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      HistoryPortugueseLinguisticsVariation in Phonology
We investigate glide insertion to break a hiatus between central vowels (V1_V2) in four regions of the Northern variety of European Portuguese (two urban and two rural), three discourse modalities and two age groups. We show that the... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesArtPhonological Change
This article discusses the nature and complexity of phonological representations, and more specifically the prosodic representations, with a focus on patterns of assimilation or preservation of final /r/ in underlying /lr/ and /nr/... more
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      Phonological TheoryUniversal grammarSyllable StructureProsodic domains
The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, Oxford: OUP. 19.1 The role of English in intonation research The mainstream standard varieties of English have played a major role in the development of models of intonation, with different... more
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      World EnglishesIntonationLinguisticsVarieties of English
RESUMO: O propósito deste projeto de iniciação científica, intitulado “Entoação ea Formação de Sintagmas Fonológicos no Português Brasileiro” 1 e vinculado ao projeto temático “Padrões Rítmicos, Fixação de Parâmetros e Mudança Lingüística... more
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      HistoryPortugueseLinguisticsVariation in Phonology
We investigate glide insertion to break a hiatus between central vowels (V1_V2) in four regions of the Northern variety of European Portuguese (two urban and two rural), three discourse modalities and two age groups. We show that the... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesArtPhonological Change
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      HistoryPortugueseLinguisticsVariation in Phonology
This chapter surveys the intonation of Northern and Southern hemisphere mainstream and non-mainstream varieties of English as well as contact varieties spoken in Hong Kong, East, West and South Africa, Singapore, India, the South Pacific... more
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      World EnglishesIntonationLinguisticsVarieties of English
Esta pesquisa busca verificar a correlação entre constituintes prosódicos, especificamente, a frase fonológica, e a Resolução de Choques de Acento. Chama-se de Choque de Acento a ocorrência de duas sílabas acentuadas linearmente... more
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    • Língua Portuguesa
Bolsista do CNPq Bolsista do CNPq Bolsista do CNPq Bolsista do CNPq Bolsista do CNPq
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      PsychologyBrazilian Portuguese
O objetivo deste artigo é a análise das estratégias prosódicas de desambiguação de sentenças em português brasileiro (PB), em contexto de ambiguidade sintática e choque acentual.² Nossa hipótese é a de que a desambiguação dessas sentenças... more
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      PhilosophyPhonology Syntax InterfaceProsodyLiterary studies
O estudo da interface sintaxe e fonologia está presente na teoria gerativista desde os primeiros estudos de Chomsky, Halle & Lukoff (1956) e Chomsky & Halle (1968) sobre como a distribuição de acentos no inglês está relacionada também a... more
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This work aims at exploring the phasing of vowels across prosodic boundaries, by analyzing ultrasound data relating to the production of V(#)CV (/i#ba/) sequences by three speakers of Italian. Sequences are inserted in sentences in such a... more
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyUltrasoundConferenceUltrasound Tongue Imaging
Com base em uma abordagem funcional-discursiva, que considera a ideia de língua em uso e a função comunicativo-interacional da linguagem, levando em conta fatores pragmáticos e não só estruturais, a noção de subordinação é revista.... more
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O desgarramento foi postulado por Decat (1999, 2011), com base numa análise funcional-discursiva, afirmando que algumas orações entre as tradicionalmente chamadas de ‘subordinadas’ pela tradição gramatical podem ocorrer soltas ou... more
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    • Mathematics
The focus of this paper is on the relation between syntax and prosody, by discussing the role of the empty syntactic categories in the application of the stress shift rule. The discussion about the influence of empty categories on... more
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    • Psychology
O presente artigo investiga a duração como possível correlato acústico do acento em Apurinã, levando-se em consideração as hipóteses levantadas por outros autores. Neste trabalho, investiga-se a duração de vogais em sílabas acentuadas,... more
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    • Philosophy
This work aims at exploring the phasing of vowels across prosodic boundaries, by analyzing ultrasound data relating to the production of V(#)CV (/i#ba/) sequences by three speakers of Italian. Sequences are inserted in sentences in such a... more
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyUltrasoundItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Conference
This work aims at exploring the phasing of vowels across prosodic boundaries, by analyzing ultrasound data relating to the production of V(#)CV (/i#ba/) sequences by three speakers of Italian. Sequences are inserted in sentences in such a... more
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyUltrasoundItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Ultrasound Tongue Imaging
Italian shows a length contrast in the consonantal system although there are peculiarities in the way lengthening is exploited in different varieties of the language [Lepschy, 1964; Schmid 1999]. For instance, speakers of central and... more
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Este artigo analisa a variação da duração de sílabas em diferentes domínios prosódicos e pretende oferecer mais ferramentas que permitam analisar estruturas sintáticas através de pistas fonológicas. Nossos resultados apontam que sílabas... more
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      Syntax-Phonology interfaceDurationProsodic domainsDuração
In the present study we analyzed vowel variation induced by carryover V-to-V coarticulation under the effect of pitch-accent as a function of vowel quality (using a minimally constrained intervening consonant to maximize V-to-V effects).... more
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      Language VariationVowel phoneticsVowelsElectromagnetic Articulography
RESUMO Este artigo analisa a variação da duração de sílabas em diferentes domínios prosódicos e pretende oferecer mais ferramentas que permitam analisar estruturas sintáticas através de pistas fonológicas. Nossos resultados apontam que... more
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      Syntax-Phonology interfaceDurationProsodic domainsDuração
This article presents the results of a study of verbal tone patterns in Kabarasi [lkb], a Kenyan Bantu language of the Luhya [luy] group. Kabarasi tone has a number of features that are common to Bantu languages (Kisseberth & Odden 2003,... more
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      PhonologyBantu LinguisticsMorphologyPhonology-Morphology interface
Italian shows a length contrast in the consonantal system although there are peculiarities in the way lengthening is exploited in different varieties of the language [Lepschy, 1964; Schmid 1999]. For instance, speakers of central and... more
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"This dissertation explores the phonological representation and the phonetic realization of prosodic prominence in Persian. It comprises two related parts: the first part addresses prosodic phrasing in Persian sentences, while the second... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySpeech ProsodyPhonetics
"""This paper investigates the prosodic structure of weak (stressless) function words in Persian within the framework of Prosodic Phonology. Weak function words in Persian are prosodic clitics that form phrases with the material following... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsPersian LanguageStress
Resumo O propósito deste projeto de iniciação científica, intitulado Entoação ea Formação de Sintagmas Fonológicos no Português Brasileiro???
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The study of articulatory features in speech requires highly sophisticated instruments. Most of them are available at the CRIL research centre (Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare sul Linguaggio -University of Salento -Lecce) where the... more
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The study of articulatory features in speech requires highly sophisticated instruments. Most of them are available at the CRIL research centre (Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare sul Linguaggio -University of Salento -Lecce) where the... more
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This work aims at exploring the phasing of vowels across prosodic boundaries, by analyzing ultrasound data relating to the production of V(#)CV (/i#ba/) sequences by three speakers of Italian. Sequences are inserted in sentences in such a... more
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyUltrasoundItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Ultrasound Tongue Imaging