Most downloaded papers in Praetorship
A lo largo de sus tres siglos de historia en la época imperial romana, la función principal de la Guardia Pretoriana fue la protección de la figura del emperador allí donde este se encontrara, ya fuera actuando permanentemente como su... more
""Book abstract: Despite the crucial role played by both law and architecture in Roman culture, the Romans never developed a type of building that was specifically and exclusively reserved for the administration of justice: courthouses... more
Roma. En la residencia palatina, el soberano del más grande imperio occidental ni siquiera se permite pasear por sus jardines sin ser vigilado. El poder genera ambición por ocuparlo, y no había mayor poder en la Antigüedad que el... more
In 75 B.C.E., two events affecting the tribuni plebis occurred: their right to stand for further office, previously interdicted by Sulla, was restored; and the praetor’s tribunal was moved away from the Comitium and the Rostra, a main area... more
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
In this paper we propose a new perspective as to the nature of potestas and imperium in the Roman Republican system, the way these properties were bestowed on various magistracies, the way these properties were exercized by these... more
This paper attempts to determine the procedure of M. Caelius Rufus’ suspension from magisterial functions in 48 B.C. The author considers the limitations that the praetor encountered. It is argued that Caelius not only was not formally... more
The author of the article contests the hypothesis advanced by A.V. Koptev that in the late 80s and in 70s BC Pompey was not a privatus cum imperio, but had twice obtained praetorship and thereby held military commands. It is argued in the... more
L'iscrizione di Ceionio Rufi o Albino (console ordinario nel 335 e praefectus urbis dal 30 dicembre del 335 al 10 marzo 337) 1 o, per meglio dire, le integrazioni proposte a partire da O. Seeck, hanno costituito il principale sostegno... more
The author reexamines the evidence of sources on the early career of Crassus and two contradicting theories about the date of his praetorship advanced recently by M. Stone and F. Vervaet. The conclusion is that neither 75 B.C.E. (Stone's... more
Before publishing my new document on the count of the Roman Senators, from the year -230 to the year -150, I share with you this short analysis on the number of the tribunes of the people : how many are there in the Roman Senate?
Voici un nouvel et cinquième document sur les Sénateurs de Rome, cette fois entre les années :-150 à-110 qui fait suite à mes précédents travaux Cet écrit vient étudier une période intercalaire entre deux périodes étudiées : c'est à la... more
Voic un nouvel et quatrième opus sur les Sénateurs de Rome, cette fois entre les années :-230 à-150 qui fait suite à mes précédents travaux sur les Sénateurs vivant de l'an +165 à l'an +244, ceux de l'an +30 à +110, et ceux de -110 à-30.... more
Avant de publier un nouveau et dernier document sur le décompte des Sénateurs de Rome, cette fois de l'an-150 à l'an-110, je vous fais part de cette très courte analyse sur les Sénateurs de Rome cités dans le « Senatus Consultum De Agro... more
This short analysis is about the "Senatus Consultum De Agro Pergameno", a text written in Greek at the end of the second century BC. TAYLOR, SHERK, MATTINGLY, BROUGHTON, EVANS, PETZL and DAUBNER are among the authors who have studied... more