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The paper considers different ways of referring to Vico in the context of the so-called "cultural turn" and its predecessors. It is shown that the most important aim of the "cultural turn"-to make explicit forms of thought that have... more
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Antonio Nicolás Briceño es reconocido en la historia de la Independencia venezolana por sus cruentas acciones cometidas en 1813. Poco se sabe sobre su pensamiento político y cómo este fue expresado en distintos debates en la etapa de la... more
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      VenezuelaSamuel von PufendorfHistoria ConceptualHistoria Intelectual
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      Political ScienceNatural DisastersSociologiaState of Nature
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    • Art
The evolution of the concept of bellum domesticum from the 16th century to the end of the ancien régime
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      French RevolutionInternational Relations and European StudiesAncien Régime
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    • Art
J. Habermas, al comienzo del capítulo segundo de su obra Teoría y praxis. Estudios de filosofía social y bajo el título «Derecho Natural y revolución», escribe, comentando la frase de Hegel: «No debe uno pronunciarse en contra cuando se... more
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      JurisprudenceNatural LawPhilosophy Of LawPhilosophy of Law
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    • Philosophy
El concepto de dignidad humana se refiere al valor intrínseco y absoluto del ser humano y sería el fundamento de los derechos humanos. Estas características suelen ser estudiadas como si fuesen las consequencias de un lento desarrollo del... more
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Genève 1998; in particolare, per uno sguardo storiografico concernente 'Editto di Nantea cfr, 1-1. Bosa, Elie Bene/se ce l%istoriogniphie de lddir de Nanees. in M. GP-\NDJEAN-B. l8oessr.i (edd), oexjseerdans/1nev/é,uuee, cit,, pp. 371-384.
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This is the PDF-Powerpoint of the paper I prepared for the Webinar HISTORY OF LEGAL SCIENCE: TRANSFORMATION OF IDEAS AND IMAGES, III International Scientific-Methodological Seminar, which was held on Friday 16th April 2021 and was... more
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      PlatoNatural LawGiambattista VicoVico, Giambattista
Resumen: En lo que se presenta a continuación se ensamblarán diversos pasajes de las obras de Kant a fin de defender el estatuto moral del ser humano y de explicitar lo que significa el que nuestra naturaleza racional sea un fin en sí... more
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      Immanuel KantFilosofía
Law as a Welcome. An Interdisciplinary Reading. Canon law would eventually become a grave, if not seen in continuous osmosis with the entire juridical experience. Interdisciplinarity means grasping the right not only in a comparative... more
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      Filosofia del DirittoTeoria generale del dirittoDottrina Dello StatoMetodologia Della Scienza Giuridica
Il pensiero giuridico e politico di Francisco de Vitoria appresenta un punto di svolta fondamentale del diritto pubblico e internazionale. Molti studiosi identificano, infatti, nella sua riflessione l’atto di nascita del moderno diritto... more
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      Diritto InternazionaleStoria Del Diritto
Sommario della tesi di dottorato in diritto canonico. Uno studio sul diritto bellico, dalle fonti canoniche al diritto internazionale vigente
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      Diritto InternazionaleDiritto CanonicoStoria Del Diritto MedievaleGuerra
El presente artículo pretende debatir un problema inherente al concepto de dignidad humana que consiste en la presumida vaguedad de su fundamento. En este sentido, veremos que algunos autores apuntaron ciertas tensiones entre las bases... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyPhilosophy Of LawHugo Grotius
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      Just WarJust War TheoryHistory of International LawHistory of International Thought
A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall defend using animals for human consumption, the current popular problems of big game hunting, and a possible solution to the issues giving as... more
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      American HistoryAsian StudiesEconomicsPhilosophy
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      Intellectual HistoryInternational RelationsPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
Rodrigo Chamon Rubio 6/03/16 A00818363 Ensayo 2 Ética, Persona y Sociedad Grupo 17 ¿Qué hace que alguien viole la dignidad humana? La dignidad humana es un término que se refiere al derecho de poder ser respetado y valorado como una... more
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      Political PhilosophyLibertyLiberty and Equality
Tirannide e stato di natura. Sul rifiuto dell'assolutismo giusnaturalista nelle Tragedie Cinque di Gian Vincenzo Gravina
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      Politics and LiteratureHobbesNatural LawLaw and Literature
The essay reads Ralph Waldo Emerson’s argument for a “nation of friends,” in “Politics,” as Emerson’s response to his lament, also in “Politics,” that the “power of love, as the basis of the State, has never been tried.” By a careful... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureHistory
Le origini moderne del diritto di asilo SOMMARIO: 1. Dall'asilo cristiano all'asilo sovrano. -2. Il contesto di origine della prassi dell'asilo moderno: la Riforma e le guerre di religione. -3. La riflessione giusnaturalistica sulla... more
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      European Immigration and Asylum LawAsylum seekersChristian WolffDiritto Internazionale
Editoriale «In incerto stat»: Italia, metà autunno 2010 [G.G.] 583 Saggi F. Mastromartino, Percorsi dell'asilo cristiano. Origine, affermazione e crisi di un istituto giuridico controverso 593 Interventi G. Galasso, Asterischi: L'età... more
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      Storia medievaleStoria Del Diritto MedievaleAsilo
The paper explores theories of moral obligation from those of late scholastics such as Francisco Suarez and Gabriel Vasquez to those of Samuel Pufendorf and John Locke. The theories of Pufendorf and Locke are contrasted. Although... more
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      Natural LawLaw of ObligationsPractical ReasoningScholastic Philosophy
Hay muchas divisiones ideológicas dentro del mundo moderno, pero una de las más decisivas es entre aquellos que se adhieren a los valores de la Ilustración y quienes rechazan estos mismos valores.
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Analisi del Principe n sintesi rivediamo le caratteristiche fondamentali del Principe di Machiavelli, I nato a seguito dell'interruzione della preparazione dei "Discorsi", e completato di getto in un periodo di 8 mesi: G G TITOLO: De... more
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""The paper examines the natural law tradition in ethics and legal theory. This tradition is shown to address two questions. The first question is to do with the nature of law, and the kind of human capacity that is subject to legal... more
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      LawVirtue EthicsHobbesNatural Law
Prima edizione novembre 2008 © 2008 Bollati Boringhieri editore s.r.l., Torino, corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 86 I diritti di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i... more
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      EnlightenmentPeace & Conflict StudiesInternational Political Theory
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      Political PhilosophyMoral PhilosophyTolerationPacification
A. Ser humano, moralidad y derecho. 1. Naturaleza humana y derecho. 2. Libertad humana y derecho B. Sociedad humana y derecho. 1. Igualdad y respeto. 2. Igualdad y seguridad En el De iure naturae et gentium (1672), Samuel von Pufendorf... more
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      Samuel von PufendorfSamuel PufendorfPufendorf
Adam Smith closes the first chapter to Theory of Moral Sentiments, 'Of Sympathy', with a harmless enough assertion: 'We sympathize even with the dead'. Death is not a topic that much interests Smith in Theory of Moral Sentiments. With... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureScottish Literature
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    • Natural Law
A. Ser humano, moralidad y derecho. 1. Naturaleza humana y derecho. 2. Libertad humana y derecho B. Sociedad humana y derecho. 1. Igualdad y respeto. 2. Igualdad y seguridad En el De iure naturae et gentium (1672), Samuel von Pufendorf... more
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      Natural LawIusnaturalismoPufendorf
Freedom in the sense of free will is a multiway power to do any one of a number of things, leaving it up to us which one of a range of options by way of action we perform. What are the ethical implications of our possession of such a... more
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      LawHobbesLiberation TheologyLiberty
'Reason, voluntariness and moral responsibility' argues against the theory of responsibility and blame of T.M. Scanlon, that reduces moral responsibility to a form of rational appraisability for our psychological attitudes generally - as... more
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'Normativity and Reason' explores what might be involved in the claim that the normativity of moral standards is a normativity of reason. Taking the accounts of moral normativity given by a range of moral theorists, including Hume,... more
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      LawHumeNatural LawLocke