Plato's Phaedo
Recent papers in Plato's Phaedo
This paper deals with three scenes in Phaedo that re-elaborate previous passages from the Apology and the Crito: -Socrates’ dreams at Ap. 33c, Cri. 44a-b and Phd. 60e; -escaping the body (Phd. 61c-62c) and escaping the prison (Crito);... more
In this paper I argue that in the Phaedo (101b1-105b3) 1) there is an homologous (according to Greimas-Courtes’ definition of “homology”) relationship between the pragmata and the ideas which is based on a semantic logic, 2) pragmata and... more
I will present this paper at the annual meeting of the Northern New England Philosophical Association on November 3, 2017 at Stonehill College. This essay investigates Plato's use of " hope " (ἐλπίς, ἐλπίζειν) in the Phaedo. I have shown... more
Thinking Life is a narrative exploration of such themes as the decline of the contemporary university, man's alienation from nature, modern melancholia, Dionysian intoxication, the relative value of knowledge, truth, and artistry in the... more
Corpus Platonicum is one of our primary evidence on the history of Greek magic in the classical period and with other sources it gives the knowledge on those who practiced magic-working (magoi, goetes, pharmakeis and epodoi). Plato is... more
Dear readers, I teach a course in Ancient Philosophy--primarily Plato and Aristotle--and have a fairly sturdy set of notes compiled over many years. I'm more than happy to share these with other instructors and scholars.
In this paper, I analyse a passage in Plato’s Phaedo (105e6–107b10), where Socrates deduces from his proof of the immortality of the soul that the soul is imperishable as well. A number of authors (e. g. Taylor, Bostock) contend that... more
Naftali Rothenberg, “Rabbi Akiva, Other Martyrs, and Socrates: On Life, Death, and Life after Life,” in: olam ha’zeh v’olam ha-ba: This World and the World to Come in Jewish Belief and Practice, Leonard J. Greenspoon, editor; Proceedings... more
In Phaedo 102d and 103b, Plato seems to distinguish certain forms or characters immanent in objects as a separate ontological category from transcendent Forms. I argue, following what seems to be the scholarly majority, that this... more
Given the prodigious amount of scholarship on Platonic love, this article explores a different question: the nature of Plato's love for Socrates as expressed in two dialogues, the Symposium and Phaedo, in which Plato depicts Socrates as... more
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This article takes a closer look at what Plato’s dialogues tell us about the incorporeality of the soul as one of the well-established Platonic doctrines, on a par with the soul’s immortality and its self-moving nature. What motivates the... more
In this paper I argue that the conversation in Plato's Phaedo operates on two levels, and appeals to two different kinds of considerations in arguing that the soul is immortal. On the one hand, Socrates and his friends are interested in... more
The main thesis of the article is the affirmation that the notion of “soul’s death”, developed in Philo of Alexandria’s exegetical works (the vicious soul binds itself to the body and thus dies), has its source in Plato’s Phaedo.... more
Bu hazırlanan dosyada Homeros'un Sokrates'in ve Platon'un ruh kavramı açıklanmaya çalışılmış , Homeros'un Ilias ve Odysseia destanlarından ve Platon'un 'Apologia Sokratous' , 'Phaidon' , 'Phaidros' diyaloglarından örnekler vererek ve... more
I argue that according to Socrates in the Phaedo we should not merely evaluate bodily pleasures and desires as worthless or bad, but actively avoid them. We need to avoid them because they change our values and make us believe falsehoods.... more
Publisher's blurb: _The People of Plato_ is the first study since 1823 devoted exclusively to the identification of, and relationships among, the individuals represented in the complete Platonic corpus. It provides details of their... more
Partendo dall'ipotesi che la scrittura platonica possa essere assimilata alla scrittura drammaturgica o teatrale, il presente studio esamina il ruolo filosofico, dialettico e/o protrettico che il silenzio assume all'interno di alcuni... more
The aim of the present paper is to show how Plato suggested demarcating between knowledge and other kinds of human intellectual activities. The article proposes to distinguish between two ways of such a demarcation. The first, called ‘the... more
This book is a quest for the real Plato, forever hiding behind the veil of drama. The quest, as the subtitle indicates, is Cartesian in that it looks for Plato independently of the prevailing paradigms on where we are supposed to find... more
This paper argues that Plato's engagement with Anaxagoras in the Phaedo is more extensive than exclusive concentration on "Socrates' Autobiography" would suggest. Plato takes Anaxagoras' notions of Nous, separation, and mixture and... more
The chapter seeks to find out if and how the Stoics have taken arguments from Phaedo. Phaedo is, among the Platonic dialogues, the farthest from stoic doctrines. Several topics, metaphors, images used in this dialogue, are recalled in the... more
Tra i dialoghi di Platone, alcuni sono narrati ed altri direttamente drammatizzati. Tra quelli narrati, alcuni sono narrati da Socrate, altri da altri personaggi. Ma, in tutti i casi, la narrazione è di quelle che consentono... more
Abstract: The article addresses various approaches to the interpretation of Socrates’ last words in Plato’s Phaedo 118a7-8. Some of the traditional interpretations read his final statement literally and understand it as being about an... more
This paper revisits Plato's and Aristotle's views on mimesis with a special emphasis on mythos as an integral part of it. I argue that the Republic's notorious " mirror argument " is in fact ad hominem: first, Plato likely has in mind... more
In the so-called "erotic dialogues", especially the Symposium and the Phaedrus, Plato explained why erotic desire can play an epistemic function, establishing a strong connection between erotic desire and beauty, "the most clearly visible... more
L’expression αὐτὸ καθ’αὑτό, « même que soi-même » ou « en soi et par soi », est l’une des expressions dont Platon fait usage pour caractériser l’identité à soi des Formes intelligibles. En examinant les origines non platoniciennes de... more
In teaching an introductory philosophy course, one faces the following dilemma. One must be honest with students about the diverse and contradictory array of positions philosophers have taken and still take on every basic philosophical... more
Commentaire du mythe final du Phédon, sous l'aspect de la science naturelle et de la représentation du monde.
Plato’s literary conceptions of the Beyond of the human soul integrate the entire space of the cosmos and move the eschatological space of traditional Hades up to heaven. Astronomy is now combined in an idiosyncratic way with Platonic... more
Meine Hauptthese ist, dass wir es im Kontext von philosophischen Seelenreisen bei Platon mit zwei, eng miteinander verbundenen, Strategien zu tun haben: zum einen der philosophischen Rationalisierung und Kontrafaktur alter Mythotopoi,4... more
For this presentation, I will answer the questions contained at the end of the article in the Phaedo Canvass Files. But before I do so I must preface that the theme of privilege, position and status continue to take form when we attempt... more
RESUMO: O homem ocidental, desde sua origem mais remota, começa a questionar o que vem a se constituir esse “eu” que nos consolidaria como pessoas. Por mais anacrônico que sejam os termos, “eu”, “subjetividade” e “consciência”,... more
In his 1924 paper, Paul Shorey has quite convincingly demonstrated that the fourth argument for the soul's immortality in the Phaedo (95e-107b) had probably been a source for Aristotle's Prior Analytics' doctrine of syllogism. In what... more
Bu yazı, Phaidon diyaloğunda Sokrates'in ruhun ölümsüzlüğünü ispatlamak için öne sürdüğü argümanlardan biri olan Karşıtların Döngüselliği argümanını değerlendirmektedir. Argümanın merkez terimleri olan "yaşıyor olma" ve "ölü olma"nın... more
Plato’s ideas on the practice of philosophers had highly influenced the way of doing philosophy in the West. Many scholars, ancient and modern alike, have explored Plato’s conception of philosophy. This article is yet another attempt to... more