Pollination biology
Recent papers in Pollination biology
In the neotropics, central Mexico and Venezuela, columnar cacti (mostly belonging to tribe Pachycereae) are pollinated mainly by bats. In the Tehuacán Valley 36 species of columnar cacti have their blooming peak almost simultaneously... more
The capacity for cone-mediated color vision varies among nocturnal primates. Some species are col- orblind, having lost the functionality of their short-wavelength-sensitive-1 (SWS1) opsin pigment gene. In other species, such as the... more
We studied the diet of the Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) in Pakistan from March 2008 to February 2009 and found that the bats fed on 20 species belonging to 11 plant families. Of these, four families (Anacardiaceae, Bignonaceae,... more
Various aspects of the pollination biology of the alpine flora of Kosciusko National Park, NSW, were examined from late December 1983 until the end of March 1984, including flowering phenology, corolla tube lengths, flower colour,... more
This research was carried out to evaluate the floral biology of Ipomoea acuminata, I. batata, I. cairica and I. quamoclit in Maringá, state of Paraná. Anthesis period, stigma receptivity, viability of the pollen grains and medium height... more
We examined pollination biology of Acacia nigrescens Oliver, flowering at the end of the dry season in Kruger National Park, South Africa. A. nigrescens produces small quantities of concentrated nectar, and has abundant pollen resources... more
The observations on flowering behavior and fruit set of the various pollinizer cultivars were compared with main cultivar ‘Red Delicious’. Among the various pollinizers and main cultivar ‘Red Delicious’, the flower bud initiation in the... more
Background and aims Pollination is a critical stage in plant reproduction and thus in the maintenance and evolution of species and communities. The Caatinga is the fourth largest ecosystem in Brazil, but despite its great extent and its... more
Microscopy Cells are small and in almost all situations a microscope is needed to observe them and their subcellular components. In fact the invention of the microscope led to the discovery and description of cells by Hooke in 1655. The... more
Systematic biology is a discipline rooted in collections. These collections play important roles in research and conservation and are integral to our efforts to educate society about biodiversity and conservation. Collections provide an... more
Problem of diseases is a serious concern both in domesticated and wild soiltary bees. When disease strikes a hive of bees, it can devastate the colony and spread to the entire beekeeping operation. All bees are susceptible to diseases,... more
The European honey bee, Apis mellifera, is well-known for its role in honey production, its ecological importance in plant reproduction and biodiversity, and more importantly, the pollination of many economically significant crops in the... more
This paper comprises Part II of a review of flower visitation and pollination by Diptera (myiophily or myophily). While Part I examined taxonomic diversity of anthophilous flies, here we consider the rewards and attractants used by... more
This paper comprises Part II of a review of flower visitation and pollination by Diptera (myiophily or myophily). While Part I examined taxonomic diversity of anthophilous flies, here we consider the rewards and attractants used by... more
The focus of agriculture is slowly shifting from traditional cereal crops to high-value cash crops farming such as fruits and vegetables. This transformation from subsistence systems to commercial agriculture poses new challenges for... more
The focus of agriculture is slowly shifting from traditional cereal crops to high-value cash crops farming such as fruits and vegetables. This transformation from subsistence systems to commercial agriculture poses new challenges for... more
*Zewdie Kassa, *Zemede Asfaw and Sebsebe Demissew* *Addis Ababa University, College of Natural Sciences, Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management ABSTRACT A study on plant diversity and ethnobotany was conducted between... more
Phenology, pollination biology and breeding system were investigated in three populations of Acacia senegal located in Delhi and Rajasthan. Flowers emit a mild fragrance and produce a minute quantity of nectar. The stigma is wet... more
Plants use chemical components to attract potential pollinators to visit flowers and facilitate the efficient transfer of pollen The Evolution of plant volatile production in pollination ecology and in pollinator-plant relationships has... more
Abstract. CLAESSENS, J. & KLEYNEN, J. - In the past many forms of Ophrys apifera were described at very different taxonomic levels. There were continuous discussions if these taxa should be considered to be forms, varieties, subspecies or... more
This chapter describes how the climate change is potentially the most severe threat to pollinator biodiversity. Mounting evidence demonstrates that there have already been biotic responses to the relatively small climate changes that have... more
During three weeks of field work in 2017, two of the authors (M. C. & J. C) searched for potential orchid sites in Gran Canaria, resulting in a large number of unknown orchid sites. These data were supplemented with samples from the LPA... more
Floral symmetry has figured prominently in the study of both pollination biology and animal behavior. However, a confusion of terminology and the diffuse nature of the literature has limited our understanding of the role that this basic... more
The pollination biology of the orchid Ceratandra grandiflora was investigated in order to determine whether the partial loss of a specialized floral reward (i.e., oil) was the result of an incomplete shift from one specialized pollinator... more
Problem of diseases is a serious concern both in domesticated and wild soiltary bees. When disease strikes a hive of bees, it can devastate the colony and spread to the entire beekeeping operation. All bees are susceptible to diseases,... more
We investigated the pollination of Habenaria tridactylites, an endemic orchid of the Canary Islands. The entirely green, widely open flowers have a long spur containing nectar. We carried out fieldwork, a molecular clock analysis,... more
This paper focuses on the systematics of the Specklinia endotrachys species complex in Costa Rica. Traditionally considered a variable species, S. endotrachys is here treated as one of at least four, albeit closely related, taxa. Of these... more
This chapter describes how the climate change is potentially the most severe threat to pollinator biodiversity. Mounting evidence demonstrates that there have already been biotic responses to the relatively small climate changes that have... more
ENGLISH Chapter discusses several important aspects of pollination by beetles, such as biology and ecology of beetles; origin of the word "cantharophily" and the current tendency to be replaced by "pollination by beetles"; main groups of... more
Najas is the largest of the 18 hydrophilous angiosperm genera, however, study of pollination biology in the genus is largely ignored. In this study, the pollination mechanism of Najas marina L. was observed in two freshwater lakes as well... more
The phenology, compatibility system, and pollinator fauna ofOpuntia polyacantha Haw. andO. phaeacantha Engelm. in southern Colorado were studied and compared. The total blooming periods overlap, but the peak of blooming differs between... more
A B S T R A C T Understanding the importance of biodiversity in applied settings is a central theme for ecologists. Pollination is an essential ecosystem service, which may rely on biodiversity for effectiveness and stability. Empirical... more
The structure and anatomy of mature flowers of four species of Meliosma is investigated using scanning electron and light microscopy. The vasculature of the flower, including the structure of the gynoecium, is described in detail. The... more
The quantitative and qualitative variability in floral scent of 98 specimens of the dioecious species Silene latifolia belonging to 15 European and 19 North American populations was determined. Floral scent was collected from single... more
Species of Helicteres are pollinated mainly by hummingbirds and bats. Most species pollinated by hummingbirds have a mechanism of depositing pollen on the top of the pollinator's head such as is shown in this work for Helicteres... more
Successful cross-pollination of Monardafistulosa is the result of a complex interaction among flower opening, the pollen-bearing areas of the pollinators and/or their behavior, and the maturation of the stigmas. The flowers open... more
The rattleweed Crotalaria retusa was introduced in Brazil from Africa, and combines a series of characters that have ensured its establishment in NE Brazil. We focused on its reproductive biology and pollinator behavior to explain its... more
† Background and Aims Pollinator-mediated selection and evolution of floral traits have long fascinated evolutionary ecologists. No other plant family shows as wide a range of pollinator-linked floral forms as Orchidaceae. In spite of the... more
The genus Zygostates Lindl. (Orchidaceae) comprises about 20 species of small Neotropical epiphytic plants, represented in its southernmost limit by the species Z. alleniana. In this paper, we studied morphological and anatomical floral... more
Dactylorhiza viridis is generally pollinated by Coleoptera (beetles) and Hymenoptera (sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants). This orchid offers nectar at the lip base as well as in the spur. In the Dolomites, a calcareous mountain region in... more
Attracting potential pollinators is vital for orchids, for most rely on insects for the transport of the genetic material, the pollinia or pollinaria. Nectar is an important attractant that serves as a food reward for the visiting... more