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Recommendation becomes a mainstream feature in nowadays e-commerce because of its significant contributions in promoting revenue and customer satisfaction. Given hundreds of millions of user activity logs and product items, accurate and... more
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      Recommender SystemsCollaborative FilteringRecommender system, Collaborative filteringConceptual Clustering
Many recommendation algorithms suuer from popularity bias in their output: popular items are recommended frequently and less popular ones rarely, if at all. However, less popular, long-tail items are precisely those that are ooen... more
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      Recommender SystemsLearning to RankRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
Recommender system is a helpful tool for helping the user in cutting the time needs to find personalized products, documents, friends, places and services. In addition, the recommender system handles the century web problem: information... more
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingRecommender SystemsMobile Computing
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningSemanticsCognitive Semantics
The virtual world overflowing with the digital items which make the searching, choosing and shopping hard tasks for users. The recommender system is a smart filtering tool for generate a list of potential favorite items for the user to... more
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      Recommender SystemsGenetic AlgorithmsSemantic similarityGenetic Algorithm
The virtual world overflowing with the digital items which make the searching, choosing and shopping hard tasks for users. The recommender system is a smart filtering tool for generate a list of potential favorite items for the user to... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceRecommender SystemsGenetic AlgorithmsWeb Intelligence
( Alternatif Link download Buku Analisis Big Data: ) Alhamdulillahhi robbil alamin, puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas segala rahmat dan karunia-Nya dengan terselesaikannya penulisan buku ini dengan judul... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceClassification (Machine Learning)PredictionForecasting
With the increase of volume, velocity, and variety of big data, the traditional collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm, which recommends the items based on the ratings from those like-minded users, becomes more and more... more
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      Recommender SystemsClustering AlgorithmsRecommendations (Social Computing)Feature extraction, PCA, Datamining
Recommender systems can be implemented in several fields beginning E-commerce to set- up protection in the structure of personalized services. They offer assistance to mutually consumers and the manufacturers, through suggested matter to... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation TechnologyRecommender SystemsHybrid Systems
—Recommender systems aim to help web users to find only close information to their preferences rather than searching through undifferentiated mass of information. Currently, col-laborative filtering is probably the most known and commonly... more
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      Recommender SystemsRecommender system, Collaborative filteringRecommendation Systems
Web applications use recommendation techniques that are based on users' preferences for items to recommend interesting items to the active user. Users' preferences can be their activities on these items such as: rate, view, etc.... more
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      Recommender system, Collaborative filteringRecommendation SystemsMarkov chain
This article reports on a modification of the user-kNN algorithm that measures the similarity between users based on the similarity of text reviews, instead of ratings. We investigate the performance of text semantic similarity measures... more
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      Recommender SystemsText MiningCollaborative FilteringRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
In the last twelve years, the number of web user increases, so intensely leading to intense advancement in web services which leads to enlargement the usage data at higher rates. The purpose of a recommender System is to generate... more
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      Collaborative FilteringKnowledge-Based SystemsRecommender system, Collaborative filteringRecommendation Systems
Multidimensional data are getting increasing attention from researchers for creating better recommender systems in recent years. Additional metadata provides algorithms with more details for better understanding the interaction between... more
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      Recommender SystemsMultidimensional ScalingNeighbourhood DevelopmentDimensionality Reduction
The Web is currently characterised by user contribution. As a result, content is generated in an uncontrolled way leading to the so-called “info r mation overload”. The role of information filtering techniques and recommender systems is... more
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      Recommender SystemsTrustTrusted ComputingRecommendations (Social Computing)
In this paper, we present a recommendation system named as RSF for farmers, which can recommend farmers most suitable crops to produce in different areas. The system first detects a user's location and works with different agro-ecological... more
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      AgricultureRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
—Information filtering and recommender systems exploit various techniques to deal with the information overload problem. One popular technique for making recommendations is based on trust statements between users in a social network. Yet... more
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      Recommender SystemsTrustRecommendations (Social Computing)Social Trust
ABSTRAK Transaksi perdagangan merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sering dijumpai pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi sekarang ini, berdampak transaksi perdagangan tidak hanya menggunakan cara konvensional... more
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      Recommender system, Collaborative filteringRecommendation Systems
With the advent and explosive growth of the Web over the past decade, recommender systems have become at the heart of the business strategies of e-commerce and Internet-based companies such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Netflix, LinkedIn,... more
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      Recommender SystemsClustering AlgorithmsDimensionality ReductionCollaborative Filtering
This paper focuses on recommender systems based on item-item collaborative filtering (CF). Although research on item-based methods is not new, current literature does not provide any reliable insight on how to estimate confidence of... more
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      User ModelingCollaborative FilteringRecommender system, Collaborative filteringConfidence Estimation
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      Information RetrievalRecommender SystemsSistem InformasiRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
In recent years, collaborative filtering, a recommendation algorithm that incorporates a user’s data such as interest, has received worldwide attention as an advanced learning support system. However, accurate recommendations along with a... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionComputer Assisted Language LearningComputer Assisted Language Learning/TeachingComputer Assisted Language Learning For The Acquisiton Of English As A Second Language
Web-based application for rents baby and child equipment is an e-commerce that implements the concept of a marketplace and designed to make it easier for owners of items and customers to do the activities of leasing. The concept of... more
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      Recommender SystemsCollaborative FilteringRecommender system, Collaborative filteringRental Housing
— Recommender systems (RS) performance largely depends on diverse types of input that characterize users' preference in the form of both explicit and implicit feedbacks. An explicit feedback is stated directly by an explicit input from... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningRecommender SystemsRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
Recommender systems provide personalized advice for customers online based on their own preferences, while reputation systems generate a community advice on the quality of items on the Web. Both systems use users’ ratings to generate... more
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      Recommender SystemsRecommendations (Social Computing)Recommender system, Collaborative filteringReputation Management
We test the impact of integrating a measure of {\em common friendship} in collaborative filtering, in order to capture the intuition that socially interconnected groups of people tend to have similar tastes. An experiment on the Yelp... more
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      Recommender system, Collaborative filteringRecommender SystemSocial Recommender
O estudo de sistemas de recomendação é relativamente novo, razão inicial para a motivação desta dissertação. Ao estudar melhor o mercado de varejo de moda no Brasil, percebe-se o vasto espaço para a aplicação dessas soluções. Basta... more
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      Recommender SystemsRecommendations (Social Computing)Recommender system, Collaborative filtering
One form of complexity in intelligent environments arises from their heterogeneous nature. The growing variety of environments and countless stereotypes of users operating Intelligent Environments will, theoretically, increase the... more
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      Internet StudiesCollective IntelligenceUbiquitous ComputingRecommender Systems
Reputation systems are employed to provide users with advice on the quality of items on the Web, based on the aggregated value of user-based ratings. Recommender systems are used online to suggest items to users according to the users,... more
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      Recommender SystemsCorporate ReputationReputationRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
In the “real world” today, we are constantly exposed to information we may not necessarily be interested in. In the “virtual world” however, we can make Intelligent agents work for us and in that way receive the information we specifcally... more
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      Information RetrievalRecommendations (Social Computing)Semantic WebRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
A course recommender system has a great importance in expecting the selection of courses by students in an university, especially for new students who can't easily select the proper elective courses offered for a specific semester. The... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyData MiningInformation Communication Technology
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      SurgeryRecommender SystemsContext-Aware ComputingRecommendations (Social Computing)
As the quantity of geospatial information rapidly increases, information overload in the spatial domain is becoming a serious issue. Often the amount of information being displayed on digital maps makes it difficult to determine useful... more
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      Recommender SystemsInformation OverloadRecommender system, Collaborative filteringGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Collaborative Filtering is generally used as a recommender system. There is enormous growth in the amount of data in web. These recommender systems help users to select products on the web, which is the most suitable for them.... more
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      Collaborative FilteringRecommender system, Collaborative filtering
This paper describes research aimed at creating intelligent video recommendation engines for broadband media services in digital homes. The aim of our research is to harness physiological signals to characterise people’s video selection... more
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      Human PhysiologyArtificial IntelligenceDesign and EmotionRecommender Systems
Recommender systems are widely used in businesses, and the growth of e-commerce has seen an explosion of such systems. The Netflix Prize seeks to substantially improve the accuracy of user movie rating prediction. The data set is huge,... more
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      Recommender SystemsComputer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Recommender system, Collaborative filteringK- nearest neighbour (KNN)
Context-aware information retrieval helps providing resources that are relevant to the current situation of users. In many work environments, carrying out a task demands massive information access and management. Context-aware computing... more
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      Machine LearningHealth InformaticsData AnalysisActivity Theory
Recommender systems are extensively seen as an effective means to combat information overload, as they redound us both narrow down the number of items to choose. They are seen as assistance us make better decisions at a lower transaction... more
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      Information RetrievalRecommender SystemsMusic Information RetrievalTagging Technologies
—Social influence plays an important role in product marketing. However, it has rarely been considered in traditional recommender systems. In this paper we present a new paradigm of recommender engine which can utilize information in... more
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      Recommender SystemsRecommender system, Collaborative filteringRecommendation Systems
With the boom in IT technology, the data sets used in application are more and more larger and are described by a huge number of attributes, therefore, the feature selection become an important discipline in Knowledge discovery and data... more
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      Information RetrievalVisualizationKnowledge VisualizationFeature Selection
This paper presents the design and implementation of a mobile application along with a web server for geo-tagging favorite and interesting places and sharing them with the community. The design and architecture shows some key aspects and... more
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      Recommender system, Collaborative filteringMobile Location Based Services
Nowadays, many companies through the world wide web like YouTube, Netflix, Aliexpress and Amazon, provide personalized services as recommendations. Recommender systems use the related information about products or services to suggest the... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningRecommender SystemsTrust
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.... more
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      PrivacyRecommender SystemsApplied CryptographyRecommendations (Social Computing)