Ranajit Guha
Recent papers in Ranajit Guha
Referência para citação: Araújo, Sara. “Recensão a The Postcolonial Orient. The Politics of Difference and the Project of Provincialising Europe de Vasant Kaiwar.” Práticas da História, Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the... more
Nei Quaderni del carcere Antonio Gramsci sviluppa un nuovo concetto di classi o gruppi sociali subalterni, utilizzato per caratterizzare tutti quei gruppi sociali che sono soggetti a forme di comando e di direzione politica e sociale... more
My contribution to the volume "New Subaltern Politics: Reconceptualizing Power and Resistance in Contemporary India"
E.P. Thompson used the Confucian trope of “rectification of human names” to summarize the major themes of his work. Such rectification has both political and scholarly ramifications that extend to poststructuralist debates over... more
The subalterns refer to the masses—the peasants, fishermen, laborers, and the like. Ranajit Guha argues that the masses reacted not only against British rule but also against the Indian elitist brand of nationalism. Theirs was a “history... more
This article traces the notion of ressentiment beginning with several key uses by Denis Diderot and Edmund Burke from the 1770s and 1780s, but shifts from there to consider Nietzsche’s impactful and distinct use in On the Genealogy of... more
This paper uses Gayatri Spivak's discussion of Sati and Ranajit Guha's interpretive account of Chandra's death in colonial India in order to critically reexamine the concept of subalternity that runs through various postcolonial theories.... more
«The task of historiography is to interpret the past in order to help in changing the world» GUHA 1983A, p. 336 A theoretical consciousness: the connection between knowledge and power The history-rewriting project of Subaltern Studies is... more
İktidar ve bilgi üretimi arasındaki ilişkiyi madun kavramı etrafında ele alan bu bildiride, emperyalizmin ve sömürgeciliğin entellektüel üretimdeki kurucu işlevi sorunsallaştırılmaktadır. Kavramın nasıl geliştiği ve bugüne kadar... more
The 2013 publication of Vivek Chibber’s book Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital has reignited debates over the relative merits and demerits of Marxism and postcolonialism. This article reviews the debate and raises some... more
Título: La prosa de contra-resistencia. Una crítica poscolonial del pasado indígena en el Noroeste Argentino. Autor: Manuel Fontenla Resumen: Los estudios de Ranajit Guha constituyen una fuente obligada de la crítica poscolonial y fueron... more
Il progetto dei Subaltern Studies pone l'accento sull'importanza delle classi sociali inferiori come soggetti agenti (agency) della storia passata in primis, e quindi della politica nel presente. Una così ambiziosa volontà di riscrittura... more
Este libro comprende las versiones modificadas de tres ensayos escritos en 1986-1987 y publicados entre 1988 y 1992. Los tres se conectan con nuestro proyecto, Subaltern Studies [Estudios subalternos], y se refieren, desarrolladas, a... more
Numero monografico dei "Quaderni di teoria sociale" dedicato a "Gramsci e la sociologia". A distanza di 20 anni dall'ultima presa di parola degli studiosi sul rapporto di Gramsci con i grandi del pensiero sociologico ("Gramsci e i... more
Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 53 (2020). http://storieinmovimento.org/2020/11/11/cinquantatreesimo-numero/
In this thesis I compare the social history of movements against hydropower projects in two states of India, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, from 1921 to 2004 in three phases. The specific aim of this project is to demonstrate the... more
This Bangla paper is on the translations of three stories of Mahasweta Devi by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in the book 'Breast Stories. The author of this paper analyzed the discursive formation of three narratives, viz. ‘Draupadi’,... more
Dominacja bez hegemonii-pojęcie władzy w studiach postkolonialnych szkoły Subaltern Studies Słowa kluczowe: Subaltern Studies, studia postkolonialne, dominacja, hegemonia, władza, nacjonalizm Subaltern Studies to powstały na początku lat... more
Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/person-time-and-25097955 This article explores the critical inheritance of the Marxist tradition by the postcolonial intellectual formation Subaltern Studies. It investigates the remarkable... more
Marxismo y Estudios Subalternos: La controversia sobre la fallida universalización del Capital Marxism and Subaltern Studies: The controversy over the failed universalization of Capital RESUMEN En el presente artículo se hace una revisión... more
Fifth class about Historiography in 2015-2016 Academic course "Prácticas de la Monarquía Hispánica", II year of History career, Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, Spain). I lecture: Origen of Historiography. II lecture: Annales. III lecture:... more
These are lecture notes for a masterclass that I taught at UHURU (Rhodes University) on 15 May 2015.