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How can cultural works from the distant past-such as the Middle Ages-teach us ethical modes of behavior for today? One form of ecopoetics emerges through slow practice, making the reader collaborate in the measured process of co-creating... more
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      ResiliencePilgrimageEcocriticismSlow Travel
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      Maria EdgeworthClerk's TalePatient Griselda
Griselda compuesta por el único poeta y representante Navarro Introducción, edición y notas de Guillermo Carrascón, Anejos de Artifara, UNIVERSITÀ degli STUDI di TORINO. Junto con el texto de la edición modernizada de la primera rendición... more
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      Early Modern Spanish theaterBoccaccio GriseldaSpanish Golden Age TheaterTeatro Siglo de Oro Español
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      ChaucerClerk's TalePatient Griselda