Philosophy of laughter
Recent papers in Philosophy of laughter
Carnival versus Thélème: The Question of ‘Freedom’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best vantage point for understanding ‘transgressive sacrality’ as a universal phenomenon is the... more
The laughter of Samuel Beckett’s characters is frequently strange and unsettling. Characters laugh unpredictably, and the reader or spectator does not feel prompted to join them; when we do laugh in response to the Beckettian text, we are... more
Osho's primary emphasis falls on the affirmation of life and its celebration. He focuses on the ananda aspect of the Reality. As he says: so let your blissfulness be the only criterion. If something is making you blissful, it is bound to... more
"We participate in moral debate, instead of taking morality for granted, because of discontent with the moral discourse in vogue. We feel that something is distorted or concealed. One way to expose deficiencies in established discourse is... more
Στο πρώτο μέρος του παρόντος σημειώματος, το 'Γέλιο' αποτελεί εκτός από βασικό θέμα και κύριο υπό ανάλυση αντικείμενο, το σημείο αναφοράς των περισσότερων συλλογισμών σε σχέση με το γέλιο καθαυτό – σε αντιπαράθεση με την βασική... more
Laughter, in essence, has always been a ‘serious’ matter. As a universal form of human behaviour, it has many facets and functions. Depending upon the contexts, laughing along/with or laughing at/about are symbolically charged gestures... more
The separation of philosophy from literature and vice-versa is an aspect of early twentieth century intellectual sclerosis that affected a particular region of the globe. I am, of course, referring to the British/American school of... more
Przedstawione w książce zagadnienia nawiązują do idei integracji międzykulturowej i budowania wspólnoty poprzez radosny śmiech - zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do fascynującej, choć trudnej przeszłości. Ich podstawą jest komizm zawarty w... more
In this article, I argue against the claim made by Vassilis Saroglou that religion, and specifically Christianity, may be taken as an a priori incompatibility. This is done through a discussion of the reconciliation of theology and humor... more
The benefits of humor as preventative, curative, and therapeutic medicine has been cherished universally throughout civilized man’s history. A sense of humor is instinctual and innate, suggesting a high priority in human development. The... more
In this chapter, the author will analyze the relationship between humor and power in the light of court jesters (comedians) and sovereign (president). The chapter offers a philosophical perspective on the social significance of the White... more
This is a comparison of Agathon’s role in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae and Plato’s Symposium. Firstly, I examine the Platonic version, and the unique, idiosyncratic part Plato gives Agathon to play, as a host to all, and a hostage to... more
A convert to Catholicism, G.K. Chesterton was a leading intellectual of the British Edwardian age and one of the important social and religious thinkers of the twentieth century. His trademark was paradox. He wrote in defense of the... more
Книга представляет собой философское исследование природы смеха. В ней подробно анализируются основные теории комического от античности до современности. Рассматриваются философские основания смеха, его общественные функции, проблемы... more
In this, my research master thesis, I looked at laughter as a form of resistance in Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's The Killing Joke, Tim Burton's Batman and Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. The aim is to analyze if the Joker's most... more
Si homo est, est risibile (Dante, Epistola XIII, § 74) Nella lettera al signor Pitt con la quale Laurence Sterne apre il corso de La vita e le opinioni di Tristram Shandy gentiluomo, si legge che, ogniqualvolta un uomo sorride, egli... more
Рассматриваются теории и история смеха, его функции, статус и приемы, а также роль юмора в различных сферах и общественных группах (этническая и профессиональная коммуникация, закрытые группы, женщины, дети, философы, социологи,... more
comienzos hasta el principio del periodo histórico. Para ello hemos considerado tres grandes hitos de la historia: el origen del lenguaje, el surgimiento del arte y la aparición de la escritura.
Laughter is a normal and natural physiologic response to certain stimuli with widely acknowledged psychological benefits. However, current research is beginning to show that laughter may also have serious positive physiological effects... more
Celem refleksji będącej podstawą niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie okoliczności budowania wspólnoty śmiechu w klasie szkolnej. Autor zakłada, że jednym z czynników rozwiązywania konfliktów, poszukiwania płaszczyzn dialogu i osiągania... more
A partir de materiales etnográficos de campo, se describen diversas instancias de fenómenos que hacen reír a los chacobo (Pano) de la Amazonía boliviana en contextos discursivos o prácticos como la caza, las fiestas, las relaciones... more
Wer an eine Phänomenologie des Lachens denkt, denkt wohl zuerst an Henri Bergson und Helmuth Plessner. Bergsons Essay Das Lachen (1900) und Plessners Studie Lachen und Weinen (1941) gelten als Klassiker und sind vermutlich die am meisten... more
Erschienen in: Maske und Kothurn 4 (2006), S. 30-40. Haben Sie in letzter Zeit einmal gelacht? Jede und jeder von Ihnen wird dies wohl mehr oder weniger bejahen können. Lachen wie Komik sind ein wesentlicher Teil unserer Lebensrealität,... more
This article addresses both well-researched and relatively unexplored questions pertaining to humor and laughter. The following are some of the questions that are considered here: What is humor? What is the role of laughter in humor? What... more
À relire, revoir ou réécouter les entretiens accordés par Marguerite Duras au fil de sa carrière, l’on ne peut qu’être frappé par la fréquence de son rire. Le rire s’infiltre là où réside une faille dans la raison, comme une insolence... more
Středovropské paradoxy (Pavol Rankov: Stalo sa prvého septembra / alebo inokedy /) In: Poetika humoru, ISBN 978-80-558-0026-4, ed. Jana Waldnerová; 2011, Nitra: UKF, s. 130-139.
The paper intends to track the naming criteria for dogs among the chané. Links between onomastics and diverse cultural contexts are thus analysed - such as the daily treatment and attitudes towards dogs, mythic symbolism, etymology, human... more
This article examines textual descriptions of smiling, laughing and joking with the pope in thirteenth-century Rome. It focuses on two Anglo-Norman accounts of conducting litigation at the papal curia: Thomas of Marlborough's (d.1236)... more
Taking occasion from a recently published collective volume regarding laughter in the ancient Greek world (Wonderful Laughs: Laughter in Ancient Greek Literature, ed. M. I. Yossi – A. D. Melista, Athens, Smili Editions, 2017), this... more
This essay examines the ideas of carnival and the carnivalesque in relation to a modern social formation to which I refer as the “Kingdom of Coal.” Conjured incessantly from disjunct social perspectives on fossil fuel extraction and... more
The article provides a cognitive inquiry into the Comic contradiction based on the Helmholz “unconscious inference” concept, and compares various interpretations of the nature of Laughter by Immanuel Kant, Henry Bergson and Konrad Lorenz.... more
Resumen: Una de las formas más arcaicas y evidentes de la comunicación es reír. En la cultura digital, las imágenes humorísticas, en concreto las satíricas, se unen a la sociedad de masas mediante la configuración de ideas e... more
This essay analyzes the subtle theology of laughter that is scattered across Augustine's Confessiones (conf.). First, I draw on Sarah Byers's work in order to argue that Augustine adopts and adapts Stoic moral psychology as a means of... more
Proponemos determinar cómo Kierkegaard establece la risa como un concepto existencial. Para él, los estadios intermedios de la ironía y el humor se relacionan con la risa. Empero, esto no es ni estética ni ética. Más aún, el cristiano... more