Reception Aesthetics
Recent papers in Reception Aesthetics
With the latest developments in education, an understanding of education that puts the student at the center, structures what they have just acquired based on previous knowledge, and accepts all structured knowledge by rejecting the... more
Az eseményfogalom megragadásának nehézségéből következtetően alapvető, már evidenciának tekintett elbeszéléselméleti és hermeneutikai összefüggések újragondolására vállalkozunk. E vállalkozás pedig az eseményhez mint epizódfluktuációhoz:... more
Although painting at the court of the Emperor Rudolf II in Prague has been regarded as a distinctive artistic phenomenon since the early 20th century, finding a place for Rudolfine art in the history of European painting and in the art... more
In art, as in life, for things to work, it’s almost never possible, nor is it always useful, to say everything, to reveal everything at once. More often it’s necessary, and sometimes it’s profitable, to give our interlocutors the... more
This study, which draws on the interpretative methods developed by Pamela Jones and Gabriela Wimböck, examines the response of the baroque-era public to religious art, and demonstrates that the aesthetic quality of an image was indeed of... more
This paper discusses a passage from the finale of Heliodorus' Aethiopica which has hitherto been interpreted as suggesting that Charicles, the heroine's foster-father, possesses information which he should not hold according to earlier... more
The display of artefacts always implies an external mediation that influences, and often codifies, the reception of the exhibits. Objects are manipulated, restored, appropriated, staged, in short displayed, through various... more
Examinaremos três metáforas referenciadas por Wolfgang Iser no livro "O ato da leitura: uma teoria do efeito estético": a leitura como viagem, o sentido como "desenho do tapete" e o texto como partitura. Pretendemos analisar também as... more
“The Medieval femme auteur As A Provocation to Literary History: Eighteenth-Century Readers of Christine de Pizan,” in: Visitors to the City, Readers of Christine de Pizan, ed. Glenda McLeod, Michigan Medieval and Renaissance Series, v. 9... more
This is the list of content and the first chapter of my monograph Dazwischen: Spielräume ästhetischer Erfahrung in der US-amerikanischen Kunst und Literatur (Wilhelm Fink, 2018).
Artikeln undersöker vad som gör romantiska amerikanska julfilmer till feelgood-berättelser och varför vi attraheras av denna typ av berättelser.
A partir de los trabajos de Hans Robert Jauss, especialmente, la estética de la recepción ha sido una herramienta especialmente útil para el análisis de textos medievales. Su categoría de “Horizonte de expectativas” ha sido fundamental... more
This study examines the concepts of art, politics and art institution departing from three cases of exhibition situations at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, 1998–2008. The cases are considered in relation to different aspects of the museum’s... more
Sebuah karya sastra tidaklah mungkin muncul secara an sich, ia ada karena diciptakan, atau dengan kata lain ia tidak merupakan entitas ontologis yang mendadak ada. Fakta inilah yang membuat kita tidak punya pilihan lain selain... more
Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright, bajo las sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la... more
Saggio contenuto in: M. Mazzocut-Mis, "Lineamenti di estetica. Temi e problemi", Le Monnier, Firenze, 2015, pp. 54-72
The present article is focused in the analysis of the concept Bildungsroman (novel of formation/education). Since Karl Morgenstern (1770-1852) created the term Bildungsroman in his famous article Über das Wesen des Bildungsroman, the... more
Introduction to the volume "Poetic Critique: Encounters with Art and Literature". Eds. Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, Jutta Müller-Tamm, and Simon Schleusener. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021 (pp. 1-6). DOI: more
Este artículo examina críticamente la interpretación del Laocoonte como una obra cuyo principal aporte consiste en una teoría de los signos. Dos elementos del texto de Gotthold Ephraim Lessing son destacados: la especificidad de la... more
Cos'è una soglia? O, per meglio dire: in che senso il termine, nella sua accezione metaforica, designa determinati fenomeni figurativi in maniera epistemologicamente feconda? Le quattro opere raccolte in questa sezione sono accomunate... more
Curiously, there has been a lot of discussion about the death of the author but the death of the literary work has hardly been resisted. It has been taken for granted that literary work closes itself on a signifed, that the work is... more
Opslaget foretager en sensibel sortering af det budskab, der blev formidlet med skriften som medium, og som er blevet fortolket som værende hele menneskehedens budskab. Håbet er at den aktuelle kontrast mellem den litterære humanisme og... more
This essay turns to Don DeLillo's novel Point Omega to revisit a blind spot of narrative theory--narrative's relation with lyricality and poeticity. Responding to recent debates on this topic by shifting the emphasis toward modes of... more
This paper discusses two recapitulatory speeches at the end of Heliodorus' Aethiopica. Parts One and Two explore the metaliterary significance of the speeches, arguing that they call the reader's attention to the novel's narratological... more
Skripsi ini membahas satu di antara peristiwa dalam sejarah kesusastraan Indonesia yang dikenal sebagai peristiwa heboh sastra 1968. Peristiwa heboh sastra 1968 berpangkal pada kontroversi sebuah cerpen yang berjudul "Langit Makin... more