Popular Constitutionalism
Recent papers in Popular Constitutionalism
Reseña del libro "Por una Justicia Dialógica. El Poder Judicial como promotor de la deliberación democrática", volumen compilado por Roberto Gargarella y publicado en la colección de derecho y política de Siglo XXI Editores, dirigida por... more
Paper submitted to the Workshop ‘New constitutionalism? New forms of democracy and rule of law beyond liberalism’, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati 12-13.7.2018 The term ‘populist constitutionalism’ usually refers... more
The paper focuses on the main conceptual issues (classifications, terminology, methodology) relating to the phenomenon of the degeneration of contemporary democracies that have attracted the attention of different social sciences in... more
El objetivo del trabajo es discutir si, y en qué medida, el llamado constitucionalismo popular constituye una amenaza incompatible con el estado de derecho. La tensión entre los ideales del estado de derecho y de la democracia atraviesa... more
Paper submitted to IVR World Congress 2019, Dignity, Democracy, Diversity, The 29th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Workshop on Alternatives to Liberal Constitutionalism:... more
¿Le preocupa a la Suprema Corte el conflicto democrático en México? Todos los días nuestro tribunal constitucional recibe innumerables casos donde abogados, poderes de la unión y grupos de litigio de la sociedad civil intentan convencer... more
Libro citado en los Salvamentos de Voto a las Sentencias C-285 de 2016 y C-332 de 2017 de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia - Book quoted by two dissenting opinions in the Colombian Constitutional Court:... more
Artigo de Roberto Gargarella, traduzido. Desde meados dos anos 1980, e até encontrar sua morte desgraçada, Carlos Nino desempenhou regularmente suas atividades de professor visitante da Universidade de Yale, nos Estados Unidos. Um dos... more
Particular to the struggles of today is a renewed and increasingly networked politics of local democracy in opposition to global corporate power. With the five urgent essays in this symposium we bring these politics into a world-systems... more
O casuísmo e o ativismo das Cortes Constitucionais são problemas contemporâneos da maioria dos Estados Democráticos. As decisões das Cortes Constitucionais não são submetidos ao controle popular, mas de pessoas e organizações próximas ao... more
The paper focuses on the main conceptual issues (classifications, terminology, methodology) relating to the phenomenon of the degeneration of contemporary democracies that have attracted the attention of different social sciences in... more
Contemporary scholarship mainly focuses on the crisis of political representation as the key facilitator behind the emergence of populism. If so, populism urges public law to revisit and rethink institutional designs. This article... more
¿Es la Corte Suprema la intérprete final de la Constitución? Este trabajo argumenta que, en un sentido significativo, no lo es y no puede serlo: los grandes desacuerdos sociales subsisten por más que la Corte Suprema los resuelva con... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Alle origini del paradosso costituzionale americano.-2. We the People: disaccordo politico e trasformazioni costituzionali.-3. Il dissenso nell'epoca delle identity politics: da 'We' the People a 'Me' the People.-4. Dissenso... more
Il contributo analizza i modelli di selezione giudiziaria nelle corti statali americane e le ripercussione sull'indipendenza giudiziaria a partire da alcune recenti proposte di riforma. L'analisi di alcuni noti casi giudiziali mostra... more
This contribution aims at discussing constitutional democracy in the age of populisms, by explaining how populist movements oppose liberal-democratic constitutionalism and by presenting the thesis of a so-called 'populist... more
Στο κείμενο που ακολουθεί θα προσπαθήσω να παρουσιάσω συνοπτικά, και κάπως σχηματικά, αυτό που έχει αποκληθεί λαϊκιστικός ή λαϊκός ή πολιτικός συνταγματισμός. Πρόκειται για μια προσέγγιση που αντιτίθεται στην κρατούσα νομική (ή... more
Constitutional democracies claim themselves to be constructed upon the will of the people. As the agency gap between the rulers and the ruled widens, people are increasingly more frustrated and compelled to actively take a stand. Advances... more
To download, please go to https://ssrn.com/abstract=3302988 This short talk focuses on three aspects of Robert Cover's brand of legal pluralism: First, Cover’s account of legal pluralism went beyond the simple recognition of non-state... more
"The democracy movement that formed in the United States in the 1990s and whose maturing influence we witness today is politically significant as a uniter of the divided political tradition of the U.S. Left and a challenger to corporate... more
Popular constitutionalism rarely arises in authoritarian polities. In the absence of genuine elections and referenda, aggrieved and disenfranchised citizens are more likely to resort to extraconstitutional action to defend themselves, to... more