Recent papers in Paleoanthropogy
The Middle Stone Age (MSA) of Africa encompasses the archaeological background for the origin, early evolution and global dispersal of Homo sapiens. This dissertation project used behavioral information attained from the analysis of MSA... more
1. Yaşam Alanı Değişimleri: Ekolojik çevre değişikliği, iklim değişikliği ve beslenme koşulları değişikliği (besinlerin elde edilme yolları ve besinlerin türleri) 2. İki ayaklılığın başlattığı iskelet (kemik yapıları) değişimi 3. Bilgi... more
The Black Sea is located within a complex of high folded mountain chains of the Alpine system. This is a back-arc marginal extensional basin. Large-scale sea level changes and consequently reshaping of morphology, considerable... more
The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic burials documented at the site of El Hundido provide interesting new information concerning funerary rituals at the beginning of the Age of Metals in Iberia and the cultural connections between the... more
Course name: Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of Spain - an Introduction Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Faculty: Science and Engineering Semester: Spring 2005. Course description: This course gives an introduction into the... more
Course name: Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of Spain - an Introduction Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Faculty: Science and Engineering Semester: Spring 2005. Course description: This course gives an introduction into the... more
inVEstiGación Y tUtEla En El 150 aniVErsario dEl dEscUBrimiEnto dE la pastora serie: Historia y Geografía núm.: 243 Motivo de cubierta: Dibujo realizado por Tubino y entregado junto con la memoria sobre La Pastora, cuando hizo la primera... more
This paper introduces some of the invaluable aspects of, and new perspectives arising in, the field of zooarchaeology. Studying archaeological animal remains provides clear evidence of past human diet, but the contributions zooarchaeology... more
Monograph of MPhil. Dissertation
The western coastal zone of the Red Sea basin occupies a pivotal place in current discussions regarding hominin dispersal routes out of Africa. Its long coastal niche, which once extended into the Danakil Depression, as well as its... more
CLASE-CONFERENCIA SOBRE LA EVOLUCIÓN Materia: Filosofía de la Naturaleza Ponente: Dr. Andreas May Lugar: Instituto Teológico Verbum Dei San Pablo Apóstol Fecha, 26 de abril de 2008, 16h-19:30h Os invitamos a tres Conferencias que nos... more
Neandertals disappeared from Europe just after 40,000 years ago. Some hypotheses ascribe this to numerous population crashes associated with glacial cycles in the late Pleistocene. The goal of this paper is to test the hypothesis that... more
At the end of the 1980s, Héctor Pucciarelli and Walter Neves published the first studies analyzing the morphological affinities of early American skulls through modern multivariate statistics. Their results corroborated observations made... more
Agrigento: Settembre-ottobre 2014_Le indagini archeoantropologiche delle tombe del quartiere ellenistico-romano
ÖZ Miyosen döneme tarihlendirilen Anadolu'da 22, Yunanistan'da 30 ve İran'da 2 formasyondan ele geçen bovidlere ait taksonomik bilgiler paleobiyocoğrafik ve paleoekolojik dinamiklerle birlikte bu çalışmada analiz edilmiştir.... more
According to the raise process of primates’ generation (supreme mammals referring to the monkeys and humans, in Latin means “perfect”, “original”) i.e emerged at the Eocene period, about 46 years ago, the primitive Hominoidaes in Africa... more
Proconsul is one of the best-known catarrhine primates from the Miocene of eastern Africa. Most authorities consider it to be an early hominoid, but others contend that it might be a stem catarrhine (i.e., the sister group to Old World... more
The wide bodies of Neandertals, characterized by broad, voluminous chests, and medio-laterally (M-L) wide pelves, are commonly considered a derived condition that arose primarily as an adaptation to a strenuous lifestyle in cold,... more
Neandertals disappeared from Europe just after 40,000 years ago, and some hypotheses ascribe this to an end result of numerous population crashes associated with glacial cycles in the late Pleistocene. The goal of this paper is to test... more
Middle Stone Age South Africa GIS model Archaeology Ungulate paleoecology Migration Fossils Greater Cape Floristic Region Intra-tooth a b s t r a c t Middle Stone Age sites located within the Greater Cape Floristic Region on the South... more