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The possibility of developing an analytical quality index chart for applications above room temperature valid for dierent alloys is explored. The testing temperature and the chemical composition of the material are incorporated into the... more
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      Light MetalsCase StudyRoom TemperatureChemical Composition
The aim of the study was to develop a Quality Index Method (QIM) scheme for raw, farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and to evaluate the scheme in a shelf life study. QIM is based on the evaluation of key parameters in the deterioration... more
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      MarketingMultivariate AnalysisSHELF LIFEFood Quality
Cultivar segregation according to the sensory perception of their organoleptic characteristics was attempted by using trained panel data evaluated by principal component analysis of 12 plum and four pluot cultivars as a part of our... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisPanel DataPostharvest biologyCultivar
Pixel-level image fusion has been investigated in various applications and a number of algorithms have been developed and proposed. However, few authors have addressed the problem of how to assess the performance of those algorithms and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage QualityCross CorrelationImage fusion
Aroma is considered as a quality index of olive products. Fermented olives aroma compounds are present both in the fruit matrix and in brine medium. The partition of aroma compounds between fruit matrix and brine medium is deeply... more
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      EngineeringMass SpectrometryBiological SciencesSolvent Extraction
Wastewater treatment processes are difficult to be controlled because of their complex and nonlinear behavior. This paper applied model predictive control (MPC) to the Benchmark Simulation Model 1 (BSM1) wastewater treatment process to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringModel Predictive ControlWastewater Treatment
Development of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is considered to be multifactorial. The aims of this systematic review were to (i) summarise and critique the body of literature addressing kinematic gait characteristics associated with... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringData AnalysisRunningTime-Delay Systems
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    • Quality Index
A formação de mudas florestais de boa qualidade morfofisiológica envolve os processos de germinação de sementes, que por sua vez é dependente de potencialidades genéticas. Algumas ações no tratamento prévio de sementes podem auxiliar na... more
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      GeneticsSeed germinationExperimental DesignFloresta
Optimizing the configuration and operation of a CHP system for a whole year becomes a computationally demanding task when, for example, integer variables are used to model the status (on/off) of different pieces of equipment. The reason... more
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      EngineeringEnergy Efficiency BuildingsCase StudyCluster Analysis
We present a systematic algorithm capable of searching for optimal colors for any lightness L * (between 0 and 100), any illuminant (D65, F2, F7, F11, etc.), and any light source reported by CIE. Color solids are graphed in some color... more
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      ColorimetryPerception (Psychology)PhotometryColor Vision
The processing of strong flours, with short gluten, creates problems due to the high resistant proteic network formed in dough. To improve the strong flours performance, the use of L-cysteine or proteases (fungal proteases especially) is... more
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      Joint ActionPhysical PropertiesQuality IndexDisulfide bond
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      HorticultureSeasonalityWater use efficiencyDrip / trickle irrigation
The paper couples the results obtained by applying the expert and the rapid Macrophyte Quality Indices set up to assess the ecological status of the Italian transitional environments according to the requirements by the Water Framework... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesMediterranean SeaEnvironmental Sciences
Two monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from Arbequina and Picual cultivars were subjected to heating at 180°C for 36 h. Oxidation progress was monitored by measuring oil quality changes (peroxide value and conjugated dienes and... more
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      EngineeringFlavonoidsQuality ControlPolyphenols
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      Probability TheoryWater qualityBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Issues connected with high quality casting alloys are important for responsible construction elements working in hard conditions. Traditionally, the quality of aluminium casting alloy refers to such microstructure properties as the... more
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      Heat TreatmentWater Quality IndexAl-Si AlloyQuality Index
Coke is central to blast furnace operation, but because it is the most expensive raw material used, there is continuing pressure to minimize its use. Consequently, it has become increasingly pertinent to measure and predict the factors... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringKineticsScanning Electron Microscopy
Background: The effect of footwear on the gait of children is poorly understood. This systematic review synthesises the evidence of the biomechanical effects of shoes on children during walking and running.
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineGrowth and developmentStandardisationSample Size
This paper presents the results of the support capacity estimation for the diversion tunnel of the Urus ß dam site in highly weathered tuff and weak zone. Tunneling in weak rock requires some special considerations, since misjudgment in... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyRock MechanicsFinite element method
Bread quality index was established using the instrumental analysis of bread parameters 12 that influence the consumers' acceptability. The instrumental methods that describe 13 bread appearance, structure and texture have been chosen in... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFoodProduct DevelopmentProduction Process
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      NursingDecision MakingQuality ImprovementHuman Resource
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      Mechanical EngineeringSkeletal muscle biologyRunningShoes
Water quality degradation in the Selangor River will still be present in the years to come since pollutant loads from poultry farms, municipal wastewaters, and industrial wastewaters are not envisaged to be handled effectively. This will... more
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      Water qualityMultidisciplinarySamplingWater Quality Index
Basic principles of the theory of rock cutting with rolling disc cutters are used to appropriately reduce tunnel boring machine (TBM) logged data and compute the specific energy (SE) of rock cutting as a function of geometry of the... more
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      Civil EngineeringFortranTunnel boring machine (TBM)Rock Mass Rating
Recent dietary guidelines emphasize micronutrient sufficiency by giving importance to consumption of whole grains and a variety of fruits and vegetables. The objective of this study was to identify a measure of micronutrient quality of... more
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      AnthropometryRisk assessmentAdolescentMicronutrients
The effect of different artificial aging heat treatment on the quality of A357 alloy cast ingot specimens is evaluated. The experiments include artificial aging of the specimens at 155, 175 and 205 • C for various aging times. The... more
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      Heat TreatmentMaterials DesignQuality EvaluationYield Strength
The beneficial effects of 0.15 wt.% Zr addition on mechanical properties and wear resistance of A319 aluminum casting alloy were investigated. The cast alloys were given a solutionizing treatment followed by artificial aging in the... more
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      EngineeringHigh TemperatureCHEMICAL SCIENCESWear resistance
This investigation assessed the effects of termite mound material (TMM) on the physical properties of sandy soil and on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) growth characteristics and water use efficiency. TMM combined with organic manure,... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesWater use efficiencyTomato
Continuous quality improvement through process refinement is a must for survival of all industries in the contemporary market place. This is true for both manufacturing and service sectors. While manufacturing has spearheaded quality... more
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      EngineeringService QualityCustomer SatisfactionAnalytic Hierarchy Process
Background: The effect of footwear on the gait of children is poorly understood. This systematic review synthesises the evidence of the biomechanical effects of shoes on children during walking and running. Methods: Study inclusion... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineGrowth and developmentStandardisationSample Size
Dosimetric evaluations of single and multiple liver tumours performed using intensity-modulated helical tomotherapy (HT) were quantitatively investigated. Step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiotherapy (SaS-IMRT) was used as a benchmark.... more
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      Radiation OncologyHepatocellular CarcinomaNormal tissue complication probabilityStatistical Significance
The induction period (IP), determined using accelerated methods such as the Rancimat test, is a parameter that has been used to predict the shelf life of virgin olive oil. The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) has recently been... more
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      Chemical EngineeringSHELF LIFEPhenolic compoundExtra Virgin Olive Oil
India, one accession coded as RRL(J)CCA 12 , selected through a mass selection technique, was found to have citral (≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈80%) as the major constituent in its essential oil. Citral has tremendous application in the flavour and perfume... more
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      Essential OilFlavourFood SciencesQuality Index
A multimetric index for the evaluation of environmental quality (the ecofunctional quality index, EQI) has been developed using biotic data from three Italian coastal lagoons. Sampling programs were conducted between 1998 and 2000, on a... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ManagementBiological SciencesSeasonality
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      Chemical EngineeringDrying TechnologyExperimental DesignSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Over the last few years the use of weather radar data has become a fundamental part of various applications like rain-rate estimation, nowcasting of severe weather events, and assimilation into numerical weather prediction models. The... more
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      OceanographyAtmospheric ScienceQuality ControlNumerical Weather Prediction
This paper presents the results of the support capacity estimation for the diversion tunnel of the Urus ß dam site in highly weathered tuff and weak zone. Tunneling in weak rock requires some special considerations, since misjudgment in... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyRock MechanicsFinite element method
Cultivar segregation according to the sensory perception of their organoleptic characteristics was attempted by using trained panel data evaluated by principal component analysis of four sources per cultivar of 23 peach and 26 nectarine... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisPanel DataSeasonalityPca
One hundred and thirty two woody, broadleaved Mexican species were studied. The quality index of pulp for paper was determined. Pulp quality was classified according to the Runkel ratio. Sixty-nine percent of all species studied provide... more
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      Pulp and PaperIndexationWood DensityQuality Index
The mechanical performance of A357 cast ingot aluminum alloy specimens subjected to twenty-five different artificial aging heat treatments has been experimentally investigated. For the quality evaluation of the artificially aged alloys... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringHeat TreatmentQuality assessment
Quality changes of whole, iced gilthead sea bream were monitored by sensory evaluation, k 1 value, GR Torrymeter, and bacterial counts. The methods were tested for their suitability to determine freshness quality and remaining storage... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFoodQuality ControlFood Preservation
Background: Dietary and lifestyle behaviors at young ages have been associated with the development of various chronic diseases. Schools are regarded as an excellent setting for lifestyle modification; there is a lack, however, of... more
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      ObesityAnthropometryPublic Health PolicyHealth Education
Habitat suitability models have been extensively used by conservation planners to estimate the likelihood of occurrence and abundance of threatened wildlife species in terrestrial ecosystems, but they have been rarely applied to aquatic... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingHabitat SuitabilityCoastal lagoon
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      Human GeographyRemote SensingSocioeconomic StatusVegetation Cover
Objective: To develop an index that assesses the degree of adherence to existing diet-lifestyle recommendations for preschoolers (Preschoolers Diet-Lifestyle Index (PDL-Index)) and to investigate its association with obesity. Design: The... more
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      Public Health NutritionObesityLife StyleDiet
The main aim of this project was to study the influence of temperature abuse during the early stages of storage on the shelf life of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). A shelf life study was performed with farmed Arctic charr stored under... more
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      SHELF LIFESensory EvaluationSensory AnalysisFresh water
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      Latin AmericaLocal governanceBasic EducationTechnical Report
The main aim of this project was to study the influence of temperature abuse during the early stages of storage on the shelf life of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). A shelf life study was performed with farmed Arctic charr stored under... more
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      SHELF LIFESensory EvaluationSensory AnalysisFresh water