Pragmatic realism
Recent papers in Pragmatic realism
After analysing Habermas' philosophical evolution from his theory of interests to his late pragmatic realism ((), I will focus on the problems of this last conception ((), trying to draw a plausible way out which avoids both naturalistic... more
One feature of Sellars’s ‘philosophical’ semantics (EAE ¶¶40, 67) concerns ‘synthetic necessary truths’ (SM 2:53, 3:18–19), a direct successor to C. I. Lewis’s (MWO, 1929: 227–9, 254–8) relativised pragmatic a priori. Following... more
This paper re-examines how C.I. Lewis’s pragmatic realism in Mind and the World Order (1929, ‘MWO’) contrasts to logical empiricism, and to Lewis’s later An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation (1946, ‘AKV’), to highlight several important... more
In this paper I present a positive progressive picture of Putnam's philosophy. According to this way of seeing things, Putnam is a normative cartographer of our linguistic practices who has over time refined his understanding of the... more
This article examines how Quine and Sellars develop informatively contrasting responses to a fundamental tension in Carnap’s semantics ca. 1950. Quine’s philosophy could well be styled ‘Essays in Radical Empiricism’; his assay of radical... more
In 1972 J. Habermas develops a ``consensualist'' theory of truth valid for both the social and the objective world. Over the years, he has acknowledged that the objective world differs from the social one for at least one point: the... more