Recent papers in Pappus
Es en la esperanza de que encontrarán, gracias a este estudio, una llave general de las ciencias del futuro, es en certeza que yendo por delante, sabrán evitar el gran peligro de todas las reacciones espiritualistas: el clericalismo. Y... more
I present new support from an Arabic Symposium adaptation and theArabic
version of Pappus’ commentary on Euclid’s Elements X for, respectively, a reading in Plato’s Symposium and a pair of readings in Plato’s Laws.
version of Pappus’ commentary on Euclid’s Elements X for, respectively, a reading in Plato’s Symposium and a pair of readings in Plato’s Laws.
Peasants could also become scribes but they would have to have promise and be brought to the attention of the local nomarch or vizier. Hope would be that the family fortunes would rise with the youngsters training or apprenticeship.
The pappus is one of the most distinctive features of the genera belonging to the sunflower family, and is an efficient mechanism for dispersion by wind. The pappose Holocheilus (seven species) and the non-pappose Panphalea (nine species)... more