Rational egoism
Recent papers in Rational egoism
In this paper, I will present and argue for what I take to be the theodicy of Jonathan Edwards, which is rooted in the Edwardsian doctrine which I am calling Divine Egoism. I will begin by utilizing one of Edwards’ works to define and... more
Resumen: El autointerés constituye el principal postulado de la teoría económica ortodoxa. Se trata de una perspectiva que ancla sus raíces en el egoísmo psicológico del siglo xvii, que se abre paso en el pensamiento económico a través de... more
Selfishness is often considered a vice and selfish actions are often judged to be wrong. But sometimes we ought to do what's best for ourselves: in a sense, we sometimes should be selfish. The ethical theory known as ethical egoism states... more
How do business leaders make ethical decisions? Given the significant and wide-spread impact of business people’s decisions on multiple constituents (e.g., customers, employees, shareholders, competitors, suppliers), how they make... more
The article is an overview of one of the main problems in the philosophy of Ayn Rand's objectivism – the problem of «altruism – egoism». Ayn Rand has proved herself as the defender of selfishness and the biggest hater of altruism.... more
In Charlotte Brontë’s "Jane Eyre," the Victorian reader was presented with a shocking manifestation of personality: a female lead character who was poor, homely in appearance, intelligent, and absolutely unwilling to bow to arbitrary... more
Stressing that the pronoun "I" picks out one and only one person in the world (i.e., me), I argue against Hunt (and other like-minded Rand commentators) that the supposed "hard case" of destructive people who do not care for their own... more
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
Bireycilige ve rasyonel egoizme dayali objektivizm felsefesi ile Ayn Rand, bugun bile tartismali bir filozoftur. Ayn Rand her tur kolektivist ahlaka karsi cikar ve temele toplumun faydasi yerine bireyin kisisel faydasini yerlestirir. Ona... more
This paper aims to examine how religion and literature are related to each other. There have always been attempts to probe various religious elements in the form of symbols, themes and motifs in literary works. Religion, on the other... more
Hobbes’s political philosophy starts from a number of premises that are supposed to be self-evident, supplemented by various observations from experience. These statements are examined critically and in their interrelatedness in order to... more
Ayn Rand is among the most outspoken, and important, intellectual voices in America, wrote Playboy Magazine in 1964. She is the author of what is perhaps the most fiercely damned and admired best seller of the decade, Atlas Shrugged. This... more
The Jungian school of Analytical Psychology has been, since its inception, trying to conceptualize why dream are a product of the unconscious mind. There’s an artistic matrix, which I have named the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX, which... more
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
A new book by Tara Smith, philosophy professor at the University of Texas at Austin, helps remedy the lack of attention to and knowledge about egoism. Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist focuses on the strongest proponent of... more
The claim of this paper is to present Spinoza’s view on self-esteem and positive reciprocity, which replaces the human being in a monistic psycho-dynamical affective framework, instead of a dualistic pedestal above nature. Without... more
This chapter focuses on how Kierkegaard criticizes both eudaimonism and Kantian autonomy for failing to account for unconditional obligations and genuine other-regard. Like Kant, Kierkegaard argues that eudaimonism makes moral virtue... more
Mišel de Montenj je značajna figura humanizma i renesanse, koja oblikovana u svoj snazi reminiscencija antičkih uzora, uz " usputno bilježenje " i vođenje dnevnika čitanja formira novi književni žanr, i to oglede, tj. eseje. De Montenj je... more
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
I suggest, from personal experience, that it's healthier to distinguish 'self' from 'ego'. I explain what I see is ego-building thought and language.
Prompted by the thesis that an organism’s umwelt possesses not just a descriptive dimension, but a normative one as well, some have sought to annex semiotics with ethics. Yet the pronouncements made in this vein have consisted mainly in... more
Understanding modern philosophy is to also understand abstract things. Abstraction has become the focus of philosophy, and practicality, assumed to be dichotomous with abstraction, is seen as antithetical to philosophy. Philosophy is for... more
Recent scholarship is nearly unanimous in attributing some form of egoism to Leibniz’s moral philosophy. I argue that there are substantive reasons to reject this status quo, given that psychological egoism is inconsistent with more... more
A central problem in moral theory is how it is to be defended against those who think that there is no harm in being immoral, and that immorality can be in one's self-interest, assuming the perpetrator is not caught and punished. The... more
Birinci tekil şahıs olarak alışılagelen, ruhbilimi tabiriyle de “bireyi öteki bilinçlerden ayıran unsur” olarak özelleştirilmeye gidilen “ben” adılı, bu iki tanım arasında kendini inşa etmeye çalışır. Bu oluşumda birey, mikro ölçüde... more
One of the longest standing objections levied against neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics is the Self Absorption Objection. Proponents of this objection state that the main problem with neo-Aristotelian accounts of motivation is that the... more
One principal challenge to the rationalist thesis that the demands of morality are requirements of rationality has been that posed by the "rational egoist." In attempting to answer's the egoist's challenge, some rationalists have supposed... more
El presente ensayo es el resultado de una reflexión realizada en torno a la capacidad mostrada por diversos colectivos y para emprender en conjunto actividades de carácter solidario y colaborativo en Chile, desmintiendo aquellas visiones... more
To many readers, Jeremy Bentham's philosophical psychology appeared both seriously flawed and not really innovative. On the one hand, some authors considered Bentham's views about human psychology as a re-statement of Hobbes' claims about... more
Any social and political arrangement depends on acceptance. If a substantial part of a people does not accept the authority of its rulers, then those can only remain in power by means of force, and even that use of force needs to be... more
One of the longest standing objections levied against virtue ethics is the Self-Absorption Objection. Proponents of this objection state that the main problem with neo-Aristotelian accounts of motivation is that they prescribe that our... more
Sidgwick’s defence of esoteric morality has been heavily criticized,for example in Bernard Williams’s condemnation of it as ‘Govern-mentHouseutilitarianism.’Itisalsoatoddswiththeideaofmorality defended by Kant, Rawls, Bernard Gert, Brad... more
Les notions d'altruisme et d'égoïsme prêtent facilement à confusion car elles renvoient à la fois à une pratique individuelle et au jugement moral de celle-ci. On distingue l'altruisme pur, qui ne sert ni directement ni indirectement... more
my submission to the 2013 Moral Landscape Challenge: to find an error in his "case for a scientific understanding of morality".
In Chapter 2 of Escape from Leviathan, Jan Lester defends two hypotheses: that instrumental rationality requires agents to maximise the satisfaction of their wants and that all agents actually meet this requirement. In addition, he argues... more
La reciente rehabilitación de la tradición de pensamiento conocida como economía civil se constituye como una propuesta de ampliación de la racionalidad instrumental maximizadora del homo oeconomicus, su proyección en el mainstream de la... more
Is Confucian ethics primarily egoistic or altruistic? There is textual support for both answers. For the former, for example, Confucius claims that one learns for the sake of oneself; for the latter, we can find Confucius saying that one... more
Mackie’s claim that in general courage benefits its possessor seems inconsistent with his ‘error theory’ of value. But how plausible is it in itself? I suggest that his arguments for the claim fail in the same way as the arguments of... more
This article is an overview of the philosophical sources which are clearly visible during the research of the philosophy of Ayn Rand's objectivism. Also it attempts to link this philosophical concept with inherent USA utilitarian... more
I argue that Mackie's thesis about courage and self-interest is neither consistent with his 'error theory' of value nor convincing in itself. The question of the objectivity of value needs to be distinguished from that of whether one... more
We answer the title question with a qualified “No.” We arrive at this answer by spelling out what the proper place of the concept `happiness' is in a neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics: (1) Happiness in the sense of personal well-being... more