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      Reading CirclesMagic CircleQuality CirclesCircle
"In EFL classes around the world, critical thinking is becoming more of a central theme and it is a goal of many language programs. This is especially true in the popular field of global issues. A quick survey of any major publisher’s... more
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      Critical ThinkingEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Reading CirclesGlobal Issues
Literature circles have many advantages for acquiring a foreign language, particularly due to their collaborative nature. Students work together, and increase cultural awareness, critical thinking skills, reading comprehension abilities,... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLiteratureReading ComprehensionTeaching EFL
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      ReadingSchool effectiveness and school improvementTextbook ResearchTeaching
Histories of Early Modern religion in Europe typically contrast the activities of ordained theologians with those of laity. The thought and writings of the former usually constitute " theology " and those of the latter " piety. " The... more
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      Early Modern HistoryJakob BöhmeSpiritualismRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)
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ERIC Number: ED564041
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      ReadingLiterature CirclesSocial SkillsReading Circles
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      Critical ThinkingEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Literature CirclesReading Circles
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      Critical ThinkingLiterature CirclesReading CirclesGILE
This study aims to describe the role and importance of reading in Italian teaching, also in relation to literary and linguistic education. The research starts from a widen meaning of «readable space» (De Certeau) and aims to describe the... more
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      ReadingSchool effectiveness and school improvementTextbook ResearchCommunity of Practice
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      CollaborationTESOLExtensive ReadingEducational Neuroscience
Resumo Esta narrativa de ensino relata experiências vivenciadas ao longo da execução de projeto de ensino, denominado Conversas Literárias, voltado principalmente para alunos de ensino médio, cujo principal objetivo é a leitura... more
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      LiteratureTeaching MethodologyReading Circles
Chapter published on an experience with literary circles in a public high school.
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      LiteratureTeaching MethodologyLiterary ResearchReading Circles
Este artigo discute a leitura colaborativa como possível fomento ao letramento literário em círculos de leitura, a partir da análise de um recorte da produção científica sobre esse tema. O estudo parte do princípio de que leitura... more
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      LiteracyReading CirclesCollaborative Strategic ReadingLetramento
In EFL classes around the world, critical thinking is becoming more of a central theme and it is a goal of many language programs. This is especially true in the popular field of global issues. A quick survey of any major publisher’s... more
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      Literature CirclesReading Circles