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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMythology
Zeventig jaar geleden, in augustus 1948, vond in Amsterdam de oprichtingsvergadering plaats van de Wereldraad van Kerken. Twee maanden later sprak Willem van de Pol in Nijmegen zijn inaugurale rede uit als hoogleraar Phaenomenologie van... more
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      PhenomenologyEcumenical TheologyEcumenismEcumenics
In dit fraai geschreven boek beschrijft Lotte Jensen negen vredesverdragen tussen 1648 en 1815. De Vrede van Münster vormt het startpunt. Nadat de Republiek door Spanje werd erkend als zelfstandige staat, werden er tal van lofdichten... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Il contributo si pone l’obiettivo di favorire una ri- flessione sulle potenzialità della realtà aumentata – nello specifico del video mapping – nell’ambito della valorizzazione e riqualificazione dei beni culturali attraverso la... more
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      New MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
‘As if they had physically visited the holy places’ Two Sixteenth-century Manuscripts Guide a Mental Journey through Jerusalem (Radboud University Library, Mss 205 and 233)
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies16th Century (History)
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      HegelImmanuel KantRadboud University Nijmegen
Herewith I provide the details of my university (Radboud University Nijmegen), my supervisor (Prof. Jan van der Watt), my co-supervisor (Prof. Kobus Kok), my doctoral manuscript committee, the doctoral examination board, and about myself... more
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    • Radboud University Nijmegen
In this essay I try to contemplate on the ‘Radboud beyond Borders’ internationalization discourse considering the latest publication of VOX magazine, arguing the dialogue at Radboud University is not inclusive by far. Even though an... more
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      DiversityRace and RacismEquality and DiversityFeminism
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      ReligionChristianityAncient Egyptian ReligionHistory
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMissionary HistoryHistory of Missions
Veel regels worden aan ons opgelegd door instanties die buiten ons bestaan. Dit geldt echter niet voor alle regels. Sommige regels leggen wij aan onszelf op. Deze regels worden niet altijd nageleefd. De niet-naleving van dit soort regels... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageEthicsWittgenstein
Millingen aan de Rijn is de plaats waar deze recensie wordt geschreven en is tevens de plaats waar Sharon Gesthuizen is opgegroeid. Daarnaast bezocht ze vaak haar oma in Leuth en studeerde zij aan de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (nu... more
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      Dutch PoliticsNijmegenSpRadboud University Nijmegen
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      Art HistoryRadboud University Nijmegen
This subject is relevant in contemporary studies on human rights in Latin America because fundamental rights are being challenged by appealing socio-economic rights related to equality, justice and freedom, griming their direct liaison... more
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      Political SociologyLatin American StudiesPolitical TheoryPolitical Science
Interview Radboud Magazine
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      TerrorismFreedom of SpeechParisRadboud University Nijmegen
The decades-long struggle of the separatist Polisario organization in Western Sahara has resulted in one of the largest man-made border demarcations in the world representing a significant diversion of Moroccan monetary and social... more
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      GovernanceColonialismUnited NationsMorocco
An underdeveloped focus regarding nostalgia is ‘the urban’ realm. A greying society, societal upheaval, lack of empirical (Dutch) research on urban nostalgia, the need for a theory-inclined approach and a stimulus for new academic... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionGeographyCultural Geography
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      European CatholicismEnlightenmentHistory of Sociability18th Century