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Concentrating on their presence in Borneo, the ecology and conservation of two large Southeast Asian primates, the orangutan Pongo pymaeus and the proboscis monkey Nasalis larvatus are reviewed. The former species occurs only in Borneo... more
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      Southeast AsiaWildlife ConservationPrimatesOrangutans
ABSTRACT Reintroduction is an increasingly common approach to protecting displaced wildlife and a useful conservation tool. Reintroduction is especially important for great apes, humans’ closest living biological relatives, who are... more
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      Conservation BiologyPrimatesOrangutansGreat Apes
Wild Man from Borneo offers the first comprehensive history of the human-orangutan encounter. Arguably the most humanlike of all the great apes, particularly in intelligence and behavior, the orangutan has been cherished, used, and abused... more
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      Museum StudiesAnimal StudiesEnvironmental HumanitiesAnimals in Culture
Abstract Rehabilitation centers in Indonesia and Malaysia accommodate displaced orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus and P. abelii) and aim to facilitate their release into the wild by developing in them the skills that are necessary for survival.... more
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      ZoologyPrimatologyAnimal BehaviorSexual Behavior
Previous experimental studies indicate that gaze-following is a reliable indicator of advanced cognitive capacity in social primates. Group-living primates, in particular, must navigate complex social relationships among group members and... more
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      Animal BehaviorComparative CognitionSocial behavior in animalsAnimal Cognition
Tool use in extant primates may inform our understanding of the conditions that favoured the expansion of hominin technology and material culture. The 'method of exclusion' has, arguably, confirmed the presence of culture in wild... more
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      PrimatologyAnimal BehaviorCognitionCulture
Guide may not like Google which almost know everything, but know more thing will help you when you are guiding
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      EcotourismOrangutansOrangutanTourist Guiding and Interpretation
The divergent molar characteristics of Pan troglodytes and Pongo pygmaeus provide an instructive paradigm for examining the adaptive form-function relationship between molar enamel thickness and food hardness. Although both species... more
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      Primate Functional MorphologyChimpanzeesPrimate feeding ecologyPan troglodytes
Cardiovascular disease is associated with significant mortality in zoo-housed great apes, yet little is known about its epidemiology and aetiopathogenesis, and therefore its diagnosis, treatment and prevention. In this retrospective... more
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      ChimpanzeeGorillaHeart DiseaseOrangutan
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      Tropical Peatswamp forestREDD+Orangutan
Cardiovascular disease is associated with significant mortality in zoo-housed great apes and yet little is known about its epidemiology and aetiopathogenesis, and therefore its diagnosis, treatment and prevention. In this retrospective... more
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      ZoologyEpidemiologyCardiovascular diseaseMedicine