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We have created heralded coherent state superpositions (CSS), by subtracting up to three photons from a pulse of squeezed vacuum light. To produce such CSSs at a sufficient rate, we used our highefficiency photon-number-resolving... more
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      Measure TheoryFoundations of Quantum MechanicsQuantum TheoryMathematical Sciences
We report on the experimental demonstration of strong quadrature EPR entanglement and squeezing at very low noise sideband frequencies produced by a single type-II, self-phase-locked, frequency degenerate optical parametric oscillator... more
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      Mathematical SciencesGravitational Wave DetectorsPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic Field
This review covers latest developments in continuous-variable quantum-state tomography of optical fields and photons, placing a special accent on its practical aspects and applications in quantum information technology. Optical homodyne... more
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      Quantum InformationModern physicsMaximum LikelihoodPhysical sciences
During the past decade the interaction of light with multi-atom ensembles has attracted a lot of attention as a basic building block for quantum information processing and quantum state engineering. The field started with the realization... more
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      Quantum OpticsQuantum TeleportationQuantum Information ProcessingModern physics
We present a review of theoretical and experimental aspects of multiphoton quantum optics. Multiphoton processes occur and are important for many aspects of matter-radiation interactions that include the efficient ionization of atoms and... more
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      Quantum OpticsQuantum TeleportationNonlinear OpticsQuantum Mechanics
In a recent publication we have shown the possibility to achieve strong coupling of the quantized motion of a micron-sized mechanical system to the motion of a single trapped atom. In the proposed setup the coherent coupling between a SiN... more
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      Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic Field
The inflationary cosmology is analyzed from the point of view of squeezed quantum states. As noted by Grishchuk and Sidorov, the amplification of quantum fluctuations into macroscopic perturbations which occurs during cosmic inflation is... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsQuantum GravityStar Formation
We propose a reliable entanglement measure for a two-mode squeezed thermal state of the quantum electromagnetic field in terms of its Bures distance to the set of all separable states of the same kind. The requisite fidelity of a pair of... more
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      Quantum InformationMathematical SciencesQuantum nonlocalityPhysical sciences
We investigate the ''teleportation'' of a quantum state using three-particle entanglement to either one of two receivers in such a way that, generally, either one of the two, but only one, can fully reconstruct the quantum state... more
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      Quantum TeleportationPhotonic Integrated CircuitsCastingQuantum entanglement
We report on a delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment based on a two-photon imaging scheme using entangled photon pairs. After the detection of a photon which passed through a double-slit, a random delayed choice is made to erase or not... more
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      Molecular PhysicsPlasma PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum Optics
We show that the phase sensitivity $\Delta \theta$ of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer fed by a coherent state in one input port and squeezed-vacuum in the other one is i) independent from the true value of the phase shift and ii) can reach... more
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      Cramer Rao Lower BoundPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic FieldCoherent States
We describe the resonant excitation of a single quantum dot that is strongly coupled to a photonic crystal nanocavity. The cavity represents a spectral window for resonantly probing the optical transitions of the quantum dot. We observe... more
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      Physical sciencesPhotonic CrystalPhysicalElectromagnetic Field
Generalized quantum measurements (POVMs or POMs) are important for optimally extracting information for quantum communication and computation. The standard realization via the Neumark extension requires extensive resources in the form of... more
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      Measure TheoryQuantum InformationFoundations of Quantum MechanicsMathematical Sciences
We present experimental results of deterministic linear optical Controlled-NOT and SWAP gates for single-photon two-qubit quantum logic. In our implementation one qubit is encoded in the polarization degree of freedom of the photon and... more
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      Quantum LogicQuantum nonlocalityQuantum ComputerElectromagnetic Field
Recently quantum beat lasers have been considered as a source of entangled radiation [S. Qamar, F. Ghafoor, M. Hillery, and M. S. Zubairy, Phys. Rev. A 77, 062308 ]. We investigate and quantify the entanglement of this system when the... more
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      Quantum MechanicsQuantum entanglementMathematical SciencesQuantum nonlocality
We experimentally demonstrate that violations of Bell's inequalities for two-photon polarization-entangled states with colored noise are extremely robust, whereas this is not the case for states with white noise. Controlling the amount of... more
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      Measure TheoryThermodynamicsData MiningQuantum Information
We address the estimation of the loss parameter of a bosonic channel probed by Gaussian signals. We derive the ultimate quantum bound with precision and show that no improvement may be obtained by having access to the environmental... more
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      Measure TheoryQuantum OpticsFoundations of Quantum MechanicsMetrology
Recent theoretical and experimental papers have shown how one can achieve Heisenberg-limited measurements by using entangled photons. Here we show how the photons in a noncollinear down-conversion process can be used for improving the... more
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      Quantum entanglementMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic Field
We experimentally demonstrate an advanced linear-optical programmable quantum processor that combines two elementary single-qubit programmable quantum gates. We show that this scheme enables direct experimental probing of quantum... more
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      Measure TheoryQuantum ComputingQuantum InformationFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
We experimentally demonstrate that violations of Bell's inequalities for two-photon polarization-entangled states with colored noise are extremely robust, whereas this is not the case for states with white noise. Controlling the amount of... more
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      Measure TheoryThermodynamicsData MiningQuantum Information
We study the evolution of purity, entanglement, and total correlations of general two-mode continuous variable Gaussian states in arbitrary uncorrelated Gaussian environments. The time evolution of purity, von Neumann entropy, logarithmic... more
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      Quantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesMutual Information
The observation of quantized nanomechanical oscillations by detecting femtometer-scale displacements is a significant challenge for experimentalists. We propose that phonon blockade can serve as a signature of quantum behavior in... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesOscillations
We report the first experimental demonstration of an all-optical one-way implementation of Deutsch's quantum algorithm on a four-qubit cluster state. All the possible configurations of a balanced or constant function acting on a two-qubit... more
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      AlgorithmsQuantum ComputingGame TheoryQuantum Theory
We write the optimal pure-state decomposition of any two-mode Gaussian state and show that its entanglement of formation coincides with the Gaussian one. This enables us to develop an insightful approach of evaluating the exact... more
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      Quantum nonlocalityPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic FieldQUantum state engineering
We develop the theory of entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes (EAQECCs), a generalization of the stabilizer formalism to the setting in which the sender and receiver have access to pre-shared entanglement. Conventional... more
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      Quantum OpticsQuantum InformationQuantum MechanicsQuantum entanglement
The realization of nonclassical states is an important task for many applications of quantum information processing. Usually, properly tailored interactions, different from goal to goal, are considered in order to accomplish specific... more
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      Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsQuantum Information ProcessingPhysical sciencesInformation Transfer
Superpositions of squeezed states were introduced by Sanders [Phys. Rev. A 39 (1998) 4284], Schleich et al. [Phys. Rev. A 38 (1988) 1177], Xin et al. [Phys. Rev. A 50 (1994) 2865], to investigate the occurrence of nonclassical properties... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsStatistical PropertiesQUantum state engineering
A procedure is discussed for creating coherent superpositions of motional states of ion strings. The motional states are across the structural transition linear-zigzag, and their coherent superposition is achieved by means of... more
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      Quantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesSolid State electronic devicesPhysical sciences
High Fidelity Readout of Trapped Ion Qubits A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Trinity Term 2010 Alice Heather Burrell Exeter College, Oxford This thesis describes experimental demonstrations of high-fidelity... more
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      Quantum InformationPhysical sciencesTime ResolvedQuantum Computer
We present a review of theoretical and experimental aspects of multiphoton quantum optics. Multiphoton processes occur and are important for many aspects of matter-radiation interactions that include the efficient ionization of atoms and... more
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      Quantum OpticsQuantum TeleportationNonlinear OpticsQuantum Mechanics
Tomographic analysis demonstrates that the polarization state of pairs of photons emitted from a biexciton decay cascade becomes entangled when spectral filtering is applied. The measured density matrix of the photon pair satisfies the... more
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      Standard DeviationQuantum nonlocalityPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic Field
We demonstrate a light-shot-noise-limited magnetometer based on the Faraday effect in a hot unpolarized ensemble of rubidium atoms. By using off-resonant, polarization-squeezed probe light, we improve the sensitivity of the magnetometer... more
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      NanotechnologyMagnetic fieldPhysical sciencesShot Noise
We propose and analyze a setup to achieve strong coupling between a single trapped atom and a mechanical oscillator. The interaction between the motion of the atom and the mechanical oscillator is mediated by a quantized light field in a... more
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      Physical sciencesOscillationsElectromagnetic FieldLight field
The scheme of entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting (EAQEC) codes assumes that the ebits of the receiver are error-free. In practical situations, errors on these ebits are unavoidable, which diminishes the error-correcting... more
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      Quantum InformationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesQuantum error correction
We demonstrate a robust implementation of a deterministic linear-optical Controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate for single-photon two-qubit quantum logic. A polarization Sagnac interferometer with an embedded 45 • -oriented dove prism is used to... more
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      Quantum LogicPhysical sciencesQuantum ComputerElectromagnetic Field
A quantum well with a single exciton mode in a microcavity driven by squeezed vacuum is studied in the low exciton density regime. By solving the quantum Langevin equations, we study the intensity, spectrum, and intensity correlation... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesQuantum WellsElectromagnetic Field
We propose a scheme for monitoring coherent quantum dynamics with good time-resolution and low backaction, which relies on the response of the considered quantum system to high-frequency ac driving. An approximate analytical solution of... more
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      High FrequencyPhysical sciencesTime ResolvedOscillations
We consider a model for a Kerr medium in a planar resonator, which takes into account the vectorial character of the radiation field. We analyze the spatial behavior of quantum fluctuations around a steady state, with a roll-pattern... more
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      Quantum OpticsNonlinear OpticsTemporal dynamicsSpatial Configuration
The best performance of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is achieved with the input state |N_T/2 + 1>|N_T/2-1 > + |N_T/2 - 1>|N_T/2+1>, being N_T the total number of atoms/photons. This gives: i) a phase-shift error confidence... more
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      Statistical AnalysisQuantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We investigate the coupling of a nanomechanical oscillator in the quantum regime with molecular (electric) dipoles. We find theoretically that the cantilever can produce single-mode squeezing of the center-of-mass motion of an isolated... more
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      Physical sciencesOscillationsQuantum ComputerElectromagnetic Field
We propose to apply stimulated adiabatic passage to transfer atoms from their ground state into Rydberg excited states. Atoms a few micrometers apart experience a dipole-dipole interaction among Rydberg states that is strong enough to... more
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      Quantum Information ProcessingQuantum nonlocalityPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic Field
We investigate the behavior of N atoms resonantly coupled to a single electromagnetic field mode sustained by a high quality cavity, containing a mesoscopic coherent field. We show with a simple effective hamiltonian model that the strong... more
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      Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsMonte CarloMathematical SciencesQuality Factor
The architecture proposed by Duan, Lukin, Cirac, and Zoller (DLCZ) for long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles is analyzed. Its fidelity and throughput in entanglement distribution, entanglement swapping, and quantum... more
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      Quantum TeleportationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic Field
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 010401 (2005) Recommended with a Commentary by Steven M. Girvin, Yale University
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      Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsQuantum MechanicsQuantum CoherencePhysical sciences
The generation of an entangled coherent state is one of the most important ingredients of quantum information processing using coherent states. Recently, numerous schemes to achieve this task have been proposed. In order to generate... more
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      Quantum Computing and InformationQUantum state engineering
We give the optimal bounds on the phase-estimation precision for mixed Gaussian states in the single-copy and many-copy regimes. Specifically, we focus on displaced thermal and squeezed thermal states. We find that while for displaced... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesPhase EstimationMinimum variance
We report an experimental realization of both optimal asymmetric cloning and telecloning of single photons by making use of partial teleportation of an unknown state. In the experiment, we demonstrate that, conditioned on the success of... more
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      Quantum CryptographyPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic FieldQuantum Communication
We have measured the complete Wigner function W of the vacuum and of a single-photon state for a field stored in a high-Q cavity. This experiment implements the direct Lutterbach and Davidovich method [L. G. Lutterbach and L. Davidovich,... more
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      Quantum MechanicsPhysical sciencesPhysicalElectromagnetic Field
We introduce quantum walks with a time-dependent coin, and show how they include, as a particular case, the generalized quantum walk recently studied by Wojcik et al. {[}Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{93}, 180601(2004){]} which exhibits... more
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      Measure TheoryThermodynamicsData MiningQuantum Information
We propose an eavesdropping experiment with linear optical 1-3 phase-covariant quantum cloner. In this paper, we have designed an optical circuit of the cloner and shown how the eavesdropper (Eve) utilizes her clones. We have also... more
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      Quantum OpticsQuantum Key DistributionNumerical OptimizationElectromagnetic Field