Problematic Internet Use
Recent papers in Problematic Internet Use
The present study reviewed current trends in the literature on problematic Internet use. The review included a total of 48 studies published within the last two years and covered by the Web of Science and Scopus databases. Despite... more
Studies on the role played by attachment attitudes among late adolescents who show Problematic Internet Use (PIU) is still lacking. Three self-report measures concerning attachment attitudes, childhood experiences of abuse, and Internet... more
That internet is developing fast and its cost is becoming cheaper rapidly increases the number of people using this technology. Although internet provides miscellaneous benefits for the users, it also causes them to encounter certain... more
Given the widespread use of the Internet, researchers have begun to examine the personal and social consequences associated with excessive online involvement. The present study examined college students' problematic Internet use (PIU)... more
Background and aims To remedy problematic Internet use (PIU) and problematic online gaming (POG) in adolescents, much is expected from efforts by parents to help youths to contain their screen use. Such parental mediation can include... more
Nomophobia and Phubbing are negative phenomena linked to the proliferation of smartphones as well as unlimited Internet access. Individual and social changes in behaviour determined by the ubiquity of smartphones necessitate an analysis... more
This chapter is an attempt to pull together the three contexts sketched above: the multitude of practices experienced in one’s infra-ordinary use of social media; the sensationalist narratives mustered under buzzwords throughout news... more
Loneliness had played an important role since previous study showed that it was a potential detrimental factor for young people's mental health. For that, researcher in this country needed validated instruments in local language. This... more
Rather than attempting to defend the existence of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD)—or the title’s validity—this research study focused on the appearance of potential symptoms in the high school student population at a private... more
Nel presente lavoro si presentano lo stato dell’arte sull’Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) e alcuni modelli teorici alternativi critici rispetto alla categoria di Dipendenza da internet. La rassegna della letteratura mostra che l’IAD è... more
The rise of the social media and Internet in the 21st century has brought forth an anxious feeling among users known as Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), a form of social anxiety caused by the concern of not being in touch with the events in... more
The rise of the social media and Internet in the 21st century has brought forth an anxious feeling among users known as Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), a form of social anxiety caused by the concern of not being in touch with the events in... more
Internet based social-networking sites like Facebook are highly attractive, user-friendly, and increasingly popular. Current estimates indicate over 750 million users of Facebook alone. However, Internet addiction is an increasing problem... more
Internet addiction is a recently recognized disorder which has received increasing attention worldwide over the past two decades. This focus has led to the development of several screening tools measuring different aspects of Internet... more
Current study investigates the relationships among personality characteristics, psychological needs, problematic Internet use and problematic social media use. A theoretical model was specified, estimated, and evaluated based on the data... more
Distress in online classrooms and problematic internet use are two issues that have caused student burnout and affected perceived learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the high pressure placed on students throughout COVID-19, it is... more
It is known that the internet whose user number has been increasing day by day causes ethic problems besides its advantages. It is essential to get individuals adopt the habit of using the internet according to ethical rules since their... more
Widespread use of the Internet in 21st century society is not risk-free. This paper studies the comorbidity of some problematic uses of Internet with depression in order to assess their correlation. With that aim, a meta-analysis of 19... more
Prior research has stressed the negative effects employee technology addiction, or excessive use, may have in the workplace. This study explored personality, through use of the Five Factor Model (FFM), and problem and pathological... more
This study was carried out to investigate whether the levels of university students’ problematic internet use and of perceived communication skills differ with respect to their basic internet use purposes. The participants were 411... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Caplan (2010) tarafından geliştirilen Genelleştirilmiş Problemli İnternet Kullanımı Ölçeği 2 (GPİKÖ2)’nin Türkçe formunun dil eşdeğerliğinin, geçerliliğinin ve güvenirliğinin incelenmesidir. Ölçek, Maltepe... more
Kim, S. J., & Byrne, S. (2011). Conceptualizing personal web usage in work contexts: A preliminary framework. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(6), 2271–2283. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2011.07.006 As the internet became the primary method of... more
This research investigated the impacts of gender and sensation seeking on predicting the causes of problematic Internet use by high school students. This study’s sample group included 458 students (262 girls and 196 boys) studying at... more
בר-זוהר, ב' ויוספסברג בן-יהושע, ל' (2021). תוכנית התערבות קוגניטיבית-התנהגותית לטיפול בהתמכרות לאינטרנט. הוצאת מכון מופ"ת, מרכז המידע הבין-מכללתי. בסקירת המידע מתוארים הרקע לעליית מדיום האינטרנט ותופעת השימוש הגובר בו כמעט בכל תחומי... more
Background. Internet addiction or problematic Internet use is a recent and increasingly recognized disorder which has been consistently associated with many psychiatric disorders, adding to the documented negative consequences of... more
The COVID-19 outbreak situation brought into focus not only the safety but also the mental well-being of nursing students. At present, the level of fear of COVID-19 and associated factors among nursing students in the Philippines are not... more
The essay is about uses and abuses of internet.
Birçok ülkede, çocuklar için İnternet risklerini en aza indirmek ve aynı zamanda İnternet'in sunduğu fırsatları da en üst düzeye çıkarmak adına çalışmalar ve uygulamalar geliştirilmiştir. Türkiye'de de güvenli İnternet kullanımına yönelik... more
This study examined the pattern of Internet use by undergraduate students at the University of Lagos, Main Campus, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria. It revealed that the level of Internet use is low among undergraduate students from both the Faculty... more
Bu araştırma, ergenlerin internette kimlik denemeleri yapma davranışlarını betimlemeyi ve ergenlerin psikolojik ihtiyaçlarının, kimlik statülerinin, heyecan arama ve yaşam doyumu düzeylerinin onların problemli internet kullanım... more
This study investigates adolescents’ identity experiments on the internet and reveals whether adolescents’ levels of psychological needs, identity status, and sensation-seeking behavior and life satisfaction are significant predictors of... more
Problematic Internet Use (PIU) has of late come to the major attention of researchers of risky behaviours. For parents and teachers in turn, the various pathological forms of Internet use have become more and more noticeable. In recent... more
Abstract The problem of excessive Internet use has received increased interest from the public and scientists alike. Published research, however, remains inconclusive regarding whether the consequences of excessive Internet use on the... more
Children infected with HIV/AIDS are susceptible to untold problems, which worsen their biological, psychological and social functioning. The chronic medical conditions in children pose a range of potential challenges to the child and the... more
Úvod: Pojem závislosť od internetu sa v literatúre často objavuje, je však príliš vágny. Pozornosť by sme mali upriamiť skôr na jednotlivé aplikácie, ktorých používanie internet umožňuje. Ciele: Cieľom práce bolo zistiť výskyt... more
This study investigates adolescents' identity experiments on the internet and reveals whether adolescents' levels of psychological needs, identity status, and sensation-seeking behavior and life satisfaction are significant predictors of... more
This study examined the association of social anxiety, loneliness, and problematic Internet use (PIU) with the online solicitation of minors. Within a convenience sample of adult Internet users from Germany, Finland, and Sweden (N =... more