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Rapur area forms southern part of the Nellore schist belt of Andhra Pradesh. The area under study located between latitude 14 o 15' 00" and 14 o 11' 30" and longitude 79 o 32' 55" and 79 o 37' 30"and covers an area about 30 Km 2 . The... more
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    • Polyphase Deformation
Pulse compression technique is most widely used in radar and communication areas. Its implementation requires an optimized and dedicated hardware. The real time implementation places several constraints such as area occupied, power... more
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      Vlsi DesignVLSIQuaternary GeologyNeuromorphic VLSi
The Meso- to Neo-proterozoic Delhi Fold Belt (DFB) forms the backbone of Aravalli mountain range which flanks the western edge of Indian shield. The DFB is delimited in the east by the Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC), Aravalli Fold Belt... more
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      GeologyMicrostructureFolding (Structural Geology)Tectonics
The rocks of this area is generally NNE-SSW trending but the major difference between the nearby two area is the dip direction of foliation planes. In the eastern part, near Kumbhalgarh fort, foliation planes dip towards west whereas... more
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      Structural GeologyFolding (Structural Geology)Structural AnalysisPolyphase Deformation
Multiple Paleogene dextral shear zones are identified in the Chugach metamorphic complex (CMC) in southern Alaska providing an unusual down-plunge view of the deformation associated with transpressional strike-slip systems at mid- to... more
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      Structural GeologyTectonicsTranspressionPolyphase Deformation
Multiple Paleogene dextral shear zones are identifi ed in the Chugach metamorphic complex (CMC) in southern Alaska providing an unusual down-plunge view of the deformation associated with transpressional strike-slip systems at mid-to... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsStructural Geology