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      MilanoCittadinanzaRappresentanzaMovimenti Collettivi
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione.-2. Il libero mandato come progetto di uguaglianza.-3. Il libero mandato parlamentare durante la XVIII Legislatura-3.1. Il Contratto per il governo del cambiamento-3.2. Il disegno di revisione costituzionale... more
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      ReferendumParticipatory DemocracyPolitical RepresentationRappresentanza
ENG: In the context of the transformation of political representation (not least, of the supranational one), the history of political parties and movements is a mirror of the changes in the political society, which allows us to shed light... more
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      Constitutional LawDiritto CostituzionalePartiti PoliticiRappresentanza
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      Welfare StateFilosofía PolíticaCapitalismoDiritti Umani
Commento ex-post ad un articolo pubblicato nel 2009 su Impresa Sociale e inserito nella raccolta Generosamente di Giuliana Gemelli (Università di Bologna). Il breve commento si interroga sul destino della "rappresentanza del volontariato... more
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      RappresentanzaVolontariatoFondazioni Bancarie
1. Specificità del conflitto d'interessi fra rappresentante e rappresentato. - 2. L'estraneità del rappresentante rispetto all'affare gerito. - 3. Conflitto d'interessi e contratto con se stesso. - 4. Impugnazione del contratto e... more
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      ContractsContract LawContractNegotiorum Gestio
Abstract In this paper, in order to understand if in Italian law there is some possibility of making effective the environmental protection with the recognition of Nature as a subject of rights, the author sets out to evaluate the basics,... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawCivil LawEnvironmental Law
The main purpose of this article is to explore the representation of immigrant students in Greece during 2003-2013, with regard to their reference to diagnostic services (Centers of Differential Diagnosis and Support; KEDDY) and their... more
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      Special EducationSpecial Educational NeedsRepresentationSpecial Education Needs and Inclusive Practice
The article deals with the new political forms of organisation and the party change, in a sociological and political science perspective. Wondering about the electoral success of new political actors and the crisis of the traditional one,... more
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      DemocraziaRappresentanzaPartecipazioneCrisi Dei Partiti