Patriarch Bartholomew I
Recent papers in Patriarch Bartholomew I
Avrupa'da kilise devlet ilişkileri ve Osmanlı'dan bugüne Kilise problemine nasıl yaklaşıldığı, dünün Rum-Bulgar Kilisesi probleminden bugünün Ukrayna-Rus kilisesi arasındaki çıkmazlara, Trump'ın Kudüs'le ilgili kararının farklı dini... more
Abstract † Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, The Common Christian Agenda for the Common Good (Vatican, May 26, 2018) This text is the discourse of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, which was delivered at the annual conference of the... more
ΠΕΡΙ ΤΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ … «ΛΟΓΟΝ ΕΠΟΙΗΣΑΜΗΝ» Συγγραφέας: Εμμανουήλ Δουνδουλάκης Εκδόσεις: Γρηγόρη Χρόνος έκδοσης: Αύγουστος 2016 Σελίδες: 122 ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Στο βιβλίο αυτό καταχωρίζονται αδημοσίευτοι, εν πολλοίς, λόγοι... more
"Love God, Love Your Neighbor, Love the Trees: Ecological Justice in Orthodox Christianity." Published in Greek.
Το βιβλίο αναφέρεται στο Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο, το "μαρτυρικό" Φανάρι. Καταχωρίζονται έξι κείμενα του συγγραφέα που αφορούν στο πρόσωπο του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχη κ.κ. Βαρθολομαίου, όπως επίσης των προκατόχων Του, Δημητρίου και... more
Mercoledì 18 settembre 2019, anno del primo Centenario dell'istituzione dell'Eparchia degli Arbereshe dell'Italia continentale, Lungro ha vissuto la grande festa della visita del Patriarca ecumenico Bartolomeo. Cronaca di quei momenti... more
Στο πλαίσιο της παρούσας Μελέτης καταχωρίζονται βασικές οδηγίες εκφώνησης ενός κηρύγματος, ρητορικά σχήματα και ενδεικτικό παράδειγμα, υφολογικής ανάλυσης, Εκκλησιαστικών παραθεμάτων και Θεολογίας. --------------------------------- How... more
Francis' ideas owe much to the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, who has issued an annual encyclical on the environment for many years.
Круглий стіл «Патріарх Варфоломій: сучасна парадигма православної теології»
The recent initiatives of Patriarch Bartholomew I in Ukraine have had the opposite effect and have manifested themselves as the manifestation of an "Eastern Papacy" which contrasts with the Orthodox ecclesiological tradition. The American... more
This book refers to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the "martyr" Fener. There are six texts written by the author concerning the Ecumenical Patriarch. Bartholomew, as well as His predecessors, Demetrius and Athenagoras. In addition, texts... more
Pope Francis' encyclical on "Care for our common home," Laudato si', marked a turning point in the social doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. In this article I argue that the structure of the encyclical, using the "See-Judge-Act"... more
Накануне президент Петр Порошенко заявил, что достиг определенных договоренностей со Вселенским патриархом Варфоломеем об украинской автокефалии. Понятно, что подобные заявления политики такого уровня делают только тогда, когда совершенно... more
Pope Francis' encyclical on "Care for our common home," Laudato si', marked a turning point in the social doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. In this article I argue that the structure of the encyclical, using the "See-Judge-Act"... more
studenti, il personale amministrativo, i professori, la Sua presenza nel giorno dell'Inaugurazione solenne dell' Anno Accademico 2020-2021, è motivo di grande festa e rimarrà nella memoria come una vera e propria giornata storica,... more
Cari professori e studenti, Cari fratelli e sorelle, a nome della Santa Sede e a nome mio personale, estendo a voi il più cordiale saluto in occasione del conferimento del dottorato honoris causa in filosofia a Sua Santità, l' Arcivescovo... more