Quantum Field theory on curved spacetime
Recent papers in Quantum Field theory on curved spacetime
Special Relativity Theory (SRT) has two postulates, one stating that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, and the other stating that the speed of light is the constant 186,000 miles per second, regardless of any reference... more
The “Fluidum Continuum” ( = FC ) pervades all of space albeit at varying densities as to certain locations. Varying densities are cause of “space-time curvature” and as such the density ( = ρ ) determines the phenomenon “mass” ( = m ) and... more
The golden ring to which most physicists aspire is a unified field theory that incorporates all of modern and classical physics. Some scientists and others call this a TOE or ‘theory of everything’, but it is no more than false hubris to... more
The mechanics of consciousness as pertains to a soul experiencing life within multiple continuums of time and space indigenous to different dimensions of consciousness has been discussed. It has been explicated that a soul absorbs a... more
An Overview of the Mechanics of Creation of the Cosmos that may be regarded as the body of an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent SOURCE (commonly referred to as "God") as a fountain of pure consciousness energy, and us as humans thriving... more
Spirit, Power and Axis of everything, in our mortal eyes there is Emptiness: for the truly complete in these empty ones is empty. The Moon, the Axis of everything in our world, is therefore empty for them, and SHOULD BE empty. // Дух,... more
Modern physics is based on two paradigms that emerged from the Second Scientific Revolution - relativity and the quantum. Since their inception these two theoretical giants have advanced science and society far beyond anything that their... more
Attempt is made to shed more Light on the concept of conjugatemirrored space-time dimensions by being able to better visualize them, as these dimensions are stealth to one another and one represents the ethereal aspect of the other. This... more
A fundamental asymmetry currently exists between the Einstein-Minkowski definition of a single unified spacetime and the separation of space and time variables required by wave theory. The source of this asymmetry is traced back to... more
Special Relativity Theory (SRT) has two postulates, one stating that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, and the other stating that the speed of light is the constant 186,000 miles per second, regardless of any reference... more
A brief explanation of the development of the continuous concept of matter, as represented by the general theory of relativity and the unified field theory, is offered, as opposed to the discrete theory of matter represented by quantum... more
A theory of everything , or, grand unified theory (which Einstein had been working on without success, with Superstring Theory now being a good candidate), is one which unites all the forces of nature, viz., gravity, electromagnetism, the... more
Il substrato universale, la fabbrica dello spaziotempo, contiene correnti ben più complesse delle onde gravitazionali trasversali teorizzate da Einstein. Qui offriamo alcune considerazioni su queste dinamiche longitudinali alla luce delle... more
This paper discusses the conceivability of Time Travel based on the mind-blowing discoveries made in Quantum Mechanics over the past 120 years. To accomplish this efficiently, the author initially elucidates the pertinent discoveries made... more
It would seem to many physicists that the unification of physics within a single paradigmatic theory has been the primary goal in science for only the past few decades, but this would not be true. Unification was the original goal of... more
The d'Alembertian standing wave model of special relativity is extended to include accelerating observers. It is shown that the standard approach of Rindler and other associated spatial coordinates are incomplete and that a complementary... more
Why, despite all efforts to the contrary, have attempts at unification based on the supposedly more fundamental quantum theory failed miserably? The truth is that the essential idea or concept of the quantum itself has never been fully... more
According to undulatory mechanics, the Compton periodicity, which is the intrinsic proper-time recurrence of a wave function, determines the mass of the corresponding elementary particles. This provides a geometric description of the... more
This work examines a question of a true place of Moon in the whole Universe. Meanwhile the contemporary atheistic per se science considers it as a lifeless Earth adjunct it is actually an axis of the Universe and the throne of God. Being... more
This work proposes a mathematical model about how a reaction is created in the human brain in response to a particular incoming Information/Event using quantum mechanics and more precisely path integrals theory. The set of action... more
We investigate the thermodynamical properties of quantum fields in curved spacetime. Our approach is to consider quantum fields in curved spacetime as a quantum system undergoing an out-of-equilibrium transformation. The non-equilibrium... more
“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory the volume of the supermassive Black Hole from the center of our galaxy is 10^(-80) m^3” Adrian Ferent “Human can Not travel through the Black Hole with the volume V = 10^(-80) m^3 from the center of our... more
We give an interpretation of the temperature in de Sitter universe in terms of a dynamical Unruh effect associated with the Hubble sphere. As with the quantum noise perceived by a uniformly accelerated observer in static spacetimes,... more
The problem of creation of Unitary Field theory, or the Theory of Everything, which the Einstein was so eager to solve by means of physics, remained unsolved since it is solvable only by means of the Word: because the Word, according to... more
Renormalization is one of the deepest ideas in physics, yet its exact implementation in any interesting problem is usually very hard. In the present work, following the approach by Glazek and Maslowski in the flat space, we will study the... more
The following paper is purely hypothetical in nature in that it is based on pure hypothesis and mathematical physics. The effect of Mach’s principle on the quantum regime has been studied especially with reference to the quantum... more
The out-of-time-ordered correlation (OTOC) function is an important new probe in quantum field theory which is treated as a significant measure of random quantum correlations. In this paper, using for the first time the slogan “Cosmology... more
This paper proposes a set of relatively new conjectures and hypotheses in modern physics, mainly concept of subquantum movement (SQM), the finite “elasticity” of (charged/neutral) spacetime hypothesis (FESTH) (a unifying concept which may... more
The following paper is purely hypothetical in nature in that it is based on pure hypothesis and mathematical physics. The effect of Mach's principle on the quantum regime has been studied especially with reference to the quantum... more
We investigate the thermodynamical properties of quantum fields in curved spacetime. Our approach is to consider quantum fields in curved spacetime as a quantum system undergoing an out-of-equilibrium transformation. The non-equilibrium... more
The analogy of space-time is not casual but causal: the condensed matter has the function of contrasting the instantaneous entanglement of Consciousness = space / time = infinite present is the true inertial reference system of everything... more
For the two-point distribution of a quasi-free Klein-Gordon neutral scalar quantum field on an arbitrary four dimensional globally hyperbolic curved space-time we prove the equivalence of (1) the global Hadamard condition, (2) the... more
The equation of how energy times the speed of light equals the appearance of mass does that mean all mass is going at speed of light or the square of light? Short of your nose what you "really" know about things you and almost every... more
Special Relativity Theory (SRT) has two postulates, one stating that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, and the other stating that the speed of light is the constant 186,000 miles per second, regardless of any reference... more
We investigate the thermodynamical properties of quantum fields in curved spacetime. Our approach is to consider quantum fields in curved spacetime as a quantum system undergoing an out-of-equilibrium transformation. The non-equilibrium... more
This short paper proposes a conjectured identity between matter (both fermionic and bosonic matter/radiation) and spacetime curvature (STC) based on subquantum movement (SQM) explaining both inertial and gravitational masses and their... more
We are not in the original universe where the big bang exploded. We are in an echo of that universe. When the big bang exploded, it was so powerful, that it erupted into and across multiple universes. Proof of this, is not in what we can... more
In this work, we study the phenomena of quantum entanglement by computing de Sitter entanglement entropy from Von Newmann measure. For this purpose, we consider a bipartite quantum field theoretic setup in presence of axion originating... more
In this work, we study the phenomena of quantum entanglement by computing de Sitter entanglement entropy from Von Newmann measure. For this purpose we consider a bipartite quantum field theoretic setup in presence of axion originating... more
In this paper, we have worked on the possibility of setting up an Bell's inequality violating experiment in the context of primordial cosmology following the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. To set up this proposal we have... more