Otitis Media
Recent papers in Otitis Media
A combined analysis of genomic and primary protein structure defines the phylogenetic relationship of new members of the T-box family.
The review found no convincing evidence for the effectiveness of any therapeutic or preventive homeopathic treatment for the treatment of childhood and adolescent ailments. The authors' cautious conclusions were appropriate given the... more
Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the leading bacterial pathogens causing invasive disease and noninvasive infections at both extremes of life: in children younger than 5 years and in elderly persons of 65 years or more. Pneumococcal... more
Young children with Pierre Robin sequence are at considerable risk to develop delayed or disordered communication development. This study investigated the effectiveness of early communication intervention with four young children with... more
(a) To study knowledge, attitudes and practices with respect to risk factors of otitis media in a rural South Indian Community where the prevalence of otitis media is high. (b) To discover the association between parental education,... more
Tympanosclerosis is a sequel of chronic otitis media characterized by the deposition of calcareous plaques following hyaline degeneration in the fibrous layer of the tympanic membrane and inside middle ear mucosa. It usually results from... more
Miyazis, omurgalı canlıların dokularında sinek larvalarının yerleşmesiyle oluşan infektif bir durumdur. Bu sunuda orta kulak miyazı ve etken sineklerin türlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Laboratuara % 10 formaldehit ve serum... more
Surface associated pneumococcal proteins ␣-enolase (Eno), immunoglobulin A1 protease (Iga), streptococcal lipoprotein rotamase A (SlrA), and putative proteinase maturation protein A (PpmA) have potential as candidates for future... more
Human milk provides infants with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory agents that contribute to optimal immune system function. The act of breastfeeding allows important bacterial and hormonal interactions between the... more
This study was designed to investigate the efficacy of a decongestantantihistamine preparation in combination with antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media. The effectiveness of a new Dimetapp ® (DIM) preparation was assessed in... more
Objectives/Hypothesis: Heterotopic masses of neuroglial tissue involving non-midline structures, specifically, the middle ear region, are exceptional. The pathogenesis of these lesions and, in particular, their relation to encephaloceles,... more
Statements of commitment to change are advocated both to promote and to assess continuing education interventions. Howevel; most studies of commitment to change have used self-reported outcomes, and self-reports may significantly... more
Aicardi syndrome is an X-linked-dominant condition characterized by infantile spasms, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and chorioretinal lacunae. We reviewed the Aicardi Syndrome Foundation's compilation of family-based, self-reported... more
The ototoxieity of antibiotics given either systemically or topically has been recently recognized. However, the ototoxicity of topically applied alcohols and other solvents used as vehicles for drugs has not been well recognized. One of... more
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between deep dental overbite and eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD). Design: Casecontrol study Setting: Tertiary care pediatric otolaryngology outpatient clinic at the... more
Background. About 19 million people in the United States are limited in English proficiency, but little is known about the frequency and potential clinical consequences of errors in medical interpretation.
Objective: Auditory processing disorder (APD) is characterised by listening difficulties despite a normal audiogram. APD is becoming ever more widely diagnosed in children, though there is a controversy over definition, diagnosis and... more
Increasing numbers of young children spend extended portions of their days in group care settings. However, little attention has been given to the acoustical properties of these settings and how these may affect development, particularly... more
Background: Although the epidemiology of otitis media is well-known in industrialized countries, the extent of otitis media in developing Asian countries, especially in south East Asia is not well studied. Methods: To define the burden of... more
Objective: Common techniques of tympanic membrane repair include underlay and overlay grafting. The over-under tympanoplasty, an innovative method for tympanic membrane repair, will be described as a reliable alternative that has... more
Acute respiratory infections accounts for 20–40% of outpatient and 12–35% of inpatient attendance in a general hospital. Upper respiratory tract infections including nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis media constitute... more
Complications of cholesteatoma can be of a different nature from those of other otitis media. This review aims to undertake an analysis of current literature regarding management of the complications of cholesteatoma. Despite a... more
Six lop rabbits were presented with clinical signs of otitis media or externa. The presence of disease was confirmed by computerized tomography examination, with two rabbits suffering from bilateral disease. The rabbits were anaesthetized... more
This study is based on 25 well documented reports of cases which responded well to treatment with Petroleum. Materia medica data were compared with results in contemporary clinical practice. Many patients had characteristic skin problems;... more
Definisi, Epidemiologi, Klasifikasi, Etiologi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Most osteopaths are trained in pediatric care, and osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) is available for many pediatric conditions. The objective of this systematic review was to critically evaluate the... more
Allergic rhinitis (AR), rhinosinusitis, and otitis media are among the most common health problems encountered in general practice. Although frequently trivialized, they affect the quality of life, represent a significant socioeconomic... more
No investigators have any affiliations or financial involvement (e.g., employment, consultancies, honoraria, or stock options, expert testimony, grants, or patents received or pending, or royalties) that conflict with material presented... more
Background and Objectives. Although serious complications of otitis media (OM) such as brain abscess are rare, sequelae of OM such as tympanic membrane perforation and atelectatic tympanic membrane are quite common. Inner ear sequelae can... more
Adenoids are strategically located for mediating local and regional immune functions as they are exposed to antigens from both the outside air and the alimentary tract. Recurrent or chronic respiratory infections can induce... more
The conventional antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media (AOM) faces a number of problems, including antibiotic resistance. Homeopathy has been shown to be capable of treating AOM successfully. As AOM has a high rate of spontaneous... more
Objective: To detect the most common causes of vertigo in children. Methods: Fifty-four children (20 boys and 34 girls) aged 3-16 years, who presented with vertigo attacks during a 3-year period, were studied. A detailed medical history... more
Acute Otitis Media (AOM), a viral or bacterial infection of the ear, is the most common childhood infection for which antibiotics are prescribed in the United States. In 2001, the Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center... more