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      PhilosophyMultivariate StatisticsClusterPrice elasticity of demand for goods
In an attempt to raise more revenue NSU has increased its tuition. In this paper I will explain why they raised it and how it will affect their revenue and enrollment numbers. Plus I will include an example of how NSU could improve their... more
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      Price elasticity of supplyDemand ElasticityPrice elasticity of demand for goodsPrice Demand
A study of the pricing of mobile telephony is essentially an analysis of elements driving survival of business in hyper competitive, capex intensive, technology centric businesses. Pricing is an essential ingredient of the strategy for... more
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      Price ElasticityPricingMobile telephonyVodafone
in this article we look into the erectile dysfunction market in Egypt from an economical point of view we are trying to: 1- determinate its elasticity through the study of change in price of the number one market leader product in this... more
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      Managerial EconomicsPerfect CompetitionPrice elasticity of demand for goods
Purchasers of fast-moving consumer goods generally exhibit multi-brand choice, selecting apparently randomly among a small subset or "repertoire" of tried and trusted brands. Their behavior shows both matching and maximization, though it... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision Making
Ockham’s Razor is a reminder to keep things simple, but this principle is often ignored in the elasticity chapters of many economics textbooks. Many texts invoke slope unnecessarily and in contradictory ways. Discussions of the... more
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      Price ElasticityDemandPrice elasticity of demand for goods
Permintaan adalah salah satu aspek yang penting dalam ekonomi manajerial, karena perusahaan tidak akan ada dan berkembang jika tidak ada permintaan terhadap produknya. Kita juga memperkenalkan konsep elastisitas. Yaitu mengukur kepekaan... more
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      Managerial EconomicsDemand Side ManagementPrice elasticity of demand for goodsSupply and Demand
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      Real EstateInformation TechnologyInternational TradeAccounting
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of maritime and air transportation on the environment and economy of Iran. The authors specify two dynamic models of the environmental pollution and the economic growth. Then,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityPrice ElasticityFossil Fuels
El establecimiento de precios en la empresa dedicada a la comercialización de repuestos para vehículos, objeto de este estudio se realiza de forma empírica para, al menos, 50.000 productos. En este documento se establece una metodología... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsClusterPrice elasticity of demand for goods
Purpose -The availability and price of oil are intimately linked to the global economy and as a result to tourism. This paper aims to present the results from research on tourism and oil, undertaken with a particular focus on New Zealand... more
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      TourismPrice ElasticityEconomic ImpactDesign Methodology
Agriculture, import tariffs on farm products continue to provide an incomplete indication of the extent to which agricultural producer and consumer incentives are distorted in national markets. As well, in developing countries especially,... more
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      LawInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyAgribusiness
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyStatistical AnalysisBiomass
Although Mozambique has considerable agricultural potential, rural poverty remains extremely high. This paper examines the extent to which global and domestic price distortions affect agricultural production and national poverty. We... more
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      International RelationsNatural ResourcesInternational TradeEconomic Growth
A study of the pricing of mobile telephony is essentially an analysis of elements driving survival of business in hyper competitive, capex intensive, technology centric businesses. Pricing is an essential ingredient of the strategy for... more
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      Price ElasticityPricingMobile telephonyVodafone
Ockham's Razor is a reminder to keep things simple, but this principle is often ignored in the elasticity chapters of many economics textbooks. Many texts invoke slope unnecessarily and in contradictory ways. Discussions of the... more
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      Price ElasticityDemandPrice elasticity of demand for goods
The marketing literature generally supports the view that price elasticity varies from product/brand to product/brand, influential work by suggests that elasticities show little variation even when prices themselves are changing. The... more
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      BusinessMultidisciplinaryPanel DataPrice Elasticity
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      Political EconomyEnergy efficiencyMiddle EastElectricity
This research examines the responsiveness of the demand for marijuana to changes in its money price and criminal status using data on individuals from the Australian National Drug Strategy's Household Surveys (NDSHS). The results suggest... more
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      DemographyEconomicsHealth EconomicsAustralia
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      EconomyPrice elasticity of demand for goodsPrice Demand
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      EconomicsMicroeconomicsPrice elasticity of demand for goods
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      EconometricsMacroeconomicsPolitical EconomyAddiction
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      International trade lawPrice ElasticityPrice elasticity of demand for goods
This paper examines the extent to which various regions, and the world as a whole, could gain from multilateral trade reform over the next decade. The World Bank's LINKAGE model of the global economy is employed to examine the impact... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational TradeAgricultural EconomicsForeign Direct Investment
This report was funded by the Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership, a facility that greatly enhances World Bank operations to increase the delivery of water supply and sanitation services to the poor (for more information see
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      WaterUtilitiesSri LankaPublic Health
The inflow of large quantities of foreign aid into Rwanda since 1994 can have potential adverse effects such as aid dependency via a significant negative effect on tax efforts and on public investments. This paper carries out a... more
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      Development EconomicsPublic EconomicsInternational TradeEconomic Theory
Agriculture, import tariffs on farm products continue to provide an incomplete indication of the extent to which agricultural producer and consumer incentives are distorted in national markets. As well, in developing countries especially,... more
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      LawInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyAgribusiness
Purchasers of fast-moving consumer goods generally exhibit multi-brand choice, selecting apparently randomly among a small subset or "repertoire" of tried and trusted brands. Their behavior shows both matching and maximization, though it... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision Making
Water use in urban centres is dynamic, fluctuates, differs between high and low-income users, and tends to increase over time. Supply infrastructure can often hardly keep pace with increased water consumption. Given (a) the high cost of... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsInfrastructure Development
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      PotatoElasticityYieldAgricultural Production
A centralized multiechelon, multiproduct supply chain network is presented in a multiperiod setting with products that show varying demand against price. An important consideration in such complex supply chains is to maintain system... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementSupply ChainMixed Integer Nonlinear ProgrammingPrice Elasticity
The substantial literature investigating the links between trade, trade policy, and labor market outcomes-both returns to labor and employment-has generated a number of stylized facts, but many open questions remain. This paper surveys... more
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      Political EconomyInternational TradeTime SeriesEconomic Growth
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Agriculture, import tariffs on farm products continue to provide an incomplete indication of the extent to which agricultural producer and consumer incentives are distorted in national markets. As well, in developing countries especially,... more
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      LawPolitical EconomyAgribusinessAgricultural Policy
Do the populations of low per-capita income countries participate with a stronger desire to win and spent relatively more money on lottery products? Is such a desire to buy lottery products constant, or does it decrease when the country... more
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    • Price elasticity of demand for goods
This paper considers the potential implications of the Doha Development Agenda, as well as other trade liberalization scenarios, for Mozambique. An applied general equilibrium model, which accounts for high marketing margins and home... more
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      MarketingMacroeconomicsForestryNatural Resources
This paper reviews in a general way the economic rationale for the patent system and considers some of the alternatives to the system. It also considers the literature dealing with such questions as the following: What is the optimal... more
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      PatentsPatent LawMonopolyPrice elasticity of demand for goods
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      SociologyAnthropologyDecision MakingPoverty
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      EconomicsElectricityPrice ElasticitySouth Africa
The "Theory of Unequal Exchange" predicts that terms of trade for the producer of primary commodities worsen over time given the low income elasticity of demand for primary product exports and the market power of the... more
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      EconomicsPrice elasticity of demand for goods
The electricity consumption of a country is influenced by several parameters of the national economic structure, the level of societal advancement and the economic climate. Indicators based on the rate of GDP and electricity consumption... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsElectricityEnvironmental Sciences
The electricity consumption of a country is influenced by several parameters of the national economic structure, the level of societal advancement and the economic climate. Indicators based on the rate of GDP and electricity consumption... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsElectricityEnvironmental Sciences
This study developed an analytical framework and an empirical water sector model to evaluate current and alternative water allocation regimes in the Steelpoort sub-basin (SPSB) in terms of the key objectives of the national water act of... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEconomic Valuation of Water
Using a theoretical model with an industrial world trading with a developing world and assuming no impediment to capital flows, it is shown that an abundant supply of unskilled labor will render real wages for the unskilled close to the... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationPrice ElasticityRate of return
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      Public FinancePublic EconomicsPublic AdministrationNonprofit Studies
This paper analyses the role of patent-filing fees requested by the member states of the European Patent Convention (EPC). We provide first empirical evidence showing that the fee elasticity of the demand for priority applications is... more
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      Intellectual PropertyApplied EconomicsIPPrice Elasticity
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of maritime and air transportation on the environment and economy of Iran. The authors specify two dynamic models of the environmental pollution and the economic growth. Then,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityPrice ElasticityFossil Fuels
How would travel demand in Sao Paulo respond to would not help much in attracting travelers from more demand management instruments? Could higher psoline polluting (more congesting) modes. (Thc same holds for prices or lower metro fares... more
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      ConsumptionEconomic TheoryEconomic policyAir Pollution Control
The Policy, Phanning, nd Research Complex distfibutes PPR Wosking Papers to dissminste the findings of wdck in peogrm and to encouage the exchange of ideas among Bank staff and all others interested in development issues. These papers... more
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      ConsumptionEconomic TheoryEconomic policyDeveloping Country
J a n -7 3 J a n -7 5 J a n -7 7 J a n -7 9 J a n -8 1 J a n -8 3 J a n -8 5 J a n -8 7 J a n -8 9 J a n -9 1 J a n -9 3 J a n -9 5 J a n -9 7 J a n -9 9 J a n -0 1 J a n -0 3 J a n -0 5
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      TourismPrice ElasticityEconomic ImpactDesign Methodology