Course name: Earth Systems I: Solid Earth Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Faculty: Science and Engineering Semester: Spring 2005. Course description: On the structure of our planet and the forming processes: plate tectonics,...
moreCourse name: Earth Systems I: Solid Earth
Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Faculty: Science and Engineering
Semester: Spring 2005.
Course description: On the structure of our planet and the forming processes: plate tectonics, crustal evolution, rocks, surface and groundwater hydrology, and so on. Focus on volcanic activity in the Canary Islands, where students will carry out field studies during a long-weekend visit.
Mandatory trip: Lanzarote (Canary Islands); unpaid fees result in automatic removal from class.
Course Objectives:
By end of the course the student should:
• Know the basic types of rocks and understand the basic principles of the rock cycle.
• Know and understand the basic principles of plate tectonics and volcanism.
• Know and understand the most important processes on the earth´s surface.
• Achieve a foundation on the basic principles underlying the patterns and dynamics of the earth´s surface and interior.
Textbook: Following textbook is absolutely necessary for the course:
PRESS, Frank, & SIEVER, Raymond (2001): Understanding Earth. 3rd edition. – New York (W. H. Freeman and Company).
Supplementary reading: Following books may be interesting or helpful for some aspects of the course, but they are not necessary:
ANDEL, T. H. van, (1994): New views on an old planet. A history of global change. 439 pp.; Cambridge (Cambridge University Press).
ARAÑA, V., & CARRACEDO, J. C. (1979): Los volcanes de las islas Canarias. – Vol. I: Tenerife; Vol. II: Lanzarote y Fuerteventura.
BOLT, Bruce A. (1999): Earthquakes. – 366 p.; New York (W. H. Freeman and Company).
CUNNINGHAM, W.P., & SAIGO, B. Woodworth (1992): Environmental Science – A Global Concern. 2nd edition. – 622 p., Dubuque (Wm. C. Brown Publishers).
CUNNINGHAM, W.P., & CUNNINGHAM, M.A., & SAIGO, B. Woodworth (2002): Environmental Science – A Global Concern. 7th edition. – 646 p., Boston.
DECKER, Robrt & Barbara: Volcanoes. – 321 p.; New York (W. H. Freeman and Company).
MERRITTS, D., & WET, A. DE, & MENKING, K. (1998): Environmental geology. 452 pp.; New York (Freeman a. Co.).
SCARTH, Alwyn & TANGUY, Jean-Claude (2000): Volcanoes of Europe. – Oxford.
YARZA, Esperanza (1988): Volcanes de Iberoamerica. – 128 p.; Madrid (Anaya).
Course Calendar:
Tuesday, Jan. 18th: Introduction – Building a planet (Textbook chapter 1)
Thursday, Jan. 20th: Minerals (Textbook chapter 2)
Tuesday, Jan. 25 & Thursday, Jan. 27: Rocks (Textbook chapter 3)
Thursday, Jan. 27: End of DROP/ADD period
Tuesday, Feb. 1 & Thursday, Feb. 3: Igneous Rocks (Textbook chapter 4)
Tuesday, Feb. 8 & Thursday, Feb. 10: Volcanism (I) (Textbook chapter 5)
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Review & Preparation of first mid-term exam
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Deadline for the submission of the title of the paper
Thursday, Feb. 17: First mid-term exam
Tuesday, Feb. 22 & Thursday, Feb. 24: Volcanism (II) (Textbook chapter 5)
Tuesday, Mar. 1 & Thursday, Mar. 3: Volcanism (III) (Textbook chapter 5)
Saturday, Mar. 5, to Sunday, Mar. 13: SPRING BREAK
Tuesday, Mar. 15: Weathering and Erosion (Textbook chapter 6)
Thursday, Mar. 17, to Sunday, Mar.20: Field trip to the Canary Islands
Tuesday, Mar. 22: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks (I) (Chapter 7)
Thursday, Mar. 24, to Sunday, Mar.27: Easter
Tuesday, Mar. 29: Review & Preparation of second mid-term exam
Thursday, Mar. 31: Second mid-term exam
Tuesday, Apr. 5: Deadline for the submission of papers and PowerPoint presentations
Tuesday, Apr. 5: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks (II) (Chapter 7)
Thursday, Apr. 7: Metamorphic Rocks (Textbook chapter 8)
Thursday, Apr. 7: Deadline for the submission of the exercise
Friday, Apr. 8: Last day to drop a class and receive a grade of "W"
Tuesday, Apr. 12: The Rock Record and the Geologic Time Scale (Textbook chapter 9)
Thursday, Apr. 14: Rock Deformation (Textbook chapter 10)
Tuesday, Apr. 19 & Thursday, Apr. 21: The Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater (Chapter 12)