
The Harappan seals contain several linguistic symbols which have not been properly understood so far.Through my works especially- Indus script decipherment breakthrough, PaNameTa-the troy tower weight and measure system of Harappa, The... more
Letos ztratila česká religionistika dvě výjimečné, byť poněkud na okraji stojící osobnosti. Chtěl jsem jejich památce věnovat alespoň malou vzpomínku. Dostupné též online na webu časopisu Dingir.
This is mainly an archival contribution whose purpose is to reassess the concrete phases of Nobili's education. Here I demonstrate that, contrary to what previous historians repeated, Nobili's involvement with the College Romano was very... more
Quand des anthropologues, des historiennes et des psychologues investissent le thème des transgressions corporelles et symboliques cadrées par des rituels avec un nouveau regard, le résultat peut surprendre. C’est ce que fait ce livre qui... more
• An emphasis on the method of discourse rather than the content -anything can be discussed in the public square so long as proper method is respected • Traditional forms of scripture are more often than not dialectical:
In Indien bezeichnet der Begriff „Yoga“ zunächst jede Form von religiöser Askese und Meditation. Anhand eines Textbeispiels aus dem zentralen Lehrbuch des Patanjali (4. Jh. n. Chr.) werden grundlegende Aspekte der traditionellen... more
The book is a collection of essays on the antiquity, historicity of the Mahabharata and of papers dealing with its impact on the Indian society.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This is the second edition of earlier title of the same name (2013). The subtitle has been changed here a little. The book contains: * Colour photographs of 70 Ajanta narrative paintings. * * 84 abridged Buddhist legends. * Elementary... more
Sommario Editoriale, pag. 5 Nuccio D 'Anna I cicli cosmici nell'Ellade arcaica, pag. 11 Andrea Piras II tempo nell'Iran zoroastriano, pag. 33 Ezio Albrile Yaldabaoth e Ahriman: l'idea del tempo demiurgico tra gnosi e manicheismo, pag. 47... more
Beginning in the seventeenth century, the Smārta intellectual community of South India entered into an unprecedented alliance with Śaṅkarācārya monastic institutions and their corresponding esoteric lineage, the Śrīvidyā school of Śākta... more
A word-by-word explanation of the translation of the so-called creation hymn of Rigveda. The translation is very different from traditional ones. As I demonstrate, the hymn has been completely misunderstood by previous translators. The... more
The Śatapathabrāhmaṇa has recorded some of the old practices in the early stages of formation of the upanayana ritual. It seems that the upanayana ritual drew much from the sacrificial investiture ceremony of dīkṣā in its earliest stages.... more
However in India, only some 70 years after its Independence, passing through that transition facet of struggle for its national identity, with changes in government and due to the reactive political environment that country is... more
The Harappan seals contain several linguistic symbols which have not been properly understood so far.Through my works especially- Indus script decipherment breakthrough, PaNameTa-the troy tower weight and measure system of Harappa, The... more
"[T]his book is a valuable contribution to the field of early Buddhist meditation studies, and should open up many avenues of debate for those invested in understanding the complex world of early Buddhist practice."
In the frame of my work towards a critical edition of the hitherto unpublished Śivadharmottarapurāṇa, this paper purposes to present a brief analysis of the contents of the upapurāṇa in 12 chapters, (i. e., according to the colophons of... more
Traducción del sánscrito al español, presentación y notas ADRIÁN MUÑOZ G. 1 El Kamakala-vilasa es un texto de gran importancia para la tradición tántrica; se trata de un manuscrito citado y aludido tanto por fuentes sánscritas como en... more
Indian Epic the Mahabharata has a profound influence on the Indian society. Being a popular epic it is like a mirror of the society and gives insight into Indian society’s (mainly Hindu’s) attitude towards life. The epic also plays a... more
Per la seconda volta in Italia, dopo Tommaso Iorco, quest'importantissimo inno del Rg Veda viene tradotto in lingua corrente italiana. Tradotto dal sanscrito originale, appoggiandosi alla versione inglese di Ralph T. H. Griffith (1896) ed... more
A detailed Historical account of one of the most visited but now Lost temple of Ancient and Medieval India